Academic Expectations

Students are required to complete the following assignments in order to receive their grade for this course.


Every student is required to read the following book prior to leaving for Wroxton.

This reading will provide an invaluable foundation for the lectures and discussions that you will be exposed to.

Fox, K. (2004). Watching the English: The Hidden Rules of English Behaviour. Hodder & Stoughton.

Readings will also be set by the course leader and the presenters. Students should be prepared to read and discuss the readings at the tutorial sessions.

Note-Taking and Tutorials

Dean Nicholas Baldwin has compiled a diverse and fascinating program of speakers, panels, and site visits which address many aspects of corporate communication in an international context.

The key to getting the most out of this program is to participate, both through verbal participation (questions, dialogue, even argumentation) and active note-taking.

To facilitate and encourage participation, students are required to do the following:

  • Be prepared with a notepad and pen, or laptop computer or tablet.
  • Take legible notes during each session. These should be both summaries of what is being said and also the students’ thoughts and reactions to what is being said.
  • Note any references (books, articles, government documents, etc.) cited by the speakers and panelists. Students should be prepared to look these up and refer to them in the tutorial sessions.
  • Find some quiet time to provide written responses to the following questions:
    • What is the most important thing I learned during this session?
    • What did I find out that I didn’t know before?
    • What question or questions remain unanswered for me?
    • What aspect of this topic would I like to explore further?
  • Be prepared to speak about their notes and reflections at two formal tutorial sessions.

Comprehensive Examination

The main graded assignment for this course will be a Comprehensive Examination which will be taken on the final day of the course. The exam will be approximately 6 hours in length and students will answer questions based on the presentations attended during the course.

The key to preparing good answers for the examination lies in the idea of CONNECTIONS.

Students should compare and contrast how topics are treated by different participants representing different interests and constituents.

Students are required to make notes constantly as they move through the program.

The more presentations, readings, and reflections that are referred to, the richer and more successful the examination answers will be.


Student assignments will be graded as follows:

  • Participation in sessions:  20%
  • Preparation for and Participation in Tutorial #1:  20%
  • Preparation for and Participation in Tutorial #2:  20%
  • Comprehensive Examination:  40%


Although there are graded assignments in the course, the main objective of the course is that you participate and immerse yourselves in the sessions, the culture, and the social relationships that will be created with your colleagues.

You are not expected to be locked in your room or the computer lab writing assignments and worrying about grades!

The papers and the examination are more concerned with your ability to articulate and organize your reflections, rather than discovering correct answers. They are an opportunity to explore themes and ideas rather give the instructor something specific.