School of Computer Science and Engineering offers a Undergraduate Certification in Pharmaceutical Biostatistics. Certificate is awarded in recognition of the successful completion of all required academic courses and laboratory work in statistics and statistical programming. The topics and sequences are those agreed upon with the Industry Advisory Committee (IAC) and among CS & Math faculty.The objective of the certificate is to prepare participants to apply statistical methods to quantitative analysis of health care issues. It is aimed at professionals in government agencies as well as in pharmaceutical companies, research hospitals, public health agencies and other medical research organizations with the need to design medical experiments and to analyze and interpret increasingly complex health-care data.

Admission requirements

High School Diploma or equivalent

Curriculum Plan

Students must complete 15 credits to receive a certificate in Pharmaceutical Biostatistics. Students have to take a mandatory 3 credits course PHAR6605 and remaining 12 credits from the list below.

12 Credits (4 courses) to be chosen from the following

  • MATH2337     Applied Statistics I
  • MATH2338     Applied Statistics II
  • MATH3237     Probability & Statistics I
  • MATH3238     Probability & Statistics II
  • MATH2243     Statistical Programming
  • PHAR6605     The Pharm Industry: Structure & Government Regulations


Course Descriptions

  • MATH2243 This is an in-lab SAS programming course, including importing and exporting files, predictive data modeling and exploration (mixed models analyses, mutivariate statistical analysis, longitudinal analysis, and survival analysis), and a programming approach to report writing.

  • MATH2337 An introductory course covering both probability and statistics, intended primarily for undergraduate biology students. It includes a section on design of experiments as well as the usual tests of hypotheses, estimation, regression, etc. Mathematics and computer science majors receive no credit for this course.

  • MATH2338 This follow-up course to MATH 2337 covers a wider range of statistical techniqes, analysis of variance(ANOVA), factor and cluster analysis, multiple linear regression, cross-tab and distribution-free analysis. The course would touch upon more advanced topics such as modeling, experimental design, error correction, rare events, and graphical methods.

  • MATH3237 Sample spaces, discrete and continuous random variables. Point and Interval Estimation. Tests of Statistical Hypotheses.

  • MATH3238 A continuation of MATH3237 Probability and Statistics I includ- ing Goodness of Fit Tests, Linear Models, Markov Chains, optional topics.

  • PHAR6605 History, business environment and government regulations concerning the pharmaceutical and related industries.