Community Standards

Community Standards supports the mission of FDU through implementation of the Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct; a due-process judicial system; intervention programs and educational programs/sanctions. Through outreach and education to members of the University, community standards strive to make FDU a positive living and learning environment.

Code of Student Conduct and Community Standards

The Code of Student Conduct and Community Standards has been developed to accompany the mission of the office and University. The Code establishes policies, regulations, standards of behavior and related administrative procedures for the University community. The disciplinary process is designed to foster the ethical development and personal integrity of students. In general, each student is expected to respect the rights and property of the University and the members of the University community and to take responsibility for their actions.

View the Code of Student Conduct and Community Standards

Related Policies

University-wide Alcohol Policy

Students aged 21+ are permitted to drink responsibly in specific campus residence halls. Students under the age of 21 are not permitted to be in possession of, the presence of, or consume alcohol. For students of legal drinking age, there are limits to the amount and type of alcohol that can be in the student’s room. For specific guidelines on permitted alcohol usage please reference the University-wide Alcohol Policy linked here:

FDU Alcohol Policy (pdf)

Marijuana on Campus

The Drug Free Schools and Communities Act prohibits marijuana and/or other illegal drugs and controlled substances to be possessed, smoked, or consumed on college and university campuses. Illegally possessing, using, distributing, manufacturing, transferring, selling, or being under the influence of marijuana, heroin, narcotics, or other controlled substances (except prescription medication expressly permitted by law) is a violation of the University Code. This also includes possession or use of any form or type of paraphernalia associated with controlled substances.

Prohibited Items in Residence Halls

Some items are prohibited within the residence halls for fire and safety concerns. The Housing and Residence Life office works to ensure that students can live, learn, and grow safely in their spaces. The Resident Manual outlines items that are prohibited in the residence halls as well as items that you are allowed to bring. Some prohibited items include but are not limited to, air fryers, hot plates, non-surge protected extension cords, toasters.

On-Campus Guest and Visitation Policies

Resident Students are permitted to have guests within their residence hall if the guest and visitation policy form is submitted to Public Safety. A guest is considered an overnight guest if they are in a Resident’s room past 11:59pm. Residents are allowed to have guests for 3 consecutive nights for a total of 10 nights per semester. The Resident’s roommate must sign off and approve of the overnight guest form which must be submitted to Public Safety. More info on the Overnight Guest Policy can be found in the Resident Manual.