Spring 2021 In-Person/Hybrid Classes – Florham Campus
Please note that only selected sections of the following courses may be offered in person and in a hybrid format. Please check Webadvisor for additional information regarding the section and modality.
ANIM 1300 |
Writing for Animation |
ANIM 1850 |
3D Computer Modeling |
ANIM 3330 |
3D Environment Modeling |
ANIM 3331 |
Logo and Product Animation |
BIOL_1010 |
Human Sexuality |
BIOL_1070 |
Ecosystem & Environ Science |
BIOL_1071 |
Ecosystem & Env Sci Lab |
BIOL_1090 |
Human Biology and Health |
BIOL_1091 |
Human Biology Lab |
BIOL_1180 |
Climate Change Biology |
BIOL_1206 |
Anatomy and Physiology II |
BIOL_1208 |
Lab: Anatomy & Physiology II |
BIOL_1233 |
Molecules, Cells & Genes |
BIOL_1234 |
LAB: Molecules, Cells & Genes |
BIOL_1235 |
Molecules, Cells & Genes Rec |
BIOL_2125 |
Microbio. for Health Sciences |
BIOL_2126 |
LAB:Micro. for Health Science |
BIOL_2204 |
Human Anatomy & Physiology II |
BIOL_2224 |
Lab: Hum Anat & Physiology II |
BIOL_3050 |
Molecular Cell Biology |
BIOL_3051 |
Lab: Molecular Cell Biology |
BIOL_3310 |
Evolution |
BIOL_3311 |
Evolution Lab |
BIOL_3327 |
Lab: General Physiology |
BIOL_3337 |
General Physiology |
BIOL_3500 |
Ornithology |
BIOL_3501 |
Lab: Ornithology |
BIOL_4100 |
Marine Ecology Lecture |
BIOL_4110 |
Marine Ecology Lab |
BIOL_4430 |
Research in Biology |
BIOL_4435 |
Research in Biology II |
BIOL_4436 |
Research in Biology III |
BIOL_4438 |
Research in Biology IV |
BIOL_4447 |
Allied Health Consortium |
BIOL_4449 |
Allied Health Consortium IV |
BIOL_4450 |
Allied Health Consortium IV |
BIOL_4470 |
Introduction to Neuroscience |
BIOL_4471 |
Lab: Intro to Neuroscience |
BIOL_4476 |
Honors Biology II |
BIOL_4498 |
Internship in Biology |
BIOL_4950 |
Biology Seminar |
CGD 3353 |
Content Marketing for Designer |
CGD 3500 |
Cartooning |
CHEM_1022 |
The Chemistry of Nutrition |
CHEM_1027 |
Chem for the Global Citizen |
CHEM_1028 |
Lab: Chem for the Global Citiz |
CHEM_1202 |
General Chemistry II |
CHEM_1204 |
LAB: General Chemistry II |
CHEM_1212 |
REC: General Chemistry II |
CHEM_2221 |
Analytical Chemistry |
CHEM_2223 |
LAB: Analytical Chemistry |
CHEM_2262 |
Organic Chemistry II |
CHEM_2264 |
LAB: Organic Chemistry II |
CHEM_3242 |
Physical Chemistry II |
CHEM_3244 |
LAB: Physical Chemistry II |
CHEM_3282 |
Biochemistry II |
CHEM_4373 |
Polymer Chemistry |
CHEM_4401 |
Chemistry Seminar |
CHEM_6663 |
Intro to Medicinal Chemistry |
CHEM_6773 |
Polymer Chemistry |
CHEM_6802 |
Research and Thesis |
CINE 1360 |
History of Television |
CINE 2004 |
War on Film |
CMLGY 1201 |
Intro to Sociology |
CMLGY 1306 |
Intro to Crime and Criminology |
CMLGY 2203 |
Research Methods in Criminology |
CMLGY 2300 |
Wrongful Convictions |
CMLGY 2307 |
