Classical Literature and Performance Minor

The 15-credit classical literature and performance minor provides grounding in theatrical history, classical literature, theory and performance practices. This minor is based in one semester of study at FDU’s UK campus in Wroxton, England and includes courses in partnership with the Royal Shakespeare Company. Upon return, students will complete the minor with 3 credits of study on either the Metro or Florham campus. The minor is offered by the School of the Arts, Maxwell Becton College of Arts and Sciences, at the Florham Campus, Madison, New Jersey and Wroxton College, UK.

Required Courses (12 credits)

Electives (3 credits)

Select 3 credits from the following:

  • THEA1110 Introduction to Acting (3)
  • THEA3358 Acting Shakespeare with prerequisite (3)
  • THEAH1201 Development of the Theater I: Ancient to Elizabethan
  • THEAH1103 Introduction to Theater

For Information

Stacie Lents, Director of Theater Arts Program
Professor of Theater
School of the Arts, Maxwell Becton College of Arts and Sciences