Biochemistry BS (Prepharmacy concentration)

The Bachelor of Science with a major in biochemistry program with a concentration in pre-pharmacy is designed for students who plan to enter graduate school in pharmaceutical science or the pharmaceutical industry. It is designed to meet the entrance requirements for the FDU School of Pharmacy but it also contains the entrance requirements for most schools of pharmacy. In addition to the basic school of pharmacy entrance requirements, the program includes basic pharmaceutical chemistry courses designed to give the student a strong foundation in pharmaceutical chemistry. These are Pharmacokinetics, Pharmacology and Introduction to Medicinal Chemistry. Additional pharmaceutical chemistry major electives are also available. The curriculum is certified by the American Chemical Society if the student meets the required 400 laboratory course hours. Pre-professional counseling for science and health careers is available on campus.
Special Information
Curriculum is certified by the American Chemical Society if the student meets the 400 hour laboratory minimum.
Program Learning Outcomes
At the conclusion of this program, graduates will be able to:
- Demonstrate a solid foundation in biochemistry including the vocabulary, concepts, methods, and procedures that will allow them to be competitive when entering industry, graduate, and professional schools.
- Write and speak clearly on biochemical topics and demonstrate a mastery of these topics through their written and oral communications.
- Excel at utilizing information resources including primary and secondary literature in the field using modern tools to locate and retrieve scientific information.
- Demonstrate qualitative and quantitative critical reasoning skills allowing them to interpret experimental data and evaluate its significance.
- Use standard laboratory equipment, modern instrumentation, and classical techniques to carry out experiments while following proper procedures and regulations for safe handling and use of chemicals and equipment.
Degree Plan
Semesters 1 and 2
- CHEM1201 General Chemistry I Lecture
- CHEM1203 General Chemistry I Laboratory
- CHEM1202 General Chemistry II Lecture
- CHEM1204 General Chemistry II Laboratory
Semesters 3 and 4
- CHEM2261 Organic Chemistry I Lecture
- CHEM2263 Organic Chemistry I Laboratory
- CHEM2262 Organic Chemistry II Lecture
- CHEM2264 Organic Chemistry II Laboratory
Semesters 5
Semester 4 or 6
Semester 5 or 7
- CHEM3281 Biochemistry I Lecture
- CHEM3389 Biochemistry I Laboratory
- CHEM2211 / CHEM2213 Inorganic Chemistry Lecture / Laboratory
- CHEM4253 Pharmacokinetics
- CHEM4285 Pharmacology
Semester 7
Semester 8
Cognate Requirements
Semesters 1 and 2
- MATH1203 Calculus I
- MATH2202 Calculus II
- BIOL1201 / BIOL1203 Biological Diversity Lecture / Laboratory
- BIOL1202 / BIOL1204 Introduction to Molecules, Cells and Genes Lecture / Laboratory
Semesters 3 and 4
- PHYS2003 / PHYS2013 General Physics with Calculus I Lecture / Laboratory
- PHYS2004 / PHYS2014 General Physics with Calculus II Lecture / Laboratory
- BIOL1205 / BIOL1207 Anatomy and Physiology I Lecture / Laboratory
- BIOL1206 / BIOL1208 Anatomy and Physiology II Lecture / Laboratory
Semester 4, 6, or 8
Semester 3, 4, or 5
- MATH1133 Applied Statistics
Other requirements
Major Electives
- CHEM4215 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry
- CHEM4351 Chemical Kinetics
- CHEM4436, CHEM4437 Mentored Research in Chemistry (sophomore)
- CHEM4438, CHEM4439 Mentored Research in Chemistry (junior)
- CHEM4440, CHEM4441 Mentored Research in Chemistry (senior)
- CHEM4371 Organic Synthesis
- CHEM3241 Physical Chemistry I Lecture
- CHEM3243 Physical Chemistry I Laboratory (must be taken with CHEM3241 Physical Chemistry I Lecture)
- CHEM2274 Physical Organic Chemistry
- Any Biology Area II or III Courses
Or any course approved by the department chair
Program certified by ACS.