Faculty Manual

For Full-Time and Part-Time Faculty

2017 Edition

Copyright © 2016 by Fairleigh Dickinson University

Original: January, 1993

Revised: September, 1993

Revised: September, 1994

Revised: September, 1995

Revised: September, 1996

Revised: August, 1998

Revised: September, 2001

Revised: May, 2009

Revised: September, 2013

Revised: September, 2015

Published by:

Office of the University Provost Fairleigh Dickinson University


This manual was developed to provide assistance and information to all faculty members, new and continuing, full-time and part-time, about faculty responsibilities, University procedures, and campus resources available to you. The intent of this manual is to collect materials from different publications, to combine this information into a single convenient reference, and to provide you with up-to-date information on University policies.

The Faculty Handbook governs matters relating to the role and responsibility of the faculty and this guide is based on that resource. You are encouraged to consult the Handbook and the University Bulletin for more detailed discussions of various issues. Please consult your department chairperson/school director and college dean if you have any questions.

We hope this manual provides useful information to assist you in your many roles as a teacher, advisor and counselor, researcher, and member of the University community.

Please do not hesitate to contact our office if you feel that any material should be included or excluded from future Faculty Manuals.

Best wishes to you for a productive and rewarding year.

Gillian Small, University Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs

Faculty Responsibilities

In particular, please see Articles XVI and XVII of the Faculty Handbook.

The department/school, college, and University expect all faculty members to conduct themselves in a responsible and professional manner on all matters relating to the academic life of the University. Here are a few specific items of importance:

Class Meetings

Classes scheduled on the traditional academic calendar meet for 14 weeks. The 15th week is the final examination period (See Final Examinations). Note – Some classes that take place during the fall and spring semesters meet for less than 15 weeks.

You are expected to conduct class for the entire allotted time period. State regulations require three-credit day courses, in a fifteen-week semester, to meet three times a week for 50 minutes or twice a week for 75 minutes; evening classes meet once a week for 150 minutes. Dismissing class early violates state mandates, prevents completion of the subject matter, and deprives students of their contractual rights.

If your class is scheduled on the non-traditional academic calendar, or in an on-line or blended/hybrid format, consult with your department chair or school director for class meeting requirements.

First Session of Class

The first class session is an extremely important one, and instructors should be prepared to hold a class for the full period even though their students do not have a previous assignment or textbook. During this first session, faculty should discuss with their class the course syllabus, which includes an overview of the course, interpret the textbook to be used, set forth the course requirements, explain their method of grading, discuss the term paper or research project mechanics and requirements, and suggest helpful outside readings. A class discussion topic or other exercise should be developed to get the course underway.

A faculty member must not allow students to attend his/her classes without officially enrolling for the course; this practice violates University regulations. Any student in your course who is not registered (not on the Enrollment Rosters) must not be given any graded materials— quizzes, papers, or examinations. The student should immediately be referred to the Office of Enrollment Services.

Cancellation of Classes

In the event you cannot meet your class because of a personal emergency, please notify your department or school office as soon as possible. If the office is closed, please call the Office of

Public Safety or the campus Office of Enrollment Services. Use your class listserv or Blackboard email list to send an email message to all of your students at one time.

Metropolitan Campus

Public Safety (201) 692-2222

Office of Enrollment Services (201) 692-2214

Florham Campus

Public Safety (973) 443-8888

Office of Enrollment Services (973) 443-8610

If you need to cancel a class for any other reason, please consult with your chairperson or director in advance and notify students in advance (especially for evening courses). In any event, you are responsible for making up all canceled classes. (Also, see Inclement Weather.)

Classroom Environment

The primary professional responsibility of each faculty member is to the University community. A faculty member has the right and responsibility to maintain a classroom environment conducive to learning. He or she shall meet each class as scheduled and adhere to the standards of the profession and to University and college policies and regulations.

Each faculty member has the additional responsibility to see that students respect University property. Any students who damage University property should be promptly reported to the department or school office, college dean, campus dean of students, or the Public Safety Department.

Class Rosters and Enrollment Verification

At the beginning of the semester, you will need to access your class roster on the Self-Service system and print the roster for the first day of class to record attendance for approximately the first three weeks of the semester. The roster contains the names of the students officially registered for the course at the time the roster was generated.

Shortly after the add/drop period, three weeks after the opening, for the Traditional 15 week term and the Non Traditional 10-12 week term, you will receive an email request to go to your Self-Service menu and verify that all students are in attendance for your course. Please complete the verification process approximately 3 weeks into the course. The same procedure is required for shorter Module courses approximately 2 weeks following the start of the course.

