Crime Prevention

Crime Prevention Information

    • Don’t walk alone during late night hours. Walk in groups whenever possible; there is safety in numbers.
    • Let a friend or family member know where you will be going and when you should be arriving.
    • Stay in well-lighted areas. Avoid alleys, wooded areas, shortcuts, secluded areas, etc.
    • Don’t turn your iPod (or mp3 player) volume up so loud that you can’t hear other noises around you.
    • Become familiar with the areas where you live, work and go to school. Know where to go if you are in need of help (Public Safety, Police Department, Fire Houses, Hospitals, etc.).
    • Carry your backpack or purse close to your body. Make sure that you keep your purse or backpack closed.
    • If you feel you are being followed, switch the direction you are walking, or cross the street. If the person is still there, head quickly to a safe place such as an open store or restaurant. Don’t be afraid to yell for help.
    • Always have your house/apartment/dorm key in your hands before you reach your door.
    • If someone attempts to rob you, do not fight or argue with them. You could wind up seriously injured or killed. Report the crime to the police and try to give an accurate description of the attacker. WHATEVER THEY ARE ATTEMPTING TO TAKE FROM YOU IS NOT WORTH YOUR LIFE!
    • Never walk away from an ATM with cash in your hand. Secure the money in your purse or wallet before leaving the ATM. If you are going to count your money, do so in a safe and secure spot.
    • Always lock your doors to your house/apartment/dorm room. Even if you are “just running down the hall,” it doesn’t take much time for someone to enter your home and steal your belongings.
    • Avoid parking in dark, isolated areas.
    • Always lock your doors.
    • Do not leave valuables (iPods, mp3 players, GPS navigation systems) or loose money lying visible in your vehicle.
    • Have you car keys in your hand before you reach your car.
    • After you check around your car, enter quickly and lock all of your doors.
    • If you car is bumped in traffic, don’t get out of the car. Use your cell phone to call 911. Sometimes carjackers use this technique so they can overpower you when you exit your vehicle and steal your car.
    • Even if you are just running inside for a minute, make sure you always roll up all windows, turn the car off, lock the doors and take the keys with you.
  • Sexual Assault is vaginal, oral or anal sex without the victim’s consent or with a victim who is unable to give consent.  Penetration can be anything.  It may involve actual or threatened physical force, use of weapon, coercion, intimidation, or pressure.  Sexual assault also includes intentional touching of the victim without consent, voyeurism or undesired exposure to pornography.  The perpetrator may be a stranger, friend, family member, or often an intimate partner.

    The Morris County Sexual Assault Center (MCSAC) is hosted by Morristown Memorial Hospital and provides free and confidential services to survivors of sexual assault, ages 12 and up.  Counseling is also available for partners, friends and family members.  Skilled counselors are available to meet with you on campus or at Morris County Sexual Assault Center, located 95 Mt. Kemble Avenue, 6th floor, Morristown, NJ, 07960.

    Services include individual and group counseling, advocacy services, 24 hours hot line, crisis counseling and community education.  The Morris County Sexual Assault Center is also a member of the Morris County Sexual Assault Response Team (SART).

    Feelings associated with the assault will not go away by themselves.  All calls are confidential.


    973-829-0587  Morris County Sexual Assault Center

    973-443-8888  FDU Department Public Safety

    973-377-2200  Florham Park Police Department

    973-971-5000 Morristown Memorial Hospital

  • Refer to the Student Handbook

    Alcohol and Other Drugs page 34

    Policies and Procedures 40

  • Surveillance

    • Be alert to unusual interest by individuals asking questions of sensitive information such as:
      • Security personnel on duty at various times, entry points onto campus, hours of operation, access control systems
      • Fictitious emergency calls to same locations or similar venues (observation of response)
      • Questions about camera and intrusion alarms locations
      • Speaking with building maintenance personnel (questions relating to ability to control explosives)
      • Suspicious packages left unattended
      • Observe the use of video recording, sketching, note-taking or surveillance of building, property and structures.
      • Report suspicious items found that include hydrogen peroxide, acetone, gasoline, propane or fertilizer (items that can be used to build explosives)
      • Make frequent checks of rooftops and other potentially sensitive areas (open areas such as parking lots, football stadiums, and unoccupied buildings)
    • Be mindful that each indicator by itself could be an exercise of rights guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution. Evaluate the totality of behavior before notifying any law enforcement agency. Discreetly observe individual’s behavior before reacting.
      • Ensure personnel receive training on threat awareness, emergency communication, response actions and reporting suspicious activities

