Renée Ashley

Renée Ashley

Adjunct, School of the Arts


Academic Profile

Renée Ashley is the author, most recently, of Ruined Traveler, prose poems, and Minglements: Prose on Poetry and Life, a collection of essays. Other poetry collections include The View from the BodyBecause I Am the Shore I Want to Be the Sea (Subito Book Prize, University of Colorado—Boulder); Basic Heart (X. J. Kennedy Poetry Prize, Texas Review Press); The Revisionist’s DreamThe Various Reasons of Light; and Salt (Brittingham Prize in Poetry, University of Wisconsin Press); also a novel, Someplace Like This, and two chapbooks, The Museum of Lost Wings and The Verbs of Desiring. She has received both poetry and prose fellowships from the NJSCA and a poetry fellowship from the NEA. A portion of her poem, “First Book of the Moon,” is included in a permanent installation by the artist Larry Kirkland in Penn Station, Manhattan, NY.  She has served as Assistant Poetry Coordinator for the Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation; Poetry Editor for TLR; poetry editor for Tiferet; and has been in residence at Yaddo, MacDowell, Vermont Studio Center, and Virginia Center for the Creative Arts.