Metro Campus This Month

To submit an event, contact Mary Ann Bautista at

February 2025

1 Sat.–28 Fri.; Book Display, “Remembering the Holocaust: 80 Years Later,” in recognition of 80th anniversary of the liberation of the German Nazi concentration and extermination camp Auschwitz-Birkenau in Poland; Periodicals, First Floor, Metropolitan Campus Library, Mon.–Thu., 8 a.m.–11 p.m.; Fri., 8 a.m.–5 p.m.; Sat., 10 a.m.–6 p.m.; Sun., 2–10 p.m., free, for information  email

3 Mon.; Last Day for New Registrations and Final Drop/Add Changes.

3 Mon.–4/30 Wed.; Hispanic Center Exhibit, “Home,” exploring the idea of home through art and text, students showcase their artwork and read excerpts of their writing as they relate to the concept of home, cosponsored by Hispanic Center, Center for First-Generation Scholars, Programs in English for Academic and Professional Success and School of the Arts; Hispanic Center, Fourth Floor, Robison Hall, Mon.–Fri., 9 a.m.–5 p.m., free, for information email

3 Mon.; Unleash Your Unique, The Written Path: A Creative Journaling Workshop, sponsored by Transforming College Campuses (TCC); TCC Lounge, Third Floor, Robison Hall, 11:30 a.m., free, for information email, for FDU community only.

3 Mon.; Unleash Your Unique, Zumba: Move and Groove, led by Vidhi Thakkar, graduate assistant, Transforming College Campuses (TCC), for all abilities, cosponsored by Fitness Center and TCC; Fitness Center, 12:30 p.m., free, limited to 12 participants, arrive early to reserve spot, for information email, for FDU community only.

3 Mon.; Self-care Club, “Welcome Back! Spring Semester,” beginning and planning semester well, being social OR sociable (?) at FDU, chat with fellow undergraduate students and graduate group facilitators, sponsored by Transforming College Campuses (TCC); TCC Lounge, Third Floor, Robison Hall, 1 p.m., free, for information email, for FDU students only.

3 Mon.; CommuniTEA, Black, White and Green Tea, deeper understanding of wellness through tea, participants interact through medium of tea culture and appreciation to promote self-care, sponsored by Transforming College Campuses (TCC); TCC Lounge, Third Floor, Robison Hall, 2:30 p.m., free, for information email, for FDU community only.

3 Mon.; Unleash Your Unique, Art with a Sparkle: Diamond Painting 101, sponsored by Transforming College Campuses (TCC); TCC Lounge, Third Floor, Robison Hall, 4 p.m., free, for information email, for FDU community only.

3 Mon.; FDU LGBTQ+ Alumni Happy Hour, join fellow FDU alumni for night out; meet members of the LGBTQ+ Chapter, find out more about the chapter and how to join; and learn about opportunities to get involved in alumni activities, sponsored by LGBTQ+ Alumni Chapter; Main Bar, 1776 Morristown, 67 E Park Place, Morristown, N.J., 5–7 p.m., $25 (includes gourmet pizzas and one house wine or beer), registration necessary, for information call 201-692-7106, email or go to FDU LGBTQ+ Alumni Happy Hour, for alumni and guests 21 years old and up.

3 Mon.; Virtual Open House, Master of Public Health (MPH) Program, includes overview and Q&A session with MPH faculty; Zoom, 7 p.m. EST, free, registration necessary, for information email or call 973-443-8230.

4 Tue.; Monthly Tabling, information on student wellness services (SWS) and its activities, sponsored by SWS; Greg Olsen Student Union, noon–2 p.m., free, for information call 201-692-2437, for FDU students only.

4 Tue.; Unleash Your Unique, Hands On: Introduction to Sign Language, sponsored by Transforming College Campuses (TCC); TCC Lounge, Third Floor, Robison Hall, 2:30 p.m., free, for information email, for FDU community only.

4 Tue.; Markets Update, Jon Budish, BA’77, MBA’85 (Flor), business faculty and founder, Budish Group, sponsored by Professional Development Program, Silberman College of Business; Bloomberg Lab, Room 2249, Second Floor, Dickinson Hall, 3–4 p.m., free, for information email, for FDU students only.

4 Tue.; Black History Month, Documentary and Discussion, “African Americans: Many Rivers to Cross — Rise!” examines long road to Civil Rights, when deep contradictions in American society finally became unsustainable, moderated by Michael Cotto, humanities (Metro), cosponsored by Maxwell Becton College of Arts and Sciences and FDU libraries; Hassan Orangerie, Monninger Center for Learning and Research, and via Zoom, 3–4:45 p.m.; Discussion follows, free, registration necessary, for information email or go to African Americans: Many Rivers to Cross — Rise!, for FDU community only.

4 Tue.; Unleash Your Unique, Virtual Discussion, “The Many Faces of Leadership: A Deep Dive Into Leadership Styles,” explore diverse approaches to leadership and how different styles can inspire, guide and impact teams, led by Michael Saffer, education (Metro),  sponsored by Transforming College Campuses; Room 312, Bancroft Hall, and via Zoom, 4 p.m., free, for information email, for FDU community only.

5 Wed.–12 Wed.; Black History Month Pop Up Art Exhibition, featuring various works by FDU student artists, curated by George Taylor, Becton College, and Marie Roberts, fine arts; University Hall Art Gallery, Room 11, University Hall, Mon.–Thu., 9 a.m.–5 p.m.; Fri. by appointment; 12 Wed., Closing Reception, 2 p.m., free, for information email

5 Wed.; Virtual Information Session, Regional Center for Learning Disabilities, for parents, prospective students and high-school teachers/staff; Zoom, 10 a.m., free, registration necessary to receive Zoom link, to register and for information call 201-692-2716 or email

5 Wed.; February Book Tasting Club, calm, no-pressure space to share favorite reads or to listen to recommendations for what to read next, no required reading, sponsored by FDU libraries; Zoom, noon–1 p.m., free, registration necessary to receive Zoom link, for information go to FDU Libraries Book Tasting Club, for FDU community only.

