Mathematics BA, Cybersecurity and Information Assurance MS: combined degree
The Lee Gildart and Oswald Haase School of Computer Sciences and Engineering (GHSCSE) offers a five-year combined-degree program that allows qualified students to earn a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) degree in mathematics and a Master of Science (M.S.) degree in cybersecurity and information assurance with a course load that is 9 credits less than that of the separate degrees, enabling students to save time and money. In particular, three graduate courses: CSCI6731 Computer Networks (3 credits), CSCI6738 Cybersecurity (3 credits) and CSCI6747 Applied Cryptography (3 credits), when successfully completed under the combined-degree program, can be credited toward both the B.A. and the M.S. degrees. This combined-degree program is offered by GHSCSE at the Metropolitan Campus, Teaneck, New Jersey.
Students must register for this program by their junior year and must have achieved a cumulative grade point ratio (CGPR) of at least 2.75. A minimum of 120 credits is required for the B.A. in mathematics degree, and a minimum of 141 credits is required for the combined B.A in mathematics/M.S. in cybersecurity and information assurance degrees. In addition, for degree completion, the B.A. in mathematics requires a minimum CGPR of 2.00 and the M.S. in cybersecurity and information assurance requires a CGPR of 2.75.
Students in the B.A. in mathematics program have the option to undertake a cooperative education experience and earn a total of 6 academic credits toward their technical electives.
Degree Plan
The total degree requirement for the combined degree program is 141 credits. The course distribution is provided below.
General Education Requirements (55 credits)
College Competencies (26 credits)
Written Communication (6 credits)
- WRIT1002 Composition I: Rhetoric and Inquiry (3 credits)
- WRIT1003 Composition II: Research and Argument (3 credits)
Speech/Professional Communication (3 credits)
- ENGR2210 Technical Communications (3 credits)
Quantitative Analysis (4 credits)
- MATH1201 Calculus I (4 credits)
Mathematics or Technology or Statistics (4 credits)
- MATH2202 Calculus II (4 credits)
Ethical and Moral Analysis (3 credits)
- ENGR3000 Modern Technologies: Principles, Applications and Impacts (3 credits)
- Scientific Analysis (6 credits)
Liberal Arts Distribution (21 credits)
Language (3 credits)
- If a student is beginning a new language, Elementary II (1102) is required to fulfill the 3-credit language requirement. If the student is taking a language previously studied, successful completion of Intermediate I (2103) fulfills the requirement. The student taking a previously studied language must take the placement test. If the placement score is above the Intermediate I level, the student is excused from the language requirement and will need to replace those 3 language credits with a free elective. Students planning to do graduate work should take a 3-credit course in French, German or Russian.
Social and Behavioral Sciences (6 credits)
- Students take ENGR4210 Managerial and Engineering Economic Analysis to fulfill the social science requirement. They also take another 3 credits of coursework in COMM (communication), CRIM (criminal justice), GOVT (government), PSYC (psychology) or SOCI (sociology).
Arts (6 credits)
- Take 6 credits of coursework in ART (art), CGD (computer graphic design) or CREW (creative writing).
Humanities (6 credits)
- Take 6 credits of coursework in ARTH (art history), CINE (cinema studies), CGDH (computer graphic design humanities), DANH (dance humanities), HIST (history), HUMN (humanities), LANG (languages [not foreign language]), LITS (literature), MUSIH (music humanities), PHIL (philosophy), RELI (religion) or THEAH (theater humanities) — one must be at the 2000 level or above.
University Requirements (8 credits)
- UNIV1001 Transitioning to University Life (1 credit)
- UNIV1002 Preparing for Professional Life (1 credit)
- UNIV2001 Cross Cultural Perspectives (3 credits)
- UNIV2002 Global Issues (3 credits)
Major Requirements (36 credits)
Additional Mathematics Requirements (27 Credits)
- MATH2203 Calculus III (3 credits)
- MATH2210 Differential Equations (3 credits)
- MATH2255 Discrete Structures (3 credits)
- MATH3220 Linear Algebra (3 credits)
- MATH3225 Abstract Algebra (3 credits)
- MATH3230 Analysis (3 credits)
- MATH3237 Probability and Statistics I (3 credits)
- MATH3341 Advanced Engineering Mathematics (3 credits)
- Mathematics Elective (3 credits)
- 3 credits to be chosen from courses numbered 3000 or higher, with the approval of an adviser.
Computer Science Requirements (9 credits)
- CSCI1201 Computer Programming I (3 credits)
- CSCI1202 Computer Programming II (3 credits)
- CSCI2232 Data Structures (3 credits)
Additional Science Requirements (2 credits)
Technical Electives (12 credits)
- Students must take 12 credits of technical electives, which include courses in computer science, engineering, engineering technology, information technology and/or mathematics at appropriate levels based on their interests. Students must obtain prior approval from the GHSCSE academic adviser for all course selections or substitutions.
- ENGR2286 Digital System Design (3 credits)
- Mathematics courses must be at the 3000- or higher level
- A 3-credit course in a related discipline can be substituted for a 3-credit technical elective
- Internship credits and honors courses can be used as technical electives
Minor Sequence in an Area Related to Mathematics (15 credits)
- CSCI2235 Survey of Computing Security (3 credits)
- CSCI2247 Assembly Language Programming (3 credits)
- CSCI6731 Computer Networks (3 credits)
- CSCI6738 Cybersecurity (3 credits)
- CSCI6747 Applied Cryptography (3 credits)
Additional Graduate Courses (21 credits)
Cybersecurity and Information Assurance Graduate Core Courses (6 credits)
- CSCI6638 Operating Systems (3 credits)
- CSCI6870 Penetration Testing and Vulnerability Analysis (3 credits)
Cybersecurity and Information Assurance Graduate Project (3 credits)
- CSCI6807 Cybersecurity and Information Assurance Graduate Capstone Project (3 credits)
Cybersecurity and Information Assurance Graduate Elective Courses (12 Credits)
Students are encouraged to take three courses (9 credits) from one of the following two focus areas and one more course (3 credits) from the list of approved electives as provided below. Alternatively, students can also take any four courses (12 credits) from the approved electives based on their interests and needs. Students have the option of registering for CSCI8891 Internship/Work Experience (3 credits) after completing the B.A. degree and 18 graduate credits. The internship will count as a one-course elective.
Electives for Network Security Administration Focus (9 credits)
- CSCI6863 Supply Chain Security and Systems Certification (3 credits)
- CSCI6869 Network Security (3 credits)
- CSCI6873 Firewalls and Intrusion-detection Systems (3 credits)
Electives for Secure Software Development Focus (9 credits)
- CSCI6620 Software Engineering (3 credits)
- CSCI6836 Computer Algorithms (3 credits)
- CSCI6860 Secure Software Development and Analysis (3 credits)
Approved Electives
- CSCI6620 Software Engineering (3 credits)
- CSCI6623 Database Systems (3 credits)
- CSCI6811 Advanced Special Projects (3 credits)
- CSCI6836 Computer Algorithms (3 credits)
- CSCI6860 Secure Software Development and Analysis (3 credits)
- CSCI6863 Supply Chain Security and Systems Certification (3 credits)
- CSCI6869 Network Security (3 credits)
- CSCI6873 Firewalls and Intrusion-detection Systems (3 credits)
- CSCI7783 Information Security (3 credits)
- CSCI7870 Linux System Administration (3 credits)
- CSCI8891 Internship/Work Experience (3 credits)