Go for 4

At FDU, less is more when you GO FOR 4!

What is Go for 4?

Fairleigh Dickinson University’s Go for 4 initiative gives students the opportunity to take control of their education — saving both time and money in the process.

With Go for 4, you commit to taking 15 credits each semester and put yourself on course to graduate in four years. It’s a smart way to take control of your future and get more – for a lot less.

Go for 4: Take 15 credits each semester. Graduate in four years.

Top 4 reasons to Go for 4

1) Graduate in less time.

Research has shown that students who enroll in 30 credits a year earn a higher GPA. So when you commit to Go for 4, you will be putting yourself on the fast track toward success.

2) Reduce student loan debt.

Arrive sooner at that moment when you have the income to drive your debt down. Remember that whether you live on campus or commute, finishing in four years minimizes your room and board as well.

3) Summer and winter term classes can help you Go for 4.

Each of your three undergraduate summers can mean six–or even more–additional credits. Catch up with a lab course, solve a course scheduling conflict during fall and spring semesters, or focus on a more challenging subject. Consult your advisor for more information.

4) Start your career… sooner!

Employers look at your academic career for a key indication of your focus, your planning skills, and your expertise in your field. Show them your timely graduation; they know what it means.

"Completing my studies in four years established a foundation of success I'll be able to look upon well into the future. It enabled me to jump into my career early and begin thriving while others remained in school."
— Steven Krier, Marketing Major

Get started and Go for 4 now!

Does Go for 4 sound like a smart plan? Great. Here’s what you need to do:

Meet with your advisor.

Together you will map out a plan that works for you–and ensure you know what classes you need for your major and which ones you need to graduate. Commit to ’15 a semester’ as your personal goal–so you can do way more when you Go for 4!