5 Wed.; Buddies of New Jersey Onsite Mobile Unit for HIV Testing and PrEP (Pre-exposure Prophylaxis), cosponsored by Buddies of New Jersey, Inc. and student wellness services; In front of Greg Olsen Student Union, noon–4 p.m., free, for information call 201-349-6790, for FDU community only.

5 Wed.; Wisdom Wednesday Series, Leadership, “Self-reflection on Our Own Leadership,” how do you lead and what informs your leadership style, participants reflect on how their beliefs, values and assumptions guide their decisions and actions as leaders, inspired by 2024 TEDNext Conference, presented by Division of Student Affairs; Zoom, 12:15 p.m., free, for information email, for FDU faculty and staff only.

5 Wed.; Well-being Wednesdays, Girls and Women in Sports Day, living a healthy and well-balanced life, sponsored by Transforming College Campuses; Greg Olsen Student Union, noon–3 p.m., free, for information email, for FDU community only.

5 Wed.; Unleash Your Unique, Embroidery for Newbies, sponsored by Transforming College Campuses (TCC); TCC Lounge, Third Floor, Robison Hall, 1 p.m., free, for information email, for FDU community only.

5 Wed.; Self-care Club, “Welcome Back! Spring Semester,” beginning and planning semester well, being social at FDU, chat with fellow undergraduate students and graduate group facilitators, sponsored by Transforming College Campuses (TCC); TCC Lounge, Third Floor, Robison Hall, 2 p.m., free, for information email, for FDU students only.

5 Wed.; Virtual Information Session, MSN Entry-to-RN Practice, sponsored by Henry P. Becton School of Nursing and Allied Health; Zoom, 2–3 p.m., free, for information email

5 Wed.; Unleash Your Unique, Getting Hooked: Learn to Crochet, sponsored by Transforming College Campuses (TCC); TCC Lounge, Third Floor, Robison Hall, 3 p.m., free, for information email, for FDU community only.

5 Wed.; Meditation/Mindfulness Group via Zoom, Charles Imbimbo, psychological counselor, Office of Mental and Emotional Wellbeing (OMEW) (Metro), sponsored by OMEW (formerly S-CAPS); Zoom, 4 p.m., free, for information call 201-692-2174 or email, for FDU community only.

5 Wed.; Unleash Your Unique, Painting Without the Pressure: Paint by Numbers for Beginners, sponsored by Transforming College Campuses (TCC); TCC Lounge, Third Floor, Robison Hall, 4 p.m., free, for information email, for FDU community only.

5 Wed.; Unleash Your Unique, Root to Rise: Yoga for Every Body, led by Anna Wang, international data coordinator, international/graduate admissions, for all abilities, collaboration between Transforming College Campuses and Fitness Center; Fitness Center, 5:15 p.m., free, for information email, for FDU community only.

5 Wed.; Unleash Your Unique, Virtual Session, “Calm Your Mind: Introduction to Meditation,” sponsored by Transforming College Campuses; Zoom, 8 p.m., free, for information email, for FDU community only.

6 Thu.; Unleash Your Unique, Start Strong: Strength Training Essentials, led by Scott Fisher, director, Fitness Center, for all abilities — beginner or experienced — interested in learning how to get started or wanting to improve quality of strength/resistance-training workouts; topics covered include exercises for specific muscle groups, sets and reps needed to achieve goals and concept of functional fitness, cosponsored by Fitness Center and Transforming College Campuses; Fitness Center, 8:30 a.m., free, wear nonrestrictive clothing, limited to 12 participants, for information email, for FDU community only.

6 Thu.; Unleash Your Unique, A Sunny Day Stroll: Walk and Talk, cosponsored by Fitness Center and Transforming College Campuses; Fitness Center, noon, free, for information email, for FDU community only.

6 Thu.; Virtual Information Session, Undergraduate/Entry-level Nursing, sponsored by Henry P. Becton School of Nursing and Allied Health; Zoom, noon–1 p.m., free, for information email

6 Thu.; Workshop, The Power of Allyship,” explore identity, challenge masculinity stereotypes and uncover one’s purpose through interactive reflection and discussion, presented by Student Wellness Services and Metro student life; Multipurpose Room, Greg Olsen Student Union, noon–1 p.m., free, registration necessary, for information email, for FDU staff and students only.

6 Thu.; Unleash Your Unique, Crafting Clean: A Soap-making Adventure, sponsored by Transforming College Campuses (TCC); TCC Lounge, Third Floor, Robison Hall, 1 p.m., free, for information email, for FDU community only.

6 Thu.; Virtual Information Session, Allied Health, Health Studies and Phlebotomy, sponsored by Henry P. Becton School of Nursing and Allied Health; Zoom, 1–2 p.m., free, for information email

6 Thu.; Unleash Your Unique, Art in Paper: Discover Chinese Papercut Traditions, sponsored by Transforming College Campuses (TCC); TCC Lounge, Third Floor, Robison Hall, 4 p.m., free, for information email, for FDU community only.

6 Thu.; Unleash Your Unique, Virtual Session, “From Verse to Vision: Unpacking the Power of Songs and Poetry,” sponsored by Transforming College Campuses; Zoom, 6 p.m., free, for information email, for FDU community only.

7 Fri.; Unleash Your Unique, Virtual Session, Breathe and Be: 10-minute Meditation, sponsored by Transforming College Campuses; Zoom, 11:30 a.m., free, for information email, for FDU community only.

7 Fri.; Friday Knights @ Greg’s, Trivia Night, cosponsored by student life and Transforming College Campuses; Greg Olsen Student Union, 8 p.m., free, for information email, for FDU students only.

