Since 1217, when an Augustinian monastic community was established there, Wroxton Abbey has been home to spiritualists, scholars, soldiers, and statesmen, and, most recently, students. The Wroxton Chronicles tells some of their stories.

Volume I: Wroxton by Peter Sammartino (PB, $16/£14): Learn about the early days of Wroxton College from the point of view of its visionary founder.

Volume II: Wroxton Journals by Walter Savage (PB, $20/£15): Reflections of Dean Walter Savage, who led Wroxton College in 1966 and 1985.

Volume III: Wroxton Abbey: An Introduction by Paul Edwards (PB, $40/£30): Visualizing 800 years of Wroxton history, this lavishly illustrated volume celebrates the 50th Anniversary of Wroxton College and makes a great gift or coffee table book.

Volume IV: North by North (PB, $30/£20): A biographical sketch of Great Britain’s notorious prime minister written by his descendant, William Henry North, 13th Baron North, of Wroxton Abbey.

Volume V: The Wroxton College Cook Book (PB, $60/£47): Recipes from Wroxton College edited by Dr. Nicholas Baldwin, Dean of Wroxton College.

Wroxton Book Series