Federal regulations require that the University have a mechanism in place to ensure that the students on the roster are in attendance before the University begins to accept federal funds for students. If a student appears on your class roster and has “Never” attended, please place an “N” in the column noted for verification. All other students who have been attending should be coded

with an “A”. This step is necessary to facilitate the cancellation of a student’s enrollment in the course coded “N”, to ensure that federal funds are not posted to a student’s account, if they are not entitled to the funds.

On-line courses: Please note that a student merely signing on to the course does not meet the definition of “in attendance” by federal standards, unless the student has “participated” in a discussion or submitted course work.

Please do not allow any student to attend your course whose name does not appear on the roster without proper documentation of official registration for your section. Refer them to the Office of Enrollment Services so that they may be officially registered for the course.

Course Syllabi

You must provide your students with a syllabus during the first week of class, preferably at the first meeting. While this requirement may seem obvious, students occasionally report never receiving a syllabus in a course. Having a syllabus helps students avoid any misunderstanding of your course requirements.

The syllabus should contain:

  • Your name, phone extension, and email address

  • Time and location of your office hours

  • List of required texts with ISBN

  • Course objectives

  • Tentative sequence and timing of topics to be covered

  • Weekly assignments

  • Writing assignments and due dates

  • Test dates

  • Grading policies

  • Attendance policies

  • Reference to the University’s Students with Disabilities Policy (see section on Learning Disabilities below)

  • Reference to the University’s Academic Integrity Policy (Appendix A)

You need not explain all the assignments in detail, and if necessary, you can change the syllabus as you go along. Substantial changes should be distributed in writing. A copy of your syllabus should be placed on file in the department/school office.

Your department or school will assist you as much as possible in the preparation and duplication of syllabi (See Office Services). Faculty members are encouraged to post their syllabi on WebCampus.

Final Examinations

Final Examinations must be given in the fifteenth week and may not be given earlier. If, after consultation with your department chairperson or school director, you determine that a final examination may not be appropriate in your course, you must hold a class during the scheduled final examination period.

Final examinations in day courses are given according to a special examination schedule distributed by the Office of Enrollment Services and printed in that semester’s Course Offering Booklet. Scheduled examination periods may not be changed by individual instructors.

Evening examinations are held in the fifteenth week during the regular class meeting time for the course. In the case of modular courses which classes end in less than 15 weeks, the final exam will be administered on the last scheduled day of class. In the unlikely event that a student has a time conflict or more than three examinations in one day, it is appropriate to make arrangements with the student to alleviate the situation.

Students have the right to review all graded academic exercises—including final examinations. There is the general expectation that all graded academic exercises are to be returned to students during the regular semester, with the exception of final examinations. It is recommended that final examinations be maintained in department offices. If final examinations are not returned to students, they are to be transferred, by faculty members, to academic department offices where the examinations will be maintained for a period of twelve (12) months after the completion of the term. At the end of this twelve-month period, the final examinations will be returned to the individual faculty members. Students can review their final examinations by making appointments with their instructors. Final examinations will not be given to students for review without the presence of the faculty member or other appropriate supervision. Students can request a photocopy of the graded final examination.

Final Grades

Faculty members are required to submit grades online in Self-Service within 72 hours of administering the final examination for the course.

Office Hours

The University requires all full-time faculty members to hold at least three office hours a week. Part-time faculty should hold at least one office hour a week for each course the faculty member is teaching. You should include the times and locations for your office hours on your course syllabus. Full-time faculty shall spend sufficient hours on campus as part of their academic workload responsibilities.

Proctoring Examinations

You are responsible for actively proctoring all examinations you administer. Graduate assistants and staff should not proctor exams.

Faculty Workload

The standard full-time faculty annual academic load consists of twenty-four (24) contact hours of undergraduate teaching plus a reasonable amount of time devoted to such activities as student advisement, individual research or other creative activities, new course development, and committee or other governance service. Under normal circumstances, a semester teaching load includes no more than three separate preparations, of which no more than one should be a course new to the faculty member. (See the Appendix to this manual for the Faculty Credit Overload and Underload Policy.)

Faculty teaching laboratory or studio courses for which the number of contact hours in a given course exceeds the number of credit hours assigned to that course will normally teach one additional contact hour in each semester in which they have such an assignment. The normal semester teaching load for the semester would be raised from twelve to thirteen contact hours for a faculty member with such an assignment.

General Information and Policies

Academic Advising

Advising is the responsibility of the full-time faculty and Academic Advising Center staff. If a student asks a part-time faculty member for academic advice, please refer him or her to the department chairperson or the campus Academic Advising Center. The campus Academic Advising Centers are located at:

Metropolitan Campus

Robison Hall, Room 30

University College and SCB (201) 692-2339 Edward Williams Hall, Room 307

Petrocelli College of Continuing Studies (201) 692-2449

Florham Campus

Becton College, Room M8, (973) 443-8753

CBS (Center for Business Students Advising) Mansion lower level (973) 443-8800

Academic Integrity

Fairleigh Dickinson University will not condone academic dishonesty in any form. To do so would be unfair to those students who perform honestly. Academic dishonesty undermines the confidence of the student in his or her ability to learn and perform and casts a shadow on the value of the academic process, past and future. Because of this belief, the University has established an Academic Integrity Policy which appears as an Appendix in this manual. If you have determined that a student has committed an act of academic dishonesty, follow the procedure outlined in the policy.