8 Sat.; Master of Social Work (MSW) Virtual Information Session, program overview and Q&A session with program director and faculty; Zoom, 10–11:30 a.m. EST, free, registration necessary, for information email

10 Mon.; Unleash Your Unique, The Written Path: A Creative Journaling Workshop, sponsored by Transforming College Campuses (TCC); TCC Lounge, Third Floor, Robison Hall, 11:30 a.m., free, for information email, for FDU community only.

10 Mon.; Unleash Your Unique, Zumba: Move and Groove, led by Vidhi Thakkar, graduate assistant, Transforming College Campuses (TCC), for all abilities, cosponsored by Fitness Center and TCC; Fitness Center, 12:30 p.m., free, limited to 12 participants, arrive early to reserve spot, for information email, for FDU community only.

10 Mon.; CommuniTEA, Cinnamon Tea, deeper understanding of wellness through tea, participants interact through medium of tea culture and appreciation to promote self-care, sponsored by Transforming College Campuses (TCC); TCC Lounge, Third Floor, Robison Hall, 2:30 p.m., free, for information email, for FDU community only.

10 Mon.; Unleash Your Unique, Art with a Sparkle: Diamond Painting 101, sponsored by Transforming College Campuses (TCC); TCC Lounge, Third Floor, Robison Hall, 4 p.m., free, for information email, for FDU community only.

10 Mon.; Self-care Club, “Self Care,” discuss stressors and self-care techniques with fellow undergraduate students and graduate group facilitators, sponsored by Transforming College Campuses (TCC); TCC Lounge, Third Floor, Robison Hall, 1 p.m., free, for information email, for FDU students only.

10 Mon.; Online Library Workshop, “Introduction to Using Generative AI for Research for Faculty,” potential uses of generative AI in academic research for faculty, drawbacks and ethical considerations of using these tool, Angelina Carney, research and instruction librarian, Metropolitan Campus Library; Zoom, 4–4:45 p.m. EST, free, registration necessary, for information email or go to Upcoming Library Events and Workshops, for FDU community only.

11 Tue.; Open House, Master of Healthcare Administration (MHA) Degree, Master of Public Administration (MPA) Degree with Specialization in Healthcare Management and Certificate in Health Care Management; Certificates in Healthcare Management; Cafeteria, Clara Maass Medical Center, One Clara Maass Drive, Belleville, N.J., 11 a.m.–2 p.m., free, for information email or go to Master of Healthcare Administration or Master of Public Administration.

11 Tue.; Unleash Your Unique, Hands On: Introduction to Sign Language, sponsored by Transforming College Campuses (TCC); TCC Lounge, Third Floor, Robison Hall, 2:30 p.m., free, for information email, for FDU community only.

11 Tue.; Markets Update, Jon Budish, BA’77, MBA’85 (Flor), business faculty and founder, Budish Group, sponsored by Professional Development Program, Silberman College of Business; Bloomberg Lab, Room 2249, Second Floor, Dickinson Hall, 3–4 p.m., free, for information email, for FDU students only.

11 Tue.; Unleash Your Unique, Virtual Discussion, “The Many Faces of Leadership: A Deep Dive Into Leadership Styles,” explore diverse approaches to leadership and how different styles can inspire, guide and impact teams, led by Michael Saffer, education (Metro),  sponsored by Transforming College Campuses; Room 312, Bancroft Hall, and via Zoom, 4 p.m., free, for information email, for FDU community only.

11 Tue.; Online Library Workshop, Is It Fake News? How Celebrities Manipulate the Media Cycle,” learn vital skills in navigating the news cycle, as well as how and why information is created, used and spread, Colleen Fischer, research and instruction librarian, Metropolitan Campus Library; Zoom, 4–5 p.m. EST, free, registration necessary, for information email or go to Upcoming Library Events and Workshops, for FDU community only.

11 Tue.; Workshop, “Self Love,” Aysha Khawaja, psychological counselor, student affairs, sponsored by student wellness services; Multipurpose Room, Greg Olsen Student Union, 4–5 p.m., free, for information call 201-692-2437, for FDU students only.

11 Tue.; Virtual Information Session, Center for Dyslexia Studies Structured Literacy/Orton-Gillingham Teacher Training Program, next program begins in fall 2025 at FDU Center for Dyslexia Studies (Metropolitan Campus); Zoom, 4:30 p.m., free, to RSVP or for additional information call 201-692-2816 or email

12 Wed.; Well-being Wednesdays, Explore the Possibilities, living a healthy and well-balanced life, sponsored by Transforming College Campuses; Greg Olsen Student Union, noon–3 p.m., free, for information email, for FDU community only.

12 Wed.; Wisdom Wednesday Series, Leadership, “VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity,” key issues in your work world and how do different challenges interrelate, provides lens through which organizations can interpret their challenges and opportunities, inspired by 2024 TEDNext Conference, presented by Division of Student Affairs; Zoom, 12:15 p.m., free, for information email, for FDU faculty and staff only.

12 Wed.; Faculty Colloquium, “Can Women’s Groups Transform Maternal Health?” Abiola Adeniyi, health/human services (Van), sponsored by School of Public and Global Affairs; Zoom, 1 p.m. EST, free, for information email

12 Wed.; Unleash Your Unique, Embroidery for Newbies, sponsored by Transforming College Campuses (TCC); TCC Lounge, Third Floor, Robison Hall, 1 p.m., free, for information email, for FDU community only.

12 Wed.; Self-care Club, “Self Care,” discuss stressors and self-care techniques with fellow undergraduate students and graduate group facilitators, sponsored by Transforming College Campuses (TCC); TCC Lounge, Third Floor, Robison Hall, 2 p.m., free, for information email, for FDU students only.

12 Wed.; Unleash Your Unique, Getting Hooked: Learn to Crochet, sponsored by Transforming College Campuses (TCC); TCC Lounge, Third Floor, Robison Hall, 3 p.m., free, for information email, for FDU community only.

