GPA Calculator

Cumulative Data

Enter the cumulative credits and GPA from past semesters. The grade points will be automatically calculated. If you are in your first semester or only wish to calculate this semester's GPA, leave this section blank.


Current Semester's Data

For each class you are taking this semester, enter the number of credits the class is worth (1-4) and the letter grade you received or think you will receive. The grade points will be automatically calculated. Use the Add/Remove course buttons to list all your courses.


Final Calculation

Hit the Calculate GPA button to calculate or recalculate the numbers below based on the information you have entered.
This tool calculates GPA to 4 decimal places. It is up to you to decide how many decimal places to report and/or carry over to the next semester.

New Cumulative Credits

New Cumulative GPA

New Cumulative Grade Points

This unofficial GPA calculation is for your information only and has no effect on your FDU transcript.

* FDU uses only the following letter grades and grade points:

A   4.00
A-  3.67
B+  3.33
B   3.00
B-  2.67
C+  2.33
C   2.00
C-  1.67
D   1.00
F   0.00