The Academic Resource Center – Metropolitan Campus; Academic Support Center – Florham Campus

These centers provide academic support free-of-charge to all FDU students. Individualized tutoring is available in writing, mathematics, business, arts and sciences, and the University Core curriculum. The tutoring staff includes professional tutors and peer tutors chosen for academic excellence in their major fields. The Centers offer individualized assistance in study skills and time management. Discussion groups, review sessions, and workshops are tailored for students in specific courses or areas of study as needed.

Students placed in basic skills classes are given supplemental help at weekly labs in reading, writing, and mathematics. The Centers are responsible for testing and placing students in the basic skills areas.

You may refer students to the appropriate Center for any academic difficulties they may have. You will receive written progress reports from the Center staff. The Center locations are:

Metropolitan Campus – Academic Resource Center

Robinson Hall Room, Room 502 201) 692-2076

Metropolitan Campus – Writing Studio

Metropolitan Campus Library (201-692-2165)

Florham Campus – Academic Support Center

Monninger Center, Room 206 (973) 443-8389


The University President serves as Chief Executive Officer of Fairleigh Dickinson University, while the University Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs has responsibility for academic programs and policies.

A complete list of University and Campus administrative offices is available on the University website.

Audio-Visual Materials and Equipment

NJ Campuses faculty and staff only

Classrooms and Events

Computing Services requests users to login to the Sami Support Portal and complete the Event – Computing Services Equipment Request request form.

The form can be located by browsing the following website https://samisupport.fdu.edu/, Forms – Staff and Faculty, Staff and Faculty Forms, Event – Computing Services Equipment Request

or by clicking on the following link:

Event – Computing Services Equipment Request – (Faculty & Staff NJ Campuses Only) – SAMI Support (fdu.edu)

Classroom technical support emergencies must be reported to the Fairleigh Dickinson University Technical Assistance Center (UTAC) by dialing 973-443-8822, creating a support ticket a technician will be paged to assist.

Support hours of operation are Monday through Friday, 8 am – 6 pm.

Vancouver faculty and staff only

Classrooms and Events

Vancouver Computing Services requests users to log in to the SAMI Support Portal and complete the form: Event – Vancouver Equipment Request (Faculty & Staff Vancouver Only)

The form can be located by browsing the following website  https://samisupport.fdu.edu, Forms – Staff & Faculty, Event – Vancouver Equipment Request (Faculty & Staff Vancouver Only)

or by clicking on the following link:

Event – Vancouver Equipment Request (Faculty & Staff Vancouver Only)

During regular support hours of operations, classroom technical support emergencies must be reported through SAMI Support at https://samisupport.fdu.edu or to the Fairleigh Dickinson University Technical Assistance Center (UTAC) by dialing 973-443-8822, creating a support ticket a technician will be paged to assist.

Support hours of operation are Monday through Friday, 9am – 5pm.

After regular support hours of operations, classroom technical support emergencies must be reported by contacting the on-site Student IT Assistants in person or by dialing 604-648-4407.


An auditor is a student who completes all registration requirements but does not have any record kept of attendance or academic work. No grade is given for the course audited. A student taking a course as an auditor waives all rights to take that course for credit in the present or in the future.

Bookstore Policy

All textbook orders must be processed through the University bookstore. Because of the University’s contractual obligations to the outside vendor running the bookstore, faculty may not

refer students to other bookstores or Internet sites to purchase required texts (see Textbook Adoption Policy).

Campus Facilities

The following campus facilities are available to all faculty members:

  • The athletic facilities are available when classes or athletic teams are not using them.

  • You may check books out of the library.

Campus Maps

Copies of campus maps can be obtained from the Admissions Office.

Classroom Access

Most classrooms are unlocked during normal class times. If a classroom is locked, call the campus Public Safety office to have it opened. Some rooms are locked for security reasons or because the rooms are controlled by certain departments/schools. If such a room is being used for classroom purposes, the faculty member should check with that department/school for access.

Computing Services

Computers are available in most department/school offices, the library, and in the computer centers. Faculty members obtain computer network accounts on the University’s servers by completing an application from Computing Services. These accounts provide e-mail addresses and access to the Internet from campus offices. Access to the Internet from off-campus must be obtained via Internet Service Providers at the faculty member’s own expense. Applications for listservs may be obtained from Computing Services.