12 Wed.; Meditation/Mindfulness Group via Zoom, Charles Imbimbo, psychological counselor, Office of Mental and Emotional Wellbeing (OMEW) (Metro), sponsored by OMEW (formerly S-CAPS); Zoom, 4 p.m., free, for information call 201-692-2174 or email, for FDU community only.

12 Wed.; Unleash Your Unique, Painting Without the Pressure: Paint by Numbers for Beginners, sponsored by Transforming College Campuses (TCC); TCC Lounge, Third Floor, Robison Hall, 4 p.m., free, for information email, for FDU community only.

12 Wed.; Online Library Workshop, “Searching Newspaper Databases,” basic primer on identifying different types of newspaper articles, how to evaluate those articles for bias and demonstration of searching selection of newspaper databases through library’s website, Patty Miraglilo, research and instruction librarian, Metropolitan Campus Library; Zoom, 4–5 p.m. EST, free, registration necessary, for information email or go to Upcoming Library Events and Workshops, for FDU community only.

12 Wed.; Unleash Your Unique, Root to Rise: Yoga for Every Body, led by Anna Wang, international data coordinator, international/graduate admissions, for all abilities, collaboration between Transforming College Campuses and Fitness Center; Fitness Center, 5:15 p.m., free, for information email, for FDU community only.

12 Wed.; Black History Month, Virtual Film Screening and Discussion, “Judas and the Black Messiah,” betrayal of Fred Hampton (played by Oscar winner Daniel Kaluuya), chairman of the Illinois chapter of the Black Panther Party in late-1960s Chicago, by William O’Neal (played by LaKeith Stanfield), an FBI informant; moderated by Michael Cotto, humanities (Metro), cosponsored by Maxwell Becton College of Arts and Sciences and FDU libraries; Zoom, 7–9 p.m.; Discussion follows, free, registration necessary, for information email or go to Judas and the Black Messiah, for FDU community only.

12 Wed.; Unleash Your Unique, Virtual Session, “Calm Your Mind: Introduction to Meditation,” sponsored by Transforming College Campuses; Zoom, 8 p.m., free, for information email, for FDU community only.

13 Thu.; Unleash Your Unique, Start Strong: Strength Training Essentials, led by Scott Fisher, director, Fitness Center, for all abilities — beginner or experienced — interested in learning how to get started or wanting to improve quality of strength/resistance-training workouts; topics covered include exercises for specific muscle groups, sets and reps needed to achieve goals and concept of functional fitness, cosponsored by Fitness Center and Transforming College Campuses; Fitness Center, 8:30 a.m., free, wear nonrestrictive clothing, limited to 12 participants, for information email, for FDU community only.

13 Thu.; Open House, Master of Healthcare Administration (MHA) Degree and Master of Public Administration (MPA) Degree with Specialization in Healthcare Management and Certificate in Health Care Management; Cafeteria, Valley Hospital, 4 Valley Health Plaza, Paramus, N.J., 11 a.m.–2 p.m., free, for information email or go to Master of Healthcare Administration or Master of Public Administration.

13 Thu.; Unleash Your Unique, A Sunny Day Stroll: Walk and Talk, cosponsored by Fitness Center and Transforming College Campuses; Fitness Center, noon, free, for information email, for FDU community only.

13 Thu.; Unleash Your Unique, Crafting Clean: A Soap-making Adventure, sponsored by Transforming College Campuses (TCC); TCC Lounge, Third Floor, Robison Hall, 1 p.m., free, for information email, for FDU community only.

13 Thu.; Unleash Your Unique, Art in Paper: Discover Chinese Papercut Traditions, sponsored by Transforming College Campuses (TCC); TCC Lounge, Third Floor, Robison Hall, 4 p.m., free, for information email, for FDU community only.

13 Thu.; Biology Seminar, “Modulation of Circulating Lipoprotein Levels by the Secretory Pathway,” Vi Tang, research fellow, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Mass., sponsored by biological sciences; Room 1144, Dickinson Hall, 5:30–6:30 p.m., free, for information call 201-692-2391.

13 Thu.; Unleash Your Unique, Virtual Session, “From Verse to Vision: Unpacking the Power of Songs and Poetry,” sponsored by Transforming College Campuses; Zoom, 6 p.m., free, for information email, for FDU community only.

13 Thu.; Fiesta de Cultura: Hispanic Heritage Night, food trucks, music, performances and cultural celebration, cosponsored by student life, Hispanic Center, alumni relations and athletics; Bogota Savings Bank Center, 6 p.m.; Knights vs. Chicago State Cougars Men’s Basketball Game, 7 p.m., $5 for both events, free food/swag/game ticket for FDU faculty, staff and students with ID, for information email

13 Thu.; FDU Alumni Pregame Reception and Knights Basketball Game, join fellow alumni at pregame reception, celebrate Hispanic Heritage Night and cheer on Knights men’s basketball team; Bogota Savings Bank Center, Reception 6 p.m. (on Court 1 underneath “Champions Live Here” sign), Knights Men’s Basketball vs. Chicago State Cougars 7 p.m., $15 (includes general admission ticket and access to pregame reception with catered food, drinks and FDU gift), registration necessary, for information call 201-692-7106 or email, for FDU alumni and guests only.

13 Thu.; Virtual Writing Studio Workshop, “Academic Writing and the Annotated Bibliography,” purpose and use of annotated bibliography, provides blend of information with useful links and references to help students with research skills, Paul Caruso, tutor, Metro Writing Studio, sponsored by Metro Writing Studio; Zoom, 6:30–8 p.m. EST (log in 10 minutes prior to start of session), free, for information call 201-692-2166, email or go to Metro Writing Studio, for FDU community only.

