A Decade of Distinction — FDU Magazine Summer/Fall 2009
Image: Cover - Serving Those Who Served

On the Cover

Ryan Enriquez, BA’08 (T), MPA’10 (T), formerly with the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve, is one of the many benefitting from — and helping develop — FDU’s veterans services.

























Image: President J. Michael Adams with graduate

Click here for web-exclusive content including the Commencement broadcast, greetings from the graduates and more photos.
Web-only content from FDU's 67th Commencement includes the Commencement broadcast, greetings from the graduates and photos from the event.

Postcard Image: Markiing Milestones at Wroxton



Image: Hand Cursor

Click on this symbol below to go directly to our Web-exclusive content.



Veterans Education at FDU
FDU boasts the highest number of veterans enrolled among New Jersey’s private schools. See how these students are benefitting from our national model of a veteran-friendly campus.

Click here for web-exclusive content on Veterans at FDU
Web-exclusive content includes FDU’s tradition of veterans service, AJ Luna interviewed by Lou Dobbs, and Ryan Enriquez on “Making the Most of Your Military Career.”


Wroxton 25-Year Retrospective
Nicholas Baldwin has served as dean of Wroxton College for 25 of the college’s 45 years. Look back with him on how things have changed –– and how they have stayed the same.

Click here for web-exclusive content on Bruce Springsteen and WAMFEST
Web-exclusive content includes web and video links and a virtual tour of Wroxton Abbey.


The Boss Meets the LaureateSpringsteen and Pinsky Pair for WAMFEST
In an unprecedented merging of the popular and literary arts, FDU’s WAMFEST – Words and Music Festival brought New Jersey natives Bruce Springsteen and poet Robert Pinsky together in conversation and performance.

Click here for web-exclusive content including photos, the WAMFEST blog and more
Web-exclusive content includes photos, the WAMFEST blog and more.


Intervening in Troubling Eating Trends
FDU’s psychology professor Katharine Loeb examines how parents can help in the treatment and prevention of eating disorders as well as pediatric obesity.

Image: Small hand
Web-exclusive content includes online resources and Katharine Loeb’s advice for parents


Alternate Spring Break Experience
This Web-exclusive narrative follows FDU students on spring-break service missions to a Navajo reservation; rural Manzanillo, Costa Rica; and distressed areas in Florida and Louisiana.



Alumni Profile
The Jokes Are on Them!
Arlene Judis Jamison, BA'68 (T), and Harlan Jamison, BA'68 (T)

Click here for web-exclusive content including John Pinette and others on stage at Bananas Comedy Club
Web-exclusive content includes John Pinette and others on-stage at Bananas Comedy Club.


Alumni Profile
A Portrait in Public Service
Harold “Cap” Hollenbeck, BA’61 (R)



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FDU NOW: The Campaign for Fairleigh Dickinson University

FDU Magazine is published twice yearly by the Office of Communications and Marketing, Fairleigh Dickinson University, 1000 River Road, H-DH3-14, Teaneck, N.J. 07666.

FDU Magazine welcomes your comments. E-mail Rebecca Maxon, editor, at maxon@fdu.edu.

J. Michael Adams, President; Richard Reiss, Senior Vice President for University Advancement; Angelo Carfagna, Assistant Vice President for University Advancement and Communications; Okang McBride, Director of Alumni Relations; Carol Kuzen Black, Director of Publications/Senior Editor; Rebecca Maxon, Editor and Web Designer; Nina Ovryn, Art Director

Contributors: Nicholas Baldwin, Scott Giglio, Katharine Loeb, Andrew McKay, Tom Nugent, Melissa Payton

Photo/Illustration Credits: David Brabyn, Peter Byron, Benoit Cortet, Gerard DuBois, Jaclyn Chua, Danielle Drombar, John Emerson, ETH-Bibliothek Zurich Image Archive, William Kennedy, Dan Landau, Library of Congress, Librarything, Caroline Malia, Craig Mourton, National Portrait Gallery, Art Petrosemolo, Nick Romanenko, Anassa Tullouch

For a print copy of FDU Magazine, featuring these and other stories, contact Rebecca Maxon, editor, at maxon@fdu.edu.

To update your address e-mail fine@fdu.edu or update your profile online at www.MyFDU.net.

©Copyright 2010 Fairleigh Dickinson University. All rights reserved.

Link to Article "A Sense of Mission"Link to Faculty Profile — Jason ScorzaLink to Mission Milestones & Highlights — FDU-VancouverLink to New and Enhanced FacilitiesLink to Athletics AccomplishmentsLink to A New Culture of PhilanthropyLink to FDU Alumni AssociationLink to A Message from J. Michael Adams