Metropolitan Campus Computing Centers:

University Hall and Dickinson Hall

Florham Campus Computing Center:

Dreyfuss Building

Contact the Center for Teaching and Learning with Technology (CTLT) for any questions or concerns about technology in the classroom.

CTLT on Metropolitan Campus

Dickinson Hall, Rm. 2155 201-692-7060

CTLT on Florham Campus

The Barn, Rm. 8 973-443-8060

Consensual Relations Policy

Fairleigh Dickinson University has adopted a policy regarding consensual relations between members of the University community. Members of the community should be aware of the policy and follow its guidelines. The policy is included in the Policy On Prohibited Discrimination, Harassment And Related Misconduct (Appendix E).


Your academic department will assist you as much as possible in preparing and duplicating materials for class. There are applicable copyright laws involving duplication of published material; please familiarize yourself with them (See the Copyright Law section of this manual). Copies Plus is the official copy service provided by FDU. Copy facilities at the Florham Campus are located in the lower level of the Mansion and at the Metropolitan Campus in the Metropolitan Campus Library with a separate entrance at the north end of the building.

Copyright Law

The copyright law of the United States (title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. Under certain conditions specified in the law, libraries and archives are authorized to furnish a photocopy or other reproduction. One of these specific conditions is that the photocopy or reproduction is not to be “used for any purpose other than private study, scholarship, or research.” If a user makes a request for, or later uses, a photocopy or reproduction for purposes in excess of “fair use,” that user may be liable for copyright infringement. This institution urges faculty and students to familiarize themselves with “fair use” guidelines and reserves the right to refuse to accept a copying order if, in its judgment, fulfillment of the order would involve violation of copyright law. For further information, please refer to the US Copyright Office website.

Counseling Centers

Each campus maintains a Counseling Center to help students with personal problems. You may refer students who seem to be having personal difficulties to the campus Counseling Center. The locations and phone numbers of the campus Counseling Centers are:

Metropolitan Campus

Corner of Lone Pine Lane and Residence Drive (behind University Court 8) (201) 692-2174

Florham Campus

Wellness Center (973) 443-8504

Desk Copies

Whenever possible, desk copies of required course texts should be secured in advance of the beginning of a course. Desk copy requests are made directly to the text publisher on a form that you can obtain from your department. The ordering of desk copies should be coordinated by the department chair or school director and should be done in a timely fashion so as to meet bookstore deadlines.

Check with your department/school before ordering a desk copy; copies of the text may be available in the department/school, especially for multi-section courses. If texts are not available in the department/school and there is not sufficient time to obtain one from a publisher, it may be possible to sign one out at the bookstore. However, you are responsible for replacing this text with a desk copy secured from the publisher. Desk copies may not be sold to students. Please consult the bookstore Manager for the applicable conditions for returning a desk copy. Neither the college nor the department/school can pay for desk copies. Desk copies of books you requested, but will not be used in class, should be returned to the publisher and not sold to book buyers.

The Center for Teaching and Learning with Technology

The Center for Teaching and Learning with Technology fosters excellence in teaching and learning through the use of advanced technologies. Our two units are the Teaching and Learning Center (TLC) and the Office of Academic Technology (OAT). TLC offers faculty development opportunities such as workshops in educational technology and pedagogy, the annual TNT Institute, TNT Sparklers, and one-on-one consultation with professional instructional designers in the Instructional Design Studio. The Office of Academic Technology supports all permanently installed classroom technologies, interactive television classrooms, and all University- supported software specifically designed for teaching and learning. OAT also co-manages the University’s Faculty Laptop initiative with the Office of Information Resources and Technology.

Evaluation of Faculty

At least once a year faculty members in all colleges are evaluated by their students. The results of the evaluation will be distributed to you after they have been processed (usually a few weeks after the end of the semester). Part-time faculty should also be observed each semester by the department chairperson or a member of the full-time faculty.

Faculty ID Cards

Please visit the campus Public Safety Office any time during the first week of classes, Monday through Friday, from 9-5, to have your ID card made. Public Safety Offices locations:

Metropolitan Campus

870 River Road (201) 692-2222

Florham Campus

The Barn (973) 443-8888

Food Services

Gourmet Food Service is the food concessionaire on both campuses. Faculty can dine in the main cafeterias during regularly scheduled hours on both campuses for a fixed meal charge. Faculty can purchase a ten (10) luncheon-only meal plan, at a reduced rate, to be used in the campus cafeterias. The location of the dining facilities are:

Metropolitan Campus

Cafeteria – Student Union Building. Jeepers – Alumni Hall.

Dickinson Café – Dickinson Hall.

Florham Campus

Cafeteria and the Grille – Student Center. SNAX – The Mansion.