14 Fri.; Unleash Your Unique, Virtual Session, Breathe and Be: 10-minute Meditation, sponsored by Transforming College Campuses; Zoom, 11:30 a.m., free, for information email, for FDU community only.

14 Fri.; Friday Knights @ Greg’s, Film Screening, “Wicked,” cosponsored by student life and Transforming College Campuses; Greg Olsen Student Union, 8 p.m., free, for information email, for FDU students only.

17 Mon.; Unleash Your Unique, The Written Path: A Creative Journaling Workshop, sponsored by Transforming College Campuses (TCC); TCC Lounge, Third Floor, Robison Hall, 11:30 a.m., free, for information email, for FDU community only.

17 Mon.; Unleash Your Unique, Zumba: Move and Groove, led by Vidhi Thakkar, graduate assistant, Transforming College Campuses (TCC), for all abilities, cosponsored by Fitness Center and TCC; Fitness Center, 12:30 p.m., free, limited to 12 participants, arrive early to reserve spot, for information email, for FDU community only.

17 Mon.; Self-care Club, “Gratitude,” reflect on people they appreciate with fellow undergraduate students and graduate group facilitators, sponsored by Transforming College Campuses (TCC); TCC Lounge, Third Floor, Robison Hall, 1 p.m., free, for information email, for FDU students only.

17 Mon.; CommuniTEA, Peppermint Tea, deeper understanding of wellness through tea, participants interact through medium of tea culture and appreciation to promote self-care, sponsored by Transforming College Campuses (TCC); TCC Lounge, Third Floor, Robison Hall, 2:30 p.m., free, for information email, for FDU community only.

17 Mon.; Unleash Your Unique, Art with a Sparkle: Diamond Painting 101, sponsored by Transforming College Campuses (TCC); TCC Lounge, Third Floor, Robison Hall, 4 p.m., free, for information email, for FDU community only.

17 Mon.; Online Library Workshop, “Research Basics for Undergraduate English for Professional Success (EPS) Students,” research tools available through library website, common stages of research process, citation tools and how to improve search process; learn about library’s Language Translation Applications page with tools that can assist in translating websites, databases and PDFs; Michele Nestory, reference and instruction librarian, Metropolitan Campus Library; Zoom, 4–5 p.m. EST, free (qualifies for EPS academic credit), registration necessary, for information email or go to Upcoming Library Events and Workshops, for FDU community only.

18 Tue.; TIAA On-campus Individual Counseling, Joseph Del Grande, TIAA financial consultant, sponsored by human resources; Room 3333, Third Floor, Dickinson Hall, 9 a.m.–5 p.m., free, by appointment, for appointment and information call 201-498-8306 or email, for FDU faculty and staff only.

18 Tue.; Unleash Your Unique, Hands On: Introduction to Sign Language, sponsored by Transforming College Campuses (TCC); TCC Lounge, Third Floor, Robison Hall, 2:30 p.m., free, for information email, for FDU community only.

18 Tue.; Markets Update, Jon Budish, BA’77, MBA’85 (Flor), business faculty and founder, Budish Group, sponsored by Professional Development Program, Silberman College of Business; Bloomberg Lab, Room 2249, Second Floor, Dickinson Hall, 3–4 p.m., free, for information email, for FDU students only.

18 Tue.; Black History Month, A Conversation with Fairleigh Dickinson Students, students from AFAM1100/HUMN1201 Introduction to African American Studies discuss Black resilience and resistance in terms of Civil Rights and Black Power movements; examine issues/problems that movements attempted to address racial segregation, voter suppression, police brutality, state violence, economic inequality and more; moderated by Michael Cotto, humanities (Metro), cosponsored by Maxwell Becton College of Arts and Sciences and FDU libraries; Hassan Orangerie, Monninger Center for Learning and Research, and via Zoom, 3–5 p.m., free, registration necessary, for information email or go to A Conversation with Fairleigh Dickinson Students, for FDU community only.

18 Tue.; Unleash Your Unique, Virtual Discussion, “The Many Faces of Leadership: A Deep Dive Into Leadership Styles,” explore diverse approaches to leadership and how different styles can inspire, guide and impact teams, led by Michael Saffer, education (Metro),  sponsored by Transforming College Campuses; Room 312, Bancroft Hall, and via Zoom, 4 p.m., free, for information email, for FDU community only.

19 Wed.; Information Session, Regional Center for Learning Disabilities, for parents, prospective students and high-school teachers/staff; Regional Center Office, Fifth Floor, Robison Hall, 10 a.m., free, limited seating, registration necessary, to register and for information call 201-692-2716 or email

19 Wed.; Lunch and Learn — Recruiting Fair Prep Session, Paige Soltano, director of placement/outreach, Silberman College of Business, will share tips on how to maximize career fair experience and how to stand out in the crowd; topics covered include: having the perfect résumé, proper attire, 30-second commercial, networking tips and navigating a career fair; PDP points awarded to Silberman College of Business students who attend, sponsored by Professional Development Program, Silberman College of Business; Room 2178, Dickinson Hall, noon, free, for information email, for FDU students only.

19 Wed.; Well-being Wednesdays, FDU Gratitude, living a healthy and well-balanced life, sponsored by Transforming College Campuses; Greg Olsen Student Union, noon–3 p.m., free, for information email, for FDU community only.

19 Wed.; Wisdom Wednesday Series, Leadership, “Team Diagnostic Tips,” factors to consider when leading a team, strategies to properly assess one’s team and effectively respond to unique needs, inspired by 2024 TEDNext Conference, presented by Division of Student Affairs; Zoom, 12:15 p.m., free, for information email, for FDU faculty and staff only.

19 Wed.; Unleash Your Unique, Embroidery for Newbies, sponsored by Transforming College Campuses (TCC); TCC Lounge, Third Floor, Robison Hall, 1 p.m., free, for information email, for FDU community only.

