Who: 10 compelling speakers on foreign and domestic public affairs
When: 10 Monday afternoons in Fall 2025, 2PM to 3:30PM, (no lecture on September 22, 2025)
Where: Bickford Theatre, Morris Museum, Morristown, NJ
The Mission of PALS is to sponsor exceptional public speakers who are excellently credentialed to discourse on current and important topics of public affairs. For over three decades, PALS, the Public Affairs Lecture Series has presented distinguished professors from prominent universities, scholars from prominent think tanks, dignitaries and other governmental leaders. The subscription price for the 10 sessions is $120. See below for payment details.
The programs are held at the Bickford Theatre, in the Morris Museum, Morristown, NJ, each fall on Monday afternoons from 2:00 to 3:30 PM. Note 15 minutes earlier than last season.
PALS Topics and Speakers, Fall 2025
We are delighted to announce the return of our most popular speakers based on our 2024 Subscriber Survey. We have great speakers lined up for all ten weeks and are finalizing the schedule which will be announced on this website shortly.
Sept 8, Start of the Lecture Series
Area of specialty Foreign Policy, lecture title to be announced
Dr. Jerry Pubantz, Professor Emeritus of Political Science, University of North Carolina
September 15
Lecturer TBA
September 29
Lecturer TBA
October 6
Area of specialty Middle Eastern Affairs, lecture title to be announced
Dr. Steven Cook, Senior Fellow, Council on Foreign Relations
October 13
An Uncertain European Future: War, Economic Competitiveness, and the Future of Alliances
Heather_Conley, former president of the German Marshall Fund
October 20
Area of specialty Asian and African Foreign Affairs
Dr. Michael Beckley, Director of the Asia Program at the Foreign Policy Research Institute and Associate Professor of Political Science, Tufts University
October 27
Lecturer TBA
November 3
Lecturer TBA
November 10
Issues and challenges facing NJ’s next governor
Dr. Benjamin Dworkin, Director, Rowan Institute for Public Policy and Citizenship
November 17, Last Lecture Date
Lecturer TBA
See PALS Topics and Speakers, Fall 2024
PALS 2025 Subscriptions
Time change and Location
The programs are held at the Bickford Theatre, in the Morris Museum, Morristown, NJ, each fall on Monday afternoons from 2:00 PM to 3:30 PM. Note that this time is a change from past schedules.
General admission and mask section option
As we did last year, we have reserved a section of the theater for those who prefer to be seated in a “mask only” section. Otherwise, the remainder of the theater will be “masks optional.”
At each lecture, please claim your seat at least 15 minutes before each lecture begins. After that the available seats will be offered to qualified standbys, as well as to members. Please sit in the “Mask Required” section only if you are wearing a mask.
Your subscription payment
You can submit your application and $120 subscription payment electronically or by mail. Your receipt will be forwarded to you via your email.
Submit Electronic Payment Online
Secure online payment is available via Touchnet.
Once you have placed your order, you will immediately receive an email order receipt from misecommhelp@fdu.edu (check your spam file) that is your confirmation letter to the Lecture Series. Simply print out that confirmation page or take a photo of it on your smartphone and bring it with you to exchange at the door for your PALS lecture series ticket.
Send Subscription Payment by Mail
If you prefer, you can print out the subscription application form and mail it with your $120 check payable to FDU to:
Donna L. Sadowski, MAS
School of Public and Global Affairs
Fairleigh Dickinson University
1000 River Road, H-DH2-13
Teaneck, NJ 07666
Once your check and application is received we will email you a confirmation receipt. Simply print out the emailed confirmation receipt or take a photo of it on your smartphone and bring it with you to exchange at the door for your PALS lecture series ticket.
If you have not received your confirmation email (and have checked your email spam files) or if you have any questions please contact us at palsboard2025@gmail.com.
PALS Board of Directors
Director, FDU School of Public and Global Affairs

FDU Facility Liaison, PALS Board

Current PALS Volunteer Board Members
- Marcia Geltman, Randolph
- Lynn Gold, Berkeley Heights
- Helen Saffer, Morristown
- Wally Saffer, Morristown
- Joan Sturm, Morristown
- Dorrie Susser, Morristown
New members for 2025
- Sandy Goodman, Livingston
- Fred Lavinthal, Florham Park
- Jack Lynch, Morristown
- Nancy Moore, Basking Ridge
PALS Board as of December 2024

Standing, from left: Robert Martin, Joan Sturm, Lynn Gold, Deborah D’Urso, Marcia Geltman, Tina Johnson.
Contact Us
Please use the PALS Reply Form to request to be added to our mailing list, or to send comments and questions about the PALS Lecture Series.