Leafs and Grains – Stadler, Zenner, Hoffman Laroche Academic Building.

Grade Appeals

Students occasionally challenge the grades they receive. You are responsible for meeting with or calling a student who requests an explanation of his or her grade. If the student wishes, he or she may file a written appeal of the grade to the department chair and the college dean after this meeting or conversation. You will be consulted during this process, but it is the student’s responsibility to submit all relevant work about which there is a dispute (See Appendix B: Grade Appeals Procedure).


  1. Final Grades are based on recitations, examinations, reports, term papers, classroom participation, and laboratory work where applicable. Every instructor is obligated during the first week of each semester to inform his or her class in some detail of the requirements, expectations, demands and methods of the course, and procedure for grading. This same information should be included in the course syllabus.

  2. Grading System: The University has not established a fixed formula for converting numerical percentage grades to letter grades; such a formula is left to the discretion of the faculty member. Each faculty member’s formula should be explained in his/her syllabi.

  3. Repeated Grades: If an undergraduate student repeats an undergraduate course, both the first and second (third, etc.) grades will remain on the student transcript but only the last earned grade will be computed in the Cumulative Grade Point Ratio (CGPR). (Note: P, NC, W, I, and AU are not considered earned grades.) Any repeated course taken to remove the credits attempted and any grade points from a lesser previous grade must originally have been taken at Fairleigh

    Dickinson University and must be repeated at Fairleigh Dickinson University. This policy applies to undergraduate courses only. If a graduate student repeats a course, both course grades remain on the transcript and are calculated in the student’s GPA.

  4. Cumulative Grade Point Ratio: CGPR is computed by dividing the total number of grade points earned by the total number of weighted credits attempted. Grade points are the products of the course credits and the grade weights on a 4.00 scale. (For example, a student achieving a C+ in a three-credit course earns 2.33 X 3 = 6.99 grade points.) Excluded from this calculation are grades I, P, NC, and W (see below).

  5. Grade Changes: Final letter grades may be changed only when the instructor can show that an error in grading was made (incorrect numerical calculation, missed grading a question, etc.). Changes must be submitted on three-part forms available in the Office of Enrollment Services and be approved by your department chairperson. Grade changes may also require the approval of the college dean.

  6. Incomplete Grade (I): The “I” describes a student’s temporary status in a course. It is to be given only in exceptional or emergency circumstances at the discretion of, and after consultation with, the instructor. Students have a responsibility for completing all work in a course on time. They have the added responsibility to notify the instructor of circumstances preventing them from completing the requirements on time. Students will have through the third week of the next full semester (excluding summer session) to complete the requirements. If these requirements have not been met within the prescribed period, the “I” automatically becomes an “F.” An “I” should never be given as a substitute for a failing grade; if the student is failing, the faculty member is obligated to issue an “F.” Incomplete grades (“I”) may be extended beyond the deadline by submitting a memo to the Records Office, Office of Enrollment Services.

  7. Pass/No Credit – P/NC: Undergraduate students may elect to take a maximum of 12 credits for Pass/No Credit (P/NC) if they have completed a minimum of 64 credits in residence and are in good academic standing. Courses in which a “P” is earned will count toward the credit requirements for the degree. The cumulative grade point ratio (CGPR) is not affected by the P or NC grade. A weighted letter grade will not be provided after the P/NC option has been declared. (Petrocelli College and Wroxton have different P/NC policies; see the Petrocelli College and Wroxton deans for details.)

    Forms requesting this option are available in the Office of Enrollment Services. After the student has completed the form in duplicate, he or she must have it approved by the appropriate advisor, department chairperson, and the instructor of the course. A request may be disapproved. The approved request must be filed in the Office of Enrollment Services within the first two weeks of the semester. Once the P/NC option has been elected, the student cannot change over to a letter grade. You will circle the appropriate grade, either a “P,” if the student passes the course, or an “NC,” if the student fails the course, printed on the Final Grade Roster.

    Health Services

    The Student Health Services on each campus is staffed with competent, experienced registered nurses and consulting physicians. For major emergencies and surgery, the neighboring community hospitals are used.

    Metropolitan Campus

    Student Union Building (201) 692-2437

    Florham Campus

    Wellness Center (973) 443-8535

    Home Phone Number

    Whether or not you give your home phone or mobile number to students is up to you. If you haven’t given out your number, the department/school will preserve your privacy but will call you if a student needs to contact you.

    Inclement Weather

    Classes may not be dismissed by an instructor because of inclement weather. During the winter, if the campus roads and parking lots cannot be cleared, the University administration makes the decision to dismiss classes.