19 Wed.; Self-care Club, “Gratitude,” reflect on people they appreciate with fellow undergraduate students and graduate group facilitators, sponsored by Transforming College Campuses (TCC); TCC Lounge, Third Floor, Robison Hall, 2 p.m., free, for information email, for FDU students only.

19 Wed.; Unleash Your Unique, Getting Hooked: Learn to Crochet, sponsored by Transforming College Campuses (TCC); TCC Lounge, Third Floor, Robison Hall, 3 p.m., free, for information email, for FDU community only.

19 Wed.; Meditation/Mindfulness Group via Zoom, Charles Imbimbo, psychological counselor, Office of Mental and Emotional Wellbeing (OMEW) (Metro), sponsored by OMEW (formerly S-CAPS); Zoom, 4 p.m., free, for information call 201-692-2174 or email, for FDU community only.

19 Wed.; Unleash Your Unique, Painting Without the Pressure: Paint by Numbers for Beginners, sponsored by Transforming College Campuses (TCC); TCC Lounge, Third Floor, Robison Hall, 4 p.m., free, for information email, for FDU community only.

19 Wed.; Online Library Workshop, “Research Basics for English as a Second Language (ESL) Students,” web-translation tools available to help translate websites, databases and PDFs into one’s native language through library’s Language Translation Applications page; research process and tools available on the library website, citation tools and how to create search statements; handouts available in English and Spanish, Michele Nestory, reference and instruction librarian, Metropolitan Campus Library; Zoom, 3–3:45 p.m. EST, free, registration necessary, for information email or go to Upcoming Library Events and Workshops, for FDU community only.

19 Wed.; Unleash Your Unique, Root to Rise: Yoga for Every Body, led by Anna Wang, international data coordinator, international/graduate admissions, for all abilities, collaboration between Transforming College Campuses and Fitness Center; Fitness Center, 5:15 p.m., free, for information email, for FDU community only.

19 Wed.; Unleash Your Unique, Virtual Session, “Calm Your Mind: Introduction to Meditation,” sponsored by Transforming College Campuses; Zoom, 8 p.m., free, for information email, for FDU community only.

20 Thu.; Unleash Your Unique, Start Strong: Strength Training Essentials, led by Scott Fisher, director, Fitness Center, for all abilities — beginner or experienced — interested in learning how to get started or wanting to improve quality of strength/resistance-training workouts; topics covered include exercises for specific muscle groups, sets and reps needed to achieve goals and concept of functional fitness, cosponsored by Fitness Center and Transforming College Campuses; Fitness Center, 8:30 a.m., free, wear nonrestrictive clothing, limited to 12 participants, for information email, for FDU community only. 

20 Thu.; Unleash Your Unique, A Sunny Day Stroll: Walk and Talk, cosponsored by Fitness Center and Transforming College Campuses; Fitness Center, noon, free, for information email, for FDU community only.

20 Thu.; Workshop, “Moving Forward: Mentorship, Support Systems and the Transference of Energy,” presented by Student Wellness Services and Metropolitan Campus student life; Multipurpose Room, Greg Olsen Student Union, noon–1 p.m., free, registration necessary, for information email, for FDU staff and students only.

20 Thu.; Unleash Your Unique, Crafting Clean: A Soap-making Adventure, sponsored by Transforming College Campuses (TCC); TCC Lounge, Third Floor, Robison Hall, 1 p.m., free, for information email, for FDU community only.

20 Thu.; Virtual Writing Studio Workshop, “Recognizing and Avoiding Plagiarism,” how and when to quote and/or paraphrase from original source, and how to acknowledge source to avoid committing plagiarism accidentally, Yelena Shekhtman, Becton College, and tutor, Metro Writing Studio, sponsored by Metro Writing Studio; Zoom, 1–2:30 p.m. EST (log in 10 minutes prior to start of session), free, for information call 201-692-2166, email or go to Metro Writing Studio, for FDU community only.

20 Thu.; Break the Bank, Shatter the Record, break attendance record at FDU Knights women’s basketball game; chance to win cash prizes and design own vinyl record clock, cosponsored by student life, Transforming College Campuses, Hispanic Center and athletics; Bogota Savings Bank Center, 4 p.m.; Knights vs. Le Moyne Dolphins Women’s Basketball Game, 5 p.m., $10, $8 children and senior citizens, (chairbacks: $15 adult, $12 youth and senior); free for FDU faculty, staff and students, for information email

20 Thu.; Unleash Your Unique, Art in Paper: Discover Chinese Papercut Traditions, sponsored by Transforming College Campuses (TCC); TCC Lounge, Third Floor, Robison Hall, 4 p.m., free, for information email, for FDU community only.

20 Thu.; Online Library Workshop, Digital Scholarship Series, “Data Cleaning 101,” for those creating their own data for research, basics of cleaning up data for visualization tools, Patty Miraglilo, research and instruction librarian, Metropolitan Campus Library; Zoom, 5–5:45 p.m. EST, free, registration necessary, for information email or go to Upcoming Library Events and Workshops, for FDU community only.

20 Thu.; Unleash Your Unique, Virtual Session, “From Verse to Vision: Unpacking the Power of Songs and Poetry,” sponsored by Transforming College Campuses; Zoom, 6 p.m., free, for information email, for FDU community only.

21 Fri.; Unleash Your Unique, Virtual Session, Breathe and Be: 10-minute Meditation, sponsored by Transforming College Campuses; Zoom, 11:30 a.m., free, for information email, for FDU community only.

21 Fri.; Healing Paws Pet Therapy, with Bright and Beautiful Therapy Dogs, Inc., Morris Plains, N.J., sponsored by Transforming College Campuses; Kron Lounge, Greg Olsen Student Union, 12:30–2:30 p.m., free, for information email, for FDU community only.

