This 18-credit, 6-course graduate certificate is especially designed for leaders and administrators of worldwide organizations. These credits can also be applied to the Master of Administrative Science degree program.

Choose six of the following courses:

  • MADS 6600 Theory & Practice of Administration [National Guard Bureau Approved Online Course]
  • MADS 6606 Administrative Leadership in Complex Organizations
  • MADS 6609 Productivity & Human Performance [National Guard Bureau Approved Online Course]
  • MADS 6610 Organizational Decision Making
  • MADS 6615 Global Leadership
  • MADS 6618 Leadership Plus [National Guard Bureau Approved Online Course]
  • MADS 6627 Women’s Leadership in Today’s Global World
  • MADS 6653 Global Citizenship Seminar
  • MADS 6658 Leadership: Global Advanced Scholarship/Practice
  • MADS 6661 Managing Organizational Change
  • MADS 6675 Optimum Leadership
  • MADS 6706 Collaborative Leadership
  • MADS 6709 Special Topics: Creativity, Change & the 21st Century Leaders
  • MADS 6731 Executive Communication as a Leadership Tool

Course Descriptions

  • MADS6600 Introduction to issues of administration of public, private and not-for-profit organizations. Cases are used to analyze the relation of theory to practice and to illustrate the direct practical relevance of theoretical models to administrative action. This course is waived for graduates of the New Jersey Certified Public Manager (CPM) program.

  • MADS6606 Analysis of leadership behavior and administrative activities. Examination of major theories of leadership and motivation, including trait, behavioral, situational and power-influence leadership theories and acognitive and cognitive motivational principles for various levels of the formal organization.

  • MADS6609 Definitions and measurement of individual, team and organizational productivity, effectiveness and efficiency. Models for the analysis of organizational and individual productivity and productivity growth. Techniques for improving productivity.

  • MADS6610 Examination of processes in organizational decision making, the state of theory; research and applications for the practicing manager. Topics include managerial style and decision making; problem discovery and diagnosis; the search for solutions, evaluation and choice; group decision making, decision aids and support systems, risk analysis.

  • MADS6615 Leadership theories of European and American theoreticians as well as the methods and practices of world organization leaders in government, private, and not-for-profit organizations are studied, compared and discussed. Presenters are drawn from local governments and entrepreneurs who have created, innovated and implemented sweeping policy changes in the operation of government. Several site visits are included.

  • MADS6618 Master the best principles practiced by great leaders of past and present. Topics include creative and innovative thinking, super-conscious mental laws, the constant pursuit of professionalism, craftsman-like dedication to quality, building effective self-directed teams, creating an energized workplace, the characteristics of effective learning organizations, capitalizing on leverage and the art of identifying and designing a shared destiny.

  • MADS6627 Public, private, and not-for-profit sector administration and leadership development challenges are compared and studied as part of a women's leadership seminar focusing on global networking. Presenters are cutting edge, renowned CEO's and scholars whose cutting edge accomplishments have distinguished them as leaders representing the public and not-for-profit sectors in and outside the United States. Study is combined with travel and experiential learning.

  • MADS6653 Current workplaces are diverse in various aspects and have a mix of workers from different ethnic and cultural backgrounds. For managers, and supervisors to be effective in their workplaces, they must be aware of the diversity issues that impact their organizations. This is increasingly important in a global context. The Global Citizenship needs awareness of the challenges presented as a result of globalization. Special emphasis will be placed upon a study of global leadership, ethical world view, communications, and diverse sub-cultures that are present throughout the world along with the political, social, and economic issues. This course may include an international experience.

  • MADS6658 The historical discourse on advanced learning has its genesis work implemented in many Old World cities. This course will investigate the global history of educational institutions and models of scholarship. The topics included are: an overview of leadership; leadership as boundary spanning; diplomatic leadership as a behavior and an organizational auspice; impression management; interpersonal management, interpersonal communications in a multi-cultural world; and levels of government and relationships to the private sector. This course is intended to provide students with theoretic and practical applications of scholarship and leadership. In addition to the course material, students will experience the culture of one of the University's international partners.

  • MADS6661 This course provides an overview of the principles of organizational change in order to develop the knowledge skills and abilities to design and/or oversee basic change efforts, understand the change process along with the tools to conduct basic change efforts. The ability to change vs. essential for health individual and organizational growth and development, but change is often resisted for a variety of reasons.

  • MADS6675 This course will explore major theories and practices of scholars and philosophers with a focus on the tools and knowledge necessary for 21st-century leadership development. Principles will be extracted from major contributors in the field, including Drucker, Bennis, Burns, Heifetz, Zenger, Folkman, Kanter, Gardner, Pouzes, Vaill, Greenleaf, Kellerman, Lipmann-Bluman, Goleman, and others.

  • MADS6706 This course will investigate the concept of leadership exhibited by a group that is acting collaboratively to resolve issues that all feel must be addressed. Since the collaborative process insures that all people that are affected by the decision are part of the process, the course will explore how power is shared in the process and how Leadership is developed.

  • MADS6709 Leaders of the 21st century can no longer deal just with change: they must be able to create, discover and invent new ways of thinking, new ways of dealing with great changes yet to come and new ways of building organizations. This course focuses on recognized leadership characteristics and skills that stimulate change: vision, communication, synergistic decision-making, motivation, talent development. Students will engage in highly interactive stimulations and other exercises that require willingness and ability to challenge convention, shift paradigms, communicate effectively, and challenge the status quo in order to develop unusual solutions to usual problems.

  • MADS6731 This broad-based and highly interactive course will help students develop a strong foundation in communication theory and practice, with an emphasis on communication skills development and in the five key areas: written, oral, presentation, cross-cultural, and listening skills. Further, students will examine great leaders - from inside and outside the business world - and how their communication skills, styles, and approaches contributed to their leadership impact.