    Inclement weather closures and other certain campus emergencies are announced through the FDU Alert system. FDU has implemented the FDU Alert system to expand and enhance its emergency notification methods. In the event of an emergency, FDU Alert may be used to provide pertinent information and instructions to FDU students, faculty and staff through voice, text messaging and/or E-mail. FDU Alert uses the a mass notification system that sends emergency messages instantly and simultaneously to registered mobile phones, wireless devices and E-mail addresses.

    The website for this policy as well as other related FDU Alert information can be found by clicking on Web Shortcuts on the top right of the FDU Homepage.

    The following local radio stations also usually carry the announcement of closings: WFDU (89.1FM), WOR (710AM), WCBS (880FM), WCTC (1450AM), WDHA (105.5FM), WINS

    (1010AM), WMGQ (98.3FM), WMTR (1250AM). A recorded message will be placed on the switchboard (Metro Campus: 201-692-2000, Florham Campus: 973-443-8500). The FDU webpage will also announce closures.

    Independent Contractors

    Non-university employees who are invited to provide services to the University (lecturers, performers, consultants, program reviewers) are independent contractors. Prior to their being engaged to perform their duties, an independent contractor agreement form must be submitted along with a completed “Guide for Determining Workers’ Status” form. Payment to independent contractors must be processed on “Check Request Forms.” Because of US immigration and tax law, special care needs to be given to engaging lecturers or consultants who are not US citizens or legal residents. Additional documentation (Foreign National Information Form and W-8) is required to be submitted in advance for non-citizens. Consult with a representative of the Human Resources department for appropriate procedures. Non-citizens and non-US residents are subject to withholding tax.

    Independent Studies

    Compensation for Independent Study in the fall and spring semesters is awarded for up to six (6) credits. Full-time faculty members are not compensated for the first six (6) credits taught during the fall and spring semesters only; part-time faculty are compensated for all Independent Study courses taught. Faculty compensation for Independent Study will be paid at the rate of $45 per credit (undergraduate) and $50 per credit (graduate). Full-time faculty will be given preference over part-time faculty to teach Independent Study, except in exceptional cases (Specialties, etc.). Independent Studies in each summer session will be limited to six (6) credits, compensated at the same rate as fall and spring. Full-time faculty members are compensated for all Independent Study credit hours during the summer semesters.

    Interactive Television and Videoconferencing

    The University maintains interactive television (ITV) and videoconferencing facilities on each campus for use in faculty and administrative meetings and for distance learning. Use of the facilities requires orientation and training which can be arranged through the Center for Teaching and Learning with Technology. Scheduling of ITV rooms is also coordinated through this office.


    Keys for offices and classrooms are available to faculty and staff who need them. Keys should be requested through the chair/director of the faculty member’s department/school. For special needs, a locksmith is on campus during normal business hours and can be reached through the campus Public Safety office. Keys should be returned to the department/school office when a faculty member separates from the University.

    Learning Disabilities, Regional Center for College Students with

    FDU offers students accepted into the Regional Center coordinated support services that help them function successfully within the regular college curriculum.

    The Regional Center begins its work with students during freshman orientation, in advisement and registration and continues to provide a full range of academic support services throughout the year. Enrollment in the program is limited.

    Diagnostic services to non-Center students are available during inter-sessions and summer session on a limited basis. The Regional Centers are located:

    Metropolitan Campus

    Robison Hall (201) 692-2087

    Florham Campus

    The Mansion (973) 443-8734

    Learning Disabled Students (Not in the Regional Center)

    Florham Campus students with documented medical, psychological or learning disabilities, but who are not supported by the Regional Center, and wish to receive in-class academic adjustments, must meet and submit their documents to the Director of Disability Support Services. This documentation is kept in confidential files throughout each student’s enrollment at FDU. At the beginning of each semester, an official letter identifying appropriate in-class academic adjustments will be sent to the respective faculty member. Any student, who believes he/she is disabled, and has not been formally evaluated, should speak with the Director of Disability Support Services for information on how to be evaluated. The Office of Disability Support Services is located in the Career Development Office, located in the Student Center building and can be reached at (973) 443-8079. Metropolitan Campus students who have special needs and who seek accommodations should contact the Office of the Metropolitan Campus Provost, at 201-692-2479 for more information. Additional information can also be found at www.fdu.edu/metroada.

    Learning Disabilities Statement for Syllabi

    “Any student with documented disabilities, who feels he/she may need academic accommodations while taking this course, should first contact the office of Disability Support Services at 973-443-8079 (Florham Campus) or Office of the Campus Provost at 201-692-2479 (Metropolitan Campus) to discuss his/her specific needs. Once the disability is verified, pick-up your letters from the office of Disability Support Services, then make an appointment to see the professor.”