Deviance and Social Control |
CMLGY 3012 |
Crisis Intervention |
CMLGY 3020 |
Race, Class and Policing |
CMLGY 3309 |
Policy Analysis |
CMLGY 3310 |
Juvenile Delinquency |
CMLGY 3317 |
Psychology and the Law |
COMM 2012 |
Intro to Television |
COMM 2099 |
Professional Communication |
COMM 2204 |
Intro to Human Communication |
COMM 3014 |
Family Communication |
COMM 3051 |
Communication and Gender |
COMM 3101 |
Research Methods |
COMM 3244 |
Public Relations Campaigns |
COMM 3248 |
Writing for Broadcast |
COMM 3341 |
Radio Management |
COMM 4007 |
Communication Theory |
CSCI 1145 |
Computer Science Fundamentals |
CSCI 2100 |
Mobile App Development |
CSCI 2216 |
Intro Computer Science II |
CSCI 2233 |
Data Structures & Algorithms |
CSCI 3157 |
Cybersecurity |
CSCI 3269 |
Intro Data Mining |
CSCI 3312 |
Theory of Computing |
CSCI 3869 |
Network Security |
CSCI 4391 |
Senior Project I |
CSCI 4392 |
Senior Project II |
CSCI 4489 |
Advanced Game Programming |
CSCI 5526 |
Intro Computer Science II |
CSCI 5555 |
Data Structures |
CSCI 6761 |
Automata Theory |
CSCI 6830 |
Spec Topics: Blockchain Tech |
CSCI 6865 |
Computer Security |
CSCI 6869 |
Network Security |
CSCI 6880 |
Data Mining |
CSCI 7789 |
Advanced Game Programming |
DAN 2021 |
Ballet I |
DAN 2505 |
Dance II |
FREN 1001 |
Beginning French I |
FREN 1002 |
Beginning French II |
FREN 1008 |
French Practicum II |
GOVT 2216 |
Current Events in Politics |
GOVT 2216 |
Current Events in Politics (FIS seats) |
HIST 1151 |
World History Since 1500 |
HIST 1151 |
World History Since 1500 (FIS seats) |
HIST 2400 |
Indian Ocean |
HIST 3352 |
US as Global Power (1898-1945) |
ITAL 1001 |
Beginning Italian I |
ITAL 1002 |
Beginning Italian II |
ITAL 1008 |
Italian Practicum I |
ITAL 1008 |
Italian Practicum II |
JAPN 1002 |
Beginning Japanese II |
JAPN 1008 |
Japanese Practicum II |
JAPN 3015 |
Japanese Culture through Film |
LITS 1004 |
Literature and Pop Cult |
LITS 2031 |
The English Language |
LITS 2401 |
Young Adult Literature |
LITS 3213 |
Shakespeare I |
Math 0298 |
Algebra Skills |
Math 0299 |
Lab: Algebra Skills |
Math 1100 |
Intermediate Algebra |
Math 1105 |
College Algebra |
Math 1107 |
Precalculus |
Math 1126 |
Contemporary Math |
Math 1128 |
Math Methods |
Math 1131 |
College Math I |
Math 1133 |
Applied Statistics |
Math 1155 |
Math Ideas |
Math 1203 |
Calculus I |
Math 2202 |
Calculus II |
MATH 3269 |
Intro Data Mining |
Math 3305 |
Advanced Probability |
Math 3312 |
Theory of Computing |
Math 3318 |
Differential Equations |
MCOM 6006 |
Research Methods |
PHED 1113 |
Golf |
PHED 1133 |
Personal Fitness |
PHED 1137 |
Weight Training |
PHED 1147 |
Lap Swimming |
PHED 1160 |
Yogalates |
PHED 1161 |
Walking/Jogging |
PHED 4463 |
Tai Chi |
PHIL 1102 |
Intro to Philosophy |
