James Salierno
Professor of Biology, Deputy Chair, Department of Biological Sciences
- Ecology
- Marine Ecology
- Ecotoxicology
- Ecosystem and Environmental Science
- Sophomore Research Experience I and II
- Investigating the effects of anthropogenic contaminants on aquatic ecosystems including the effects of pharmaceutical compounds on fish development and the effects of treated wastewater effluent on aquatic algal and invertebrate communities.
- BS, University of Rhode Island
- MS, University of Maryland Eastern Shore
- PhD, University of Maryland College Park
Academic Profile
Selected Publications:
Salierno, JD, and Kane, AS. 2019. Brevetoxin and Saxitoxin Alter Shoaling Dynamics in Mummichog, Fundulus heteroclitus. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 520: 151210.
Salierno, JD, Overton, AS, and Benson, CL. 2018. Optimization of Hook Size to Reduce Discards and Injury in the New Jersey Summer Flounder Hook-and-Line Fishery. North American Journal of Fisheries Management. 38: 393-399.
Salierno, JD, Lopes, M, and Rivera, M. 2016. Latent effects of early life stage exposure to triclosan on survival in fathead minnows, Pimephales promelas. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B, 51: 695-702.
Middleton, JH and Salierno, JD. 2013. Antibiotic resistance in triclosan tolerant fecal coliforms isolated from surface waters near wastewater treatment plant outflows (Morris County, NJ, USA). Ecotoxicology & Environmental Safety 88: 79â?”88.
Salierno, JD, Pollack, SJ, Van Veld, PA, Ottinger, MA, Yonkos LT, and Kane, AS. 2012. Steroid Hormones and Anthropogenic Contaminants in Poultry Litter Leachate. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 223: 2181â?”2187.
Kane, AS, Song, J., Halvorsen MB, Miller, DL, Salierno, JD, Wysocki, LE, Zeddies, D and Popper, AN. 2010. Exposure of fish to high-intensity sonar does not induce acute pathology. Journal of Fish Biology 76: 1825â?”1840.
Salierno, JD and Kane, AS. 2009. 17a-ethinylestradiol alters reproductive behaviors, circulating hormones, and sexual morphology in male fathead minnows, (Pimephales promelas). Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 28: 953-961.
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