Registration Information
Registration Dates
- Priority Registration for Fall 2024 for continuing students opens April 8.
- Registration for Fall 2024 for new enrollees opens April 19.
Registration Notes
Web Registration is available from 8 AM to 11 PM, through the first week of the Drop/Add period. Courses with variable start dates can be registered up to the day before a class begins through Web Registration. You may access course information and register through Self-Service.
Please reference the Academic Calendar for dates on Academic Advising and Priority Registration. Priority Registration provides continuing students an advanced registration privilege. The scheduling of the date for each continuing student to register is based upon credit hours earned, with those closest to graduation receiving the highest priority. Students will receive an email approximately two weeks before the Priority Registration period notifying them of the date they may register. Priority Registration information will also be available on the FDU website during this time.
All students should register through their home campus. Please note: If you are registering for 3-4-5-6 week module courses and they are pre-requisites to one another, you must register for the courses in sequential order and you must register for one course at a time and finalize each transaction.
When selecting courses, if you select a course for which you are not eligible to enroll, your entire schedule will not be processed. Please delete this course in order to proceed and finalize your registration. You must check your schedule for accuracy when you complete the registration process.
Guidelines for General Registration
- Acknowledgment of University policy regarding academic and financial terms is required by the student prior to registering.
- If your account is on hold, you will be restricted from registering, i.e., Accounts Receivable Hold, Medical Hold, Dean’s Hold, Credit Limit Hold, Loan Hold. Please contact the department responsible for the hold after checking the Self-Service link ”Holds and Registration Information” under the Registration section.
- If a course has a restriction, the student will not be able to register online, i.e., (DA)Department Approval Needed, (DC)Department Chair Approval Needed, (RC)Regional Center Approval Needed, (HO)Honors Program Approval Needed. Please obtain the appropriate approval/signature and submit your request to the Office of Enrollment Services.
- Certain programs; such as EOF, Honors, and QUEST (5 year program), may require an additional advisor approval/signature.
- The system will check for pre-requisites and co-requisites. Waivers and substitutions will be recognized by the system as long as the information resides on the student transcript.
- Non matriculated students may not be permitted to participate in Web Registration.
Guidelines for Undergraduates
- Undergraduate students are required to meet with an academic advisor to prepare their schedule and to obtain access to register on the web.
- A registration form must be completed for each student and requires the student and advisor’s approval/signature prior to being processed by the Office of Enrollment Services.
- During Priority Registration students must register on the days designated based on the number of credits they have completed up to, but not including the current term.
- Undergraduates can only register for a maximum of 18 credits. Additional credits are considered a credit overload and requires an additional approval and is processed by the Office of Enrollment Services.
Guidelines for Graduate Students
- Graduate students are encouraged to meet with an advisor prior to registering on the web.
- The period of eligibility to register on the web begins on the first day of Priority Registration.
- Graduate students can only register for a maximum of 12 credits. Additional credits are considered a credit overload which requires an additional approval and is processed by the Office of Enrollment Services.
Monday through Friday
9:00 AM to 5:00 PM