Pharmacy Program Faculty, Staff, Advisory Board

Executive Leadership

Administrative Support

Pharmacy Practice

Pharmaceutical Sciences

Adjunct Faculty

Experiential Education

Student Affairs and Admissions

Academic Program Support

Board of Advisors

To ensure its timely creation and ensuing success, the School of Pharmacy and Health Sciences needs:

  • A community of committed stakeholders who share the vision of expanding and improving pharmacy education to meet future requirements.
  • Partnerships with community and State pharmacy leaders who support new educational models by providing mentoring, guidance and resources for faculty and students.

The School’s Board shows the degree to which the needed partnerships are already being formed. The committed Board of Advisors represent significant areas of the pharmacy community. The group has been actively engaged in program development, publicity and outreach, fundraising, and development of practice experience course opportunities for students. They have also been invaluable in reviewing topics for courses, developing mission and vision statements, opportunities for students and faculty, and potential avenues for support.

The School of Pharmacy and Health Sciences leadership has begun to utilize its status as a global education leader to bring a unique perspective to the program through its global mission. The University’s consultative status at the United Nations will allow faculty members to develop unique educational experiences for students, both in the classroom and practical aspects of the program. Relationships are being developed with the World Health Organization and the United Nations Humanitarian Relief departments, as well as with others, to provide unique and enriching scholarly opportunities for both faculty and students. We fully expect that this area of the program will continue to develop and grow in the next several years as the program begins to establish its reputation and aligns itself closely with the connections and relationships in place throughout the University.

Board Members, a/o April 2014