21 Fri.; Friday Knights @ Greg’s, Knightro’s Birthday Party, cosponsored by student life and Transforming College Campuses; Greg Olsen Student Union, 8 p.m., free, for information email, for FDU students only.

22 Sat.; Saturday Campus Tour, information session; Lobby, Dickinson Hall, check-in time 9:45 a.m., free, registration necessary, for information call 201-692-7308 or go to Visit an FDU Campus.

24 Mon.; Midterm Progress Reporting Opens.

24 Mon.; Unleash Your Unique, The Written Path: A Creative Journaling Workshop, sponsored by Transforming College Campuses (TCC); TCC Lounge, Third Floor, Robison Hall, 11:30 a.m., free, for information email, for FDU community only.

24 Mon.; Unleash Your Unique, Zumba: Move and Groove, led by Vidhi Thakkar, graduate assistant, Transforming College Campuses (TCC), for all abilities, cosponsored by Fitness Center and TCC; Fitness Center, 12:30 p.m., free, limited to 12 participants, arrive early to reserve spot, for information email, for FDU community only.

24 Mon.; Self-care Club, “Journaling,” learn about different ways of journaling and get suggestions from peers, with fellow undergraduate students and graduate group facilitators, sponsored by Transforming College Campuses (TCC); TCC Lounge, Third Floor, Robison Hall, 1 p.m., free, for information email, for FDU students only.

24 Mon.; CommuniTEA, Ginger Tea, deeper understanding of wellness through tea, participants interact through medium of tea culture and appreciation to promote self-care, sponsored by Transforming College Campuses (TCC); TCC Lounge, Third Floor, Robison Hall, 2:30 p.m., free, for information email, for FDU community only.

24 Mon.; Unleash Your Unique, Art with a Sparkle: Diamond Painting 101, sponsored by Transforming College Campuses (TCC); TCC Lounge, Third Floor, Robison Hall, 4 p.m., free, for information email, for FDU community only.

24 Mon.; Online Library Workshop, “Citation Skills for English for Professional Success (EPS) Graduate Students,” based on active group conversations/activity work about academic integrity, what it means to be part of scholarly community, APA citations and annotated bibliographies; difference between APA and MLA; and how to cite visual resources, Michele Nestory, reference and instruction librarian, Metropolitan Campus Library; Zoom, 4–5 p.m. EST, free (qualifies for EPS academic credit), registration necessary, for information email or go to Upcoming Library Events and Workshops, for FDU community only.

25 Tue.; Open House, Master of Healthcare Administration (MHA) Degree and Master of Public Administration (MPA) Degree with Specialization in Healthcare Management and Certificate in Health Care Management; Outside Cafeteria, The Valley Hospital Dorothy B. Kraft Center, 15 Essex Road, Paramus, N.J., 11 a.m.–2 p.m., free, for information email or go to Master of Healthcare Administration or Master of Public Administration.

25 Tue.; Virtual Information Session, Graduate Nursing (Nurse Practitioner MSN, Postgraduate Certificate and DNP), sponsored by Henry P. Becton School of Nursing and Allied Health; Zoom, noon–1 p.m., free, for information email

25 Tue.; Unleash Your Unique, Hands On: Introduction to Sign Language, sponsored by Transforming College Campuses (TCC); TCC Lounge, Third Floor, Robison Hall, 2:30 p.m., free, for information email, for FDU community only.

25 Tue.; Markets Update, Jon Budish, BA’77, MBA’85 (Flor), business faculty and founder, Budish Group, sponsored by Professional Development Program, Silberman College of Business; Bloomberg Lab, Room 2249, Second Floor, Dickinson Hall, 3–4 p.m., free, for information email, for FDU students only.

25 Tue.; Black History Month, An Interview with Author Junius Williams, nationally recognized attorney, musician, educator and independent thinker at forefront of Civil Rights and Human Rights movements; interview centers around his published memoir Unfinished Agenda: Urban Politics in the Era of Black Power, moderated by Michael Cotto, humanities (Metro), cosponsored by Maxwell Becton College of Arts and Sciences and FDU libraries; Hassan Orangerie, Monninger Center for Learning and Research, and via Zoom, 3–5 p.m., free, registration necessary, for information email or go to An Interview with Author Junius Williams.

25 Tue.; Unleash Your Unique, Virtual Discussion, “The Many Faces of Leadership: A Deep Dive Into Leadership Styles,” explore diverse approaches to leadership and how different styles can inspire, guide and impact teams, led by Michael Saffer, education (Metro),  sponsored by Transforming College Campuses; Room 312, Bancroft Hall, and via Zoom, 4 p.m., free, for information email, for FDU community only.

25 Tue.; Online Library Workshop, “Introduction to Using Generative AI for Research for Faculty,” potential uses of generative AI in academic research for faculty, drawbacks and ethical considerations of using these tool, Angelina Carney, research and instruction librarian, Metropolitan Campus Library; Zoom, 5–5:45 p.m. EST, free, registration necessary, for information email or go to Upcoming Library Events and Workshops, for FDU community only.

26 Wed.; Well-being Wednesdays, Zero Discrimination, living a healthy and well-balanced life, sponsored by Transforming College Campuses; Greg Olsen Student Union, noon–3 p.m., free, for information email, for FDU community only.

26 Wed.; Wisdom Wednesday Series, Leadership, “Restorative Leadership,” qualities, behaviors and strategies for leading from restorative position; focuses on building connections, restorative approaches to problem solving and alternative solutions to address organizational conflict, inspired by 2024 TEDNext Conference, presented by Division of Student Affairs; Zoom, 12:15 p.m., free, for information email, for FDU faculty and staff only.

26 Wed.; Unleash Your Unique, Embroidery for Newbies, sponsored by Transforming College Campuses (TCC); TCC Lounge, Third Floor, Robison Hall, 1 p.m., free, for information email, for FDU community only.