PHIL 1103 |
Ethics |
PHIL 1103 |
Ethics |
PHIL 1440 |
Bio-Medical Ethics |
PHIL 2008 |
Ethical Issues in the Movies |
PHIL 2102 |
Space and Time |
PHIL 2777 |
Formal Logic |
PHYS_1025 |
LAB: Astronomy |
PHYS_1026 |
LAB: Earth Physics |
PHYS_1125 |
Astronomy |
PHYS_1126 |
Earth Physics |
PHYS_1201 |
Physics for the Global Citizen |
PHYS_1202 |
Lab: Physics for the Glob Citi |
PHYS_2102 |
General Physics II |
PHYS_2202 |
LAB: Physics II |
PHYS_2204 |
University Physics II |
PHYS_2250 |
Electronics I |
PHYS_2251 |
Electronics I Lab |
PSYC 3317 |
Psychology and the Law |
SOCI 1201 |
Intro to Sociology |
SOCI 1201 |
Intro to Sociology (FIS seats) |
SOCI 1201 |
Intro to Sociology |
SOCI 2810 |
Social Problems in Contemporary World |
SPAN 1001 |
Beginning Spanish I |
SPAN 1002 |
Beginning Spanish II |
SPAN 1008 |
Spanish Practicum II |
SPAN 2104 |
Intermediate Spanish II |
SPCH 1107 |
Fundamentals of Speech |
THEA 3336 |
Acting for Film and TV |
WRIT 1001 |
Introduction to Composition |
WRIT 1002 |
Comp I: Rhetoric and Inquiry |
WRIT 1003 |
Comp II Avengers |
WRIT 1003 |
Comp II Baseball |
WRIT 1003 |
Comp II Honors |
HRTM 2234.61 |
Conventions & Trade Show Management |
HRTM 3108.31B |
Nutrition, Sanitation & Food Safety |
HRTM 3250.61 |
Club Management |
HRTM 3254.51 |
Global Event Etiquette |
HRTM 4109.31 |
Analyzing & Developing Accommodations |
SPAD 2014 |
Ethical issues in sports |
SPAD 2016 |
Stress management |
SPAD 2021 |
Strength & Conditioning |
SPAD 3003 |
Sports and Society |
NURS 2005 |
Prof. Communication Skills |
NURS 2007 |
Pharmacotherapeutics |
NURS 2600 31 |
Foundations |
NURS 2601 |
Lab Foundations |
NURS 3600 |
Women’s’ Health |
NURS 3650 |
Child/Families |
NURS 4600 |
Adult II |
NURS 6501 |
Advanced Psych Theory-Families/Children |
NURS 6620 |
Advanced Health Assessment |
NURS 6621 |
Lab Advanced Health Assessment |
ACCT 2022* |
Intro Managerial Accounting |
ACCT 3342 |
Intermediate Fin. Accounting II |
ACCT 3390 |
Accounting Info Systems |
ECON 2102 |
Introduction to Macroeconomics |
MGMT 3700 |
Human Resources Management |
MGMT 4730 |
Strategic HRM |
WMA 2211 |
Intro to Wealth Management |
WMA 4350 |
Investment Planning |
PHRM6111.91 |
HRTM 3209.31 |
Human Resource Management |
PHRM6111.92 |
PHRM6111.93 |
PHRM7112.91 |
PHRM7112.92 |
PHRM7112.93 |
PHRM7202.91 |
PHRM7202.92 |
PHRM7202.93 |
PHRM8112.91 |
PHRM8112.92 |
PHRM8112.93 |
PSYC 3306 31 |
Psychology of Aging |
UNIV_1002_32 |
Preparing for Professional Life |
UNIV_1002_323 |
Preparing for Professional Life |
UNIV_1002_34 |
Preparing for Professional Life |
UNIV_1002_3C |
Preparing for Professional Life |
UNIV_1002_3E |
Preparing for Professional Life |
UNIV_1002_3H |
Preparing for Professional Life |
UNIV_1002_318 |
Preparing for Professional Life |