Grade Requirements and Termination

Grade requirements for the PhD degree

Students must maintain a 3.2 grade point average at the end of each spring semester to remain in good standing in the program.  A GPA less than 3.2 will place the student on academic probation for one year.  If the GPA does not reach 3.2 at the end of the probation year, the student will be terminated from the program.  Regardless of the grade point average, two grades of C+ or lower or one F will result in termination.

Any course for which the student receives a grade lower than a B- will have to be repeated.  Both grades will appear on your transcript in accordance with university policy.

Students entering with a bachelor’s degree only or master’s degree in another discipline will have seven years to complete the program.  Students entering with a doctorate in psychology accepted for the respecialization program will have six years to complete the program. Students entering with a master’s degree who have 30 or more credits accepted for transfer must complete the PhD Degree within six years.

Termination from the program

The following are the conditions under which students may be terminated from the program:

  1. Receiving two or more grades of C+ or lower or one grade of F, or maintaining a grade point ratio of less than 3.2 for two consecutive years.
  2. Failing the Comprehensive Examination a third time.
  3. Failing the Ethics Qualifying Examination a third time.
  4. Not finishing the degree within the specified time limit.
  5. Unethical or criminal behavior (plagiarism, cheating, violation of the American Psychological Association ethical guidelines, or University or governmental law, including harassment).
  6. Psychological problems that affect the student’s functioning in the program or ability to function effectively in a clinical capacity.  Students’ progress in the program is evaluated each semester, and any student who is having psychological problems that interfere with progress in the program will be advised on appropriate procedures for responding to faculty concerns, including but not limited to leave of absence and/or personal therapy.  In the event of long-term serious emotional difficulties or a situation not adequately remediated, a student may be asked to leave the program.  As part of the standard evaluation process these recommendations or requirements will be provided in writing to the student.  Students should be aware that they are evaluated with regard to their interpersonal, professional, and ethical behavior.