    Proactive Measures

    • Establish a comprehensive security plan and emergency response plan for the event and share with local law enforcement in advance.
    • Test communication equipment
    • Develop mass evacuation procedure in response to a threat
    • Limit vehicle access to event as much as possible
    • Conduct additional checks of the facility
    • Establish checkpoints for accessing the event
    • Report suspicious activity
    • Remove objects from facility that could conceal explosives (trashcans, boxes, crates, etc.)
    • Implement a public awareness system such as a PA system for announcements
    • Designate egress and ingress routes for emergency vehicles
    • Be vigilant of secondary devices at anticipated evacuation routes
  • Policy:

    The purpose of this policy is to establish procedures for Fairleigh Dickinson University-College at Florham, to respond to and assist with reports of missing students as required under the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008. This policy applies to students who reside on campus and are deemed missing or absent from the University for a period of more than 24 hours without any known reason or which may be contrary to usual patterns of behavior. Such circumstances could include, but are not limited to; reports or suspicions of foul play, suicidal thoughts, drug use, any life threatening situations, or where a student may be known to be with persons who may endanger the welfare of the student.

    All reports of missing resident students shall be directed to the Department of Public Safety (973-443-8888), which will conduct an investigation to determine whether the student is missing in accordance with this policy. All resident students shall have the opportunity to have an individual to be contacted in any case that the student is determined to be missing. If a missing student is under 18 years of age, the University is required to notify the parent or guardian no later than 24 hours from the time the student was determined to be missing by the University.

    The University will also notify Florham Park Police Department and/or the Madison Police Department after the student is determined to be missing.

    All residential students will have the opportunity to designate an individual or individuals to be emergency contacts, who will be notified by the University no more than 24 hours from the time the student is determined to be missing. The designation or emergency contact will remain in effect until changed or revoked by the student.


    • Any and all reports of missing students shall be directed to the Department of Public Safety (973-443-8888).
    • An investigation will be initiated to determine the validity and credibility of the missing person report. The Department of Public Safety and Residence Life will gather all essential information about the student from the person making the report and from the students’ acquaintances. The information to be obtained includes, but is not limited to, personal descriptors, clothing last worn, locations where student may be, persons or witnesses who may have information, vehicle descriptions, information of the physical and mental well-being of the student, up-to-date photographs, class schedule, etc…
    • Notification and contact with the Dean of Students or designee.
    • Notification will be made to the individual(s) identified by the missing student as the confidential emergency contact of the determination that the student is missing. All confidential emergency contact information to be on file with Residence Life.
    • In the event the student is under 18 years of age or is not emancipated, the University shall make notification to the custodial parent or guardian immediately.
    • If the listed actions are proven to be unsuccessful in locating the missing student, notification will be made to the Florham Park Police Department and/or the Madison Police Department.
    • The Dean of Student’s Office shall initiate whatever actions deemed appropriate and in the best interests of the missing student.
    • Senior University Administration will be notified in accordance with this policy.
    • Communications:
      • Fairleigh Dickinson University – Florham Campus, Student Handbook
      • Fairleigh Dickinson University – Florham Campus, Website
      • Fairleigh Dickinson University – Florham Campus, Division of Student Affairs, Crisis Protocols

Active Threat Information

Situations involving “active shooters” and “active threats” are a serious concern for our nation’s university and college campuses. An “active threat” situation can happen anywhere beyond campuses and schools including malls, businesses, special events, and within the workplace.
  • Fairleigh Dickinson University Department of Public Safety has conducted training with neighboring law enforcement agencies to provide an effective response to active threat situations.  The University has an Emergency Operation Plan that will guide and support the campus during such an event.  The information on this page is presented to assist members of our campus community with their individual awareness and preparation.  We pride ourselves on working with our community in order to provide a safe environment in which our students, faculty, and staff can study, conduct research, and work.  Individual preparation and awareness is an important factor in working together.