    Faculty members have borrowing privileges at both campus libraries. The library staff will assist you in setting up a reserve list of books for your courses if you wish (check with the Circulation Desk). The Research and Instruction Department can assist you in using the electronic bibliographic and full-text services as well as securing materials through inter-library loan. You are encouraged to meet with a Research and Instruction Librarian for familiarization with the rapidly changing “Online Library” that offers tens of thousands of online journals and e-books for research and classroom support. Faculty assigning research projects at any level are urged to arrange a class presentation regarding appropriate resources and databases and to enhance students’ information literacy skills.

    Office Space and Mailbox

    Full-time faculty members, who teach on campus, will be assigned office space by their departments/school. The department/school also will provide part-time faculty members with a desk in one of the department/school offices. (You may be sharing office space with someone else, but the department/school will try to schedule your use so that you may work or meet with students relatively undisturbed.) The department/school will also provide all faculty members with mailboxes in the department/school offices. Please check your mailbox frequently for important notices, class rosters, etc.


    Faculty may park in designated faculty or faculty/staff parking areas. If spaces are not available in these areas, faculty may park in student areas.

    All faculty members (full- and part-time) must register their vehicles. Parking decals are available in the campus Public Safety Offices. (Please bring your automobile registration.) Faculty members with outstanding parking fines will not be issued new parking decals. Cars without current parking decals in campus parking areas will be towed at the owner’s expense.

    *Note – faculty members who never come to campus do not have to register their vehicles.

    Pay Dates

    Faculty members are paid twice each month over 9 months (or 12 months in the case of calendar year appointments). Overload payments for full-time faculty members are added to the last eight regular checks for that semester. Part-time faculty members are usually paid twice a month beginning with the second month of the semester. Inter-session and summer term payments are made at the end of the session.

    Personal Information Changes

    The Personnel Information Notice (PIN) should be used to inform the University, campus, college, and department/school of changes of information on a faculty member, such as home address or telephone number. These forms are available in department/school offices, and the revised PIN requires the faculty member’s name, social security number, information change, and effective date of the change. The PIN should be sent to your college dean’s office which will forward the information to the Human Resources Office.


    The instructor should notify the students of any course prerequisites in order to prevent students from taking courses out of sequence. This should be done during the first class meeting.

    Instructors may not impose prerequisites not listed in the Undergraduate and Graduate Course Book/University Bulletin.

    Program Changes

    Program changes by students are permitted with the appropriate advisor/chairperson/school director/academic dean approval in any given semester. The specific final dates for program changes for regular semesters and summer sessions will be published on the Academic Calendar and are available in the Office of Enrollment Services.

    Purchasing Policies

    Purchases of equipment and supplies should be initiated through your department/school office and processed on University Purchase Order forms. These must be approved in advance by the department chair or school director and the dean of the college. Reimbursements for purchases made out of pocket may be refused.

    Religious Holidays

    University policy respects its members’ observance of their major religious holidays although the University is not officially closed on most religious (or secular) holidays. Offices of administration and of instruction responsible for the scheduling of required academic activities or essential services are expected to avoid conflict with such holidays as much as possible. Such activities include examinations, registration, and various deadlines that are part of the academic calendar.

    Where scheduling conflicts prove unavoidable, no student should be penalized for absence for religious reasons, and alternative means will be sought for satisfying the academic requirement involved. If a suitable arrangement cannot be worked out between the student and the instructor involved, students and instructors should consult the appropriate chairperson, director, or dean. In keeping with this policy, please be guided by the following:

    Examinations ordinarily should not be given on religious holidays. If an examination must be given, students absent for religious reasons have the right to make-up examinations without delay.

    Instructors may cancel their class or classes on a religious holiday provided: (1) a make-up class has been scheduled and (2) the department chairperson/school director and/or dean have given approval. A written request, including make-up arrangements, must be submitted to the department chairperson/school director prior to canceling any class.

    Religious Holidays

    • Please note that Jewish and Muslim holidays begin at sunset. Therefore, the eve of a Holy Day is holy as well and students may not attend classes.

    • Jewish and Muslim Holidays follow a lunar calendar and, therefore, fall on different dates each year.

    • Observant faculty would find the same difficulties as the students.

    • For more information about observances of religious holidays, contact Campus Ministries

    Room Changes

    If it is necessary to make a room change at the beginning of the term, contact your department/school office. Generally, the department/school will arrange with Enrollment Services for a classroom reassignment to accommodate special needs of your course. The Office of Enrollment Services will post “Room Change Notices” on the classroom doors. Instructors must not make room changes without appropriate authorization.

    Sexual Harassment Policy

    Fairleigh Dickinson University is committed to maintaining a discrimination-free academic and work environment and no act of sexual harassment by any student, faculty or staff will be tolerated. Sexual harassment undermines the integrity of academic and employment relationships, debilitates morale, and can be destructive to its victims and their associates. The University views such behavior as unprofessional and unacceptable, and all employees, students or associates of the University are strictly prohibited from engaging in conduct that may be deemed sexual harassment (see the appendix).


