Electrical Engineering BSEE, Electrical Engineering MSEE: combined degree
The University offers a five-year program that allows qualified students to attain a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering (B.S.E.E.) and a Master of Science (M.S.) in Electrical Engineering with a combined degree load that is 9 credits less than that of the separate degrees.
Students must register for this program by their junior year and must have achieved a cumulative grade point ratio of 2.75 for admission.
Degree Plan
1st Semester (15 credits)
- WRIT1002 Composition I: Rhetoric and Inquiry
- ENGR1301 Engineering Practices, Graphics and Design
- MATH1201 Calculus I
- PHYS2201 Physics Laboratory I
- PHYS2203 University Physics I
- UNIV1001 Transitioning to University Life
2nd Semester (18 credits)
- WRIT1003 Composition II: Research and Argument
- ENGR1204 Programming Languages in Engineering
- ENGR2286 Digital System Design
- MATH2202 Calculus II
- PHYS2202 Physics Laboratory II
- PHYS2204 University Physics II
- UNIV1002 Preparing for Professional Life
3rd Semester (15 credits)
- EENG2221 Signals and Systems I
- ENGR2287 Microprocessor System Design I
- ENGR3200 Adv Eng’g Programming
- MATH2210 Differential Equations
- UNIV2001 Cross-cultural Perspectives
4th Semester (15 credits)
- EENG2222 Signals and Systems II
- ENGR2210 Technical Communications
- EENG3288 Microprocessor System Design II
- ENGR4221 Engineering Statistics and Reliability
- UNIV2002 Global Issues
5th Semester (12 credits)
- EENG3223 Linear Systems
- EENG3265 Electronics I
- EENG4375 Electric Energy Conversion
- MATH2203 Calculus III
6th Semester (16 credits)
- CHEM1201 General Chemistry I
- CHEM1203 General Chemistry Laboratory I
- EENG3266 Electronics II
- ENGR3341 Advanced Engineering Mathematics
- EENG6633 Digital Signal Processing
- Ethical and Moral Analysis
- ENGR3000 Modern Technologies
7th Semester (16 credits)
- CSCI2234 Data Structures and Algorithms
- EENG3244 Electromagnetic Fields and Waves
- EENG3267 Electronics III
- EENG4260 Prep for EE Project
- EENG4342 Data Communications and Computer Networks
- EENG7725 Modern Control Systems
8th Semester (14 credits)
- ENGR4210 Managerial and Engineering Economic Analysis
- EENG4341 Communication Systems
- EENG4268 Electrical Engineering Project
- EENG7701 Logic Design
- Technical Elective
- Technical Elective
Technical Electives: Six credits must be selected from the Technical Electives List for the Engineering Curriculum, copies of which can be obtained through the Gildart Haase School of Computer Sciences and Engineering. Choices must be approved by an academic advisor.
Ethical and Moral Analysis: Students must take ENGR 3000 Modern Technologies to satisfy this requirement.
A minimum of 121 credits is required for the B.S.E.E. degree and a minimum of 142 credits is required for the combined B.S.E.E./M.S.E.E. degrees