  • An “active threat” is defined as any incident which by its deliberate nature creates an immediate threat or presents an imminent danger to the campus community.  In addition to offenders armed with firearms (active shooters), obviously, it is possible for other types of weapons or instruments to be used by offenders who want to cause harm.

  • All reports of emergencies on campus, life threatening and non-life threatening, should be reported to the Department of Public Safety at 973-443-8888 or 911.

    Once you make contact make sure you provide the following information:

    1. Your location;
    2. Nature of the emergency;
    3. Information about the emergency, victim, suspect, injuries, or suspicious activity;
    4. Phone number of the phone you are calling from
    5. Your name;

    Important:  Please remain on the line until Public Safety or 911 operator either terminates the call or advises you that you can hang up.

  • Police response tactics are to address the threat immediately and take action necessary to neutralize the threat as quickly as possible. The safety of all people involved in an “active threat” incident is of paramount importance and responding officers will forego assistance to injured parties for the express purpose of meeting and neutralizing the threat, and thereby reducing the overall number of casualties.

    1. Department of Public Safety personnel will respond immediately to obtain as much information as possible and await the police response.
    2. The local police will respond and take over the scene.
    3. Emergency medical services will respond immediately upon report or confirmation of injuries.
    4. The Campus Emergency Management Team will convene to manage the impacts of the event on the campus community and to lend support and resources to the tactical response agencies.
    1. When adequate and credible information is available, the campus will issue emergency notification messages to inform the campus and community of the threat and as much information as possible. Messaging systems have limitations, so expect to receive abbreviated action steps to take for your personal safety.  If you receive a message, share that information with others in your general area.
    2. The following messaging systems may be used to keep the campus informed during and after the event
    • Emergency text messaging (SMS)
    • Mass broadcast media – radio and television
    • Website postings –  campus and department homepages
    • Campus phone tree
    • Email

    Notes on the use of cell phones – To assure their personal safety and the safety of others, individuals are strongly encouraged to minimize the use of personal cell phones unless it is to report to authorities on the status of the incident.  Mass use of cell phone systems typically result in system overloads and the general failure of the system until cell phone usage diminishes.

  • Fairleigh Dickinson University campuses are protected and served by a full time Public Safety staff.  Additionally, local police will respond and take over any major crime scene and can be joined by other area law enforcement agencies. Emergency phones are located around campus both internally and externally to the campus buildings.  These can be used to contact the University Department of Public Safety. Campus departments now have emergency operations plan Field Guides to assist and direct their response during a given emergency.

  • The following guidelines are intended to provide information to individuals who have found shelter and/or found themselves engaged in an “active threat” situation.  They are intended to improve both individual and group levels of personal safety.

    “Active threat” situations are very dynamic and they evolve quickly.  Individuals need to assess their situation and be prepared to make decisions in a matter of seconds.  An “active threat” situation typically does not last for a long period of time unless it evolves into a hostage situation.

