IRB Forms and Templates

All IRB proposals must be submitted using current forms. Prior to getting started, you are cautioned to download the most recent version as previous versions will not be accepted.

Submission Instructions

IRB proposals must be prepared electronically in Microsoft Word (not handwritten!) and submitted via email to the IRB Compliance Manager, Kim Diccianni, along with supporting documentations in Microsoft Word, PDF, or JPEG formats (note: Informed Consent documents must be in Microsoft Word. Documents that cannot be scanned or sent electronically (e.g., questionnaires/tests/measures/scale, copyrighted materials, and/or original signed forms such as Faculty Agreements) should be mailed or hand delivered to the IRB, and include specific reference to your proposal. Use the email Subject Heading as appropriate, i.e., New Project, Continuing Review, Amendment, Final Report, Complaint of a Participant, Notification of a Harmed Participant, etc. The body of the email must include: i.e., Project Title; Project # if already assigned; a bulleted list of all attachments, e.g., Application; Consent Document(s); Methods/Procedures; etc.

New Project Submission Forms

Full/Expedited Review 

Research Protocol Template

Exempt Review 

Principal Investigator’s Agreement

Faculty Sponsor Agreement

Consent/Assent Form Templates and Waiver Form

Informed Consent Template 

Application for Alteration/Waiver of Consent and Consent Documentation

Debriefing Template 

Assent Template 

Other Submission Forms

Human Subjects Research Determination Form

Request for Continuing Review Form

Final Closure Report 

Amendment Submission Form 

Unanticipated Problems and Reportable Events

Adjunct Faculty Request to Conduct HSR form