Self-Study Schedule

Below are the key dates for the self-study process during 2023, 2024, and 2025:

  Initiation Completion Status
Write and submit draft of Self-Study Design (SSD) 2/1/2023 3/15/2023 Complete
Send MSCHE VP SSD   3/15/2023 Complete
Launch Website ( 4/3/2023 4/3/2023 Complete
Planning Pre-Visit by MSCHE VP   4/6/2023 Complete
Revisions and acceptance of SSD 5/1/2023 5/29/2023 Complete
Development of Evidence Inventory 3/15/2023 8/1/2023 Complete
Assessment Software Training 6/1/2023 8/31/2023 Complete
1st Steering Committee Retreat (Metro)   9/13/2023 Complete
Working Groups (WG) Write Chapters 9/1/2023 6/1/2024 Complete
2nd Steering Committee Retreat (Florham)   2/2/2024 Complete
WGs submit interim chapters 4/1/2024 5/1/2024 Complete
Selection of Visiting Team Chair 3/15/2024 3/17/2024 Complete
Core team and Editor finalize draft for community review 6/1/2024 10/15/2024 Complete
Draft submitted for community review 10/16/2024 10/20/2024 In progress
Collection of feedback from community (via web form) 10/16/2024 10/31/2024 In progress
Self-study Town Hall (via zoom)   10/30/2024  
Incorporation of community feedback into draft 10/16/2024 11/3/2024  
Submit near final draft to Team Chair   11/4/2024  
Team Chair visit 11/19/2024 11/20/2024  
Self-study finalized 11/20/2024 1/31/2025  
Submit Self Study, upload Evidence   2/1/2025  
Evaluation team visit to NJ Campuses 4/6/2025 4/9/2025  
Evaluation team visit to Vancouver TBD    
Evaluation team visit to Additional Locations TBD    
Commission notifies the chair and the institution of due dates for submission of final team report, confidential brief and institutional response   5/5/2025  
Chair sends draft report to institution for correction of factual errors   5/14/2025  
Institution returns corrected draft to the chair   5/21/2025  
Chair uploads final report to the Commission’s portal   5/26/2025  
Institution prepares formal institutional response to the team and uploads to the Commission’s portal   6/2/2025  
Chair uploads a confidential brief to the Commission’s portal   6/7/2025  
Accreditation Reaffirmed   7/1/2025