    Fight or Flight – When faced with an immediate threat of superior force and tactical advantage, the natural human reaction is fight or flight.  Assessments must be made at the time of the incident to determine where the threat is located and if there is a safe direction of flight away from the danger.  Certainly if you are in a position to escape from the incident safely, you should do so.  If you can assist others around you without placing yourself in danger, that is your personal choice.  Your personal objective is your own survival.  If you cannot leave, then your choice is limited to either active or passive resistance.  Circumstances and personal choice will dictate whether active resistance may be appropriate.  Following are some general guidelines for those considering active resistance-

    • If you move, be immediate in your actions and move quickly at right angles away from the threat;
    •  Use large solid objects such as desks, furniture and concrete walls to cover your escape route whenever possible.  The goal is to limit the aggressor’s visual opportunities and provide yourself shielding against the weapon of the aggressor;
    •  Victims significantly outnumbering the offender(s) can assist if moving to overpower the aggressor;
    •  Look for objects that may be used as self defense weapons against the intruder or provide protection from the intruder;

    Passive resistance – the act of succumbing to the wishes of the offender will place you under almost total control of the offender.


    You cannot make this decision for others trapped in the situation; however, a group may reach a common conclusion.

    Recommendations for Individual / Group Safety:

    • Presence of mind – All people entering classroom and lecture hall facilities (or any mass meeting area or private office) should assess their environment, familiarize themselves with exits, routes of escape, and make a conscious personal decision regarding what their response would be to an incident.
    • Remain calm – If you are involved in an active shooter incident, your urge may be to panic. This is completely natural, but if you can resist this temptation, your chances of survival will increase.  Tell yourself to remain calm and begin to make decisions based on your personal choices.  Preparing for such emergencies even if through mental rehearsal based upon these principals can assist in diminishing panic.
    • Call 9-1-1 as soon as it is safe to do so;
    • Evacuate if possible – If you are indoors and the threat is in your location, evacuate the building by a safe route when it is safe to do so.  If it is not possible to evacuate, seek refuge in an area of safety, preferably behind a locked door.
    • Shelter in place – If immediate safe flight is not available or is not the best course of action, the simple principle of shelter in place (seek refuge, lock down), can save lives during an active threat incident.  If you must seek refuge, secure all doors and windows as quickly as possible and barricade as many items between you and the threat as possible (i.e. tablet arm chairs, tables, cabinets, etc.).  The goal is to seal off areas to prevent the intruder access.
    • First aid – Render first aid to injured people who may be in or near your area.  Do this so long as it is safe to do so.
    • Silence – Do not attempt to make contact (verbal or physical) with the individual responsible for the threat unless no other option is available.
    • Protect yourself – If you must have contact with the individual posing the threat, attempt to find some cover (solid objects) to place between you and the individual.   Minimize the target area by crouching into a position behind solid objects and limit your exposure to the threat.
    • Remain secure until police arrive – Once in a secure location, DO NOT open the door for anyone but the Police.  Before allowing access to the room to anyone, make sure they do not represent a threat to you or others.  The attacker may pretend to be an authority or victim to attempt to gain access.
    • Let the Police do their job – DO NOT approach police officers as they attempt to locate and neutralize the threat.  During this time, the officers are trained to seek out and respond to the threat, which could include the use of deadly force.  They are not able to assist with the evacuation or medical assistance to injured parties.  Once the threat has been neutralized, the officers will return immediately to organizing the evacuation of the facility and obtaining or providing emergency medical procedures.
    • Personal awareness of your surroundings, what is going on around you, the distance to nearby windows and doors is perhaps the best method to assure your personal safety.  If something about your situation does not appear to be “right”, be prepared to act in your best interests.
    • Monitor others for signs of stress or severe depression.  Report any concerns to the appropriate person(s) (i.e.  Supervisor, resident advisor, , professor, counselor, Public Safety, Dean of Students, Human Resources, etc.)
    • Early detection of individuals having personal problems or demonstrating odd or threatening behavior may be the best method for reducing the likelihood of “active threat” events.  The University has exceptional resources to assist people through the Counseling Centers or the Human Resources Department.
    • The Department of Public Safety can speak to individuals or groups about any crime prevention topic. To schedule a meeting contact the Director of Public Safety at 973-443-8929 or email
    • Report suspicious activity!!!  If any situation appears odd, “out of place,” suspicious, or “makes the hair stand up on the back of your neck,” report it immediately to the Department of Public Safety.