26 Wed.; Self-care Club, “Journaling,” learn about different ways of journaling and get suggestions from peers, with fellow undergraduate students and graduate group facilitators, sponsored by Transforming College Campuses (TCC); TCC Lounge, Third Floor, Robison Hall, 2 p.m., free, for information email, for FDU students only.

26 Wed.; LEAD NOW Workshop, “The Positivity Effect,” Dan Tomasulo, MA’76 (Metro), psychologist; lecturer/academic director, Teachers College, Columbia University, N.Y.C.; and author, The Positivity Effect: Simple CBT Skills to Transform Anxiety and Negativity into Optimism and Hope, presented by Division of Student Affairs and psychology/counseling; Auditorium, Metropolitan Campus Library, 2–3:30 p.m., free; Book Signing follows, event made possible through support of grant from Wake Forest University and Lilly Endowment, Inc., for information email, for FDU community only.

26 Wed.; Unleash Your Unique, Getting Hooked: Learn to Crochet, sponsored by Transforming College Campuses (TCC); TCC Lounge, Third Floor, Robison Hall, 3 p.m., free, for information email, for FDU community only.

26 Wed.; Meditation/Mindfulness Group via Zoom, Charles Imbimbo, psychological counselor, Office of Mental and Emotional Wellbeing (OMEW) (Metro), sponsored by OMEW (formerly S-CAPS); Zoom, 4 p.m., free, for information call 201-692-2174 or email, for FDU community only.

26 Wed.; Unleash Your Unique, Painting Without the Pressure: Paint by Numbers for Beginners, sponsored by Transforming College Campuses (TCC); TCC Lounge, Third Floor, Robison Hall, 4 p.m., free, for information email, for FDU community only.

26 Wed.; Online Library Workshop, Digital Scholarship Series, “Introduction to Text Analysis,” introduction to Voyant, tool for visualizing and analyzing textual data, Erica Weidner, research and instruction librarian, Metropolitan Campus Library; Zoom, 5–5:45 p.m. EST, free, registration necessary, for information email or go to Upcoming Library Events and Workshops, for FDU community only.

26 Wed.; Unleash Your Unique, Root to Rise: Yoga for Every Body, led by Anna Wang, international data coordinator, international/graduate admissions, for all abilities, collaboration between Transforming College Campuses and Fitness Center; Fitness Center, 5:15 p.m., free, for information email, for FDU community only.

26 Wed.; Unleash Your Unique, Virtual Session, “Calm Your Mind: Introduction to Meditation,” sponsored by Transforming College Campuses; Zoom, 8 p.m., free, for information email, for FDU community only.

27 Thu.; Unleash Your Unique, Start Strong: Strength Training Essentials, led by Scott Fisher, director, Fitness Center, for all abilities — beginner or experienced — interested in learning how to get started or wanting to improve quality of strength/resistance-training workouts; topics covered include exercises for specific muscle groups, sets and reps needed to achieve goals and concept of functional fitness, cosponsored by Fitness Center and Transforming College Campuses; Fitness Center, 8:30 a.m., free, wear nonrestrictive clothing, limited to 12 participants, for information email, for FDU community only.

27 Thu.; Unleash Your Unique, A Sunny Day Stroll: Walk and Talk, cosponsored by Fitness Center and Transforming College Campuses; Fitness Center, noon, free, for information email, for FDU community only.

27 Thu.; Unleash Your Unique, Crafting Clean: A Soap-making Adventure, sponsored by Transforming College Campuses (TCC); TCC Lounge, Third Floor, Robison Hall, 1 p.m., free, for information email, for FDU community only.

27 Thu.; Unleash Your Unique, Art in Paper: Discover Chinese Papercut Traditions, sponsored by Transforming College Campuses (TCC); TCC Lounge, Third Floor, Robison Hall, 4 p.m., free, for information email, for FDU community only.

27 Thu.; Online Library Workshop, “Writing Research Using Media Resources: Citing Audio and Visual Resources in MLA and APA,” citing audio and visual resources for research in both MLA and APA styles, create citation for various media formats, as well as resources to prevent plagiarism in research, Michele Nestory, reference and instruction librarian, Metropolitan Campus Library; Zoom, 5–5:30 p.m. EST, free (qualifies for English for Professional Success [EPS] academic support credit), registration necessary, for information email or go to Upcoming Library Events and Workshops, for FDU community only.

27 Thu.; Batter & Banter: Pancakes with the Provost, enjoy pancakes with University Provost Benjamin Rifkin and watch pancake artist transform breakfast into edible work of art, cosponsored by student life and athletics; Bogota Savings Bank Center, 6 p.m.; Knights vs. Stonehill Skyhawks Men’s Basketball Game, 7 p.m., $10, $8 children and senior citizens, (chairbacks: $15 adult, $12 youth and senior); free for FDU faculty, staff and students, for information email

27 Thu.; Unleash Your Unique, Virtual Session, “From Verse to Vision: Unpacking the Power of Songs and Poetry,” sponsored by Transforming College Campuses; Zoom, 6 p.m., free, for information email, for FDU community only.

27 Thu.; Virtual English as a Second Language (ESL) Casual Conversation Workshop, conversation skills-building workshop intended for international students focusing on creative use of synonyms and idioms to make meaning clearer, concise and appropriate to situation, Rochelle Moskowitz, Becton College, sponsored by Metro Writing Studio; Zoom, 6–7:30 p.m. EST, free, for information call 201-692-2166, email or go to Metro Writing Studio, for FDU community only.

28 Fri.; Unleash Your Unique, Virtual Session, Breathe and Be: 10-minute Meditation, sponsored by Transforming College Campuses; Zoom, 11:30 a.m., free, for information email, for FDU community only.

28 Fri.; Friday Knights @ Greg’s, Drag Queen Bingo, cosponsored by student life and Transforming College Campuses; Greg Olsen Student Union, 8 p.m., free, for information email, for FDU students only.