Environmental Science Minor
Minor in Environmental Science for non Science Majors.
Required 15 credits of 15 credit minor
- ENVR 1101/1102 Physical Geology is offered in the Fall (3)
- ENVR 1111/1112 Oceanography offered in Spring (3)
- PHYS 1126/1026 Earth Physics offered in the Fall (3)
- PHYS 1125/1025 Astronomy is offered in the Spring (3)
- BIOL 1105/1115 The Human Environment offered Fall and Spring (3)
Course Descriptions
BIOL1105 Includes interaction with the biological, chemical and physical topics, population growth, technological change, resource availability and pollution problems.
ENVR1101 The structure and composition of the earth and the natural procresses on and within it. Fall, Spring
ENVR1111 An introduction to physical, chemical, and biological oceanography, and the geology of the sea floor, ocean sediments, and beaches. Field trips. Spring
PHYS1125 Orbital motion, telescopes, stellar astronomy, celestial coor- dinates, the solar system and its evolution, types of stars, galaxies and the universe.
PHYS1126 A laboratory science elective intended for liberal arts students, life science and non-science majors. Can be taken before or after PHYS1125, PHYS1025 Astronomy or GEOL1101, GEOL1111 Introductory Geology. A topical treatment, not highly mathematical. The ori- gin of the earth as a member of the solar system, composition and internal structure of the earth, geophysics, the hydrosphere, the atmosphere, physical oceanography and the related question of natural and artificial pollutants.