    In general, there is no smoking of tobacco products within any building or facility owned or operated by the University. In particular, there is no smoking in conference rooms, classrooms, laboratories or lecture halls, offices, libraries, bookstores, and lavatories (see the appendix).

    Sports Teams

    Metropolitan Campus Knights Division I

    Athletics Mission Statement:

    Recognizing that competitive athletics provides enriching and rewarding experiences for students, the Metropolitan Campus for Professional and International Studies of Fairleigh Dickinson University is dedicated to maintaining Division I intercollegiate athletics as an integral part of the University’s educational experience. Achieving academic excellence, however, is the central mission of the University and accordingly, FDU encourages and emphasizes the importance of its student-athletes fulfilling their degree requirements.

    Participation in Division I athletics provides equal opportunity for all students, men and women, to enhance and refine their physical skills at the highest competitive level and to improve personal attributes such as discipline, leadership, teamwork and sportsmanship. Additionally the athletics program serves as an important building block for the development of institutional loyalty and school spirit among students, faculty, staff, alumni and friends of the University.

    A successful athletics program is dependent upon the cooperation and support of the Board of Trustees, the administration, faculty, staff, students, alumni and the public. Knowledgeable coaches and dedicated student-athletes who are committed to fostering integrity and excellence in a competitive atmosphere and devoted to implementing the philosophical stance of the governing bodies of intercollegiate athletics ensure the fulfillment of the University’s mission on athletics.

    Florham Campus Devils Division III

    Goals and Objectives:

    Varsity athletics at the Florham Campus of Fairleigh Dickinson University is an extra-curricular activity, whose place in the University is to enhance the overall collegiate experience. The objective of the Department of Intercollegiate Athletics is to provide growth through competition. As a part of the University experience, the function of intercollegiate athletics is to provide all student athletes with mechanisms to participate in varsity competition. The Department of Intercollegiate Athletics at the Florham Campus of Fairleigh Dickinson University works in concert with the educational mission of Fairleigh Dickinson University and the parameters of NCAA Division III philosophy. It is also a member of the Eastern College Athletics and Middle Atlantic Conferences and adheres to all of their rules.

    Student Athletes

    Student-Athlete Missed Class Policy and Make-Up Exam Policy for the Metropolitan Campus:

    1. Student-Athletes shall not be excused from class early, arrive late to class or miss class for practices.

    2. For home competitions, student-athletes shall not miss class prior to 2 hours before the scheduled competition time.

    3. For away competitions, student-athletes shall not miss any class prior to the scheduled time of departure.

    4. Student-athletes are responsible for making advance and follow-up arrangements with professors concerning missed classes, homework, tests, quizzes, field trips, etc.

    5. The Department of Athletics will, prior to the first scheduled absence and as early as possible, provide the faculty who teach student-athletes with a list of all competitions for those student-athletes in each professor’s class. The list of competitions will include the date and time of departure for each competition. This information will be provided by the Office of Academic and Student-Athlete Support Services.

    6. Faculty members cannot penalize student-athletes for attending athletic competitions provided that the student-athlete has notified the professor and made the necessary arrangements to make up the missed work. Excessive absences for non-athletic reasons (as determined by the professor) may be reviewed with the Director of Academic and Student-Athlete Support Services when they violate the professor’s overall absence policy.

    7. The following process will be followed when the missed class involves an examination or other grading opportunity: at least 2 days prior to the departure or home competition, the student-athlete must make arrangements with the professor for rescheduling the test and/or quiz.

    8. Professors may request the Office of Academic and Student-Athlete Support Services to assist in proctoring examinations, on-campus or off-campus that the student-athletes miss.

    9. The NCAA Faculty Representative will work with the Department of Athletics to notify affected faculty when teams qualify for championships that interfere with semester absences and/or final exams.

    10. In cases where the faculty member or the student-athlete believe reconciliation is necessary, either party may consult the Dean of the College within one week of the missed class or make-up examination.

With other requests, the instructor has the option of determining whether compelling circumstances exist. In cases of dispute, the student may appeal to the Chair of the Department offering the course. Appeals must be made within one week of refusal of the request to take a make-up examination.

Student Handbook

A copy of the current Student Handbook, containing policies and procedures relevant to student life on campus, can be found on the FDU web site.

Student Illness or Accident

When a student becomes ill or has an accident, notify the campus Office of Public Safety at once: Metropolitan Campus, 870 River Road (201) 692-2222 or Florham Campus, The Barn (973) 443-8888.

Student Work Load

When developing the syllabus for your own course, keep in mind the standard rule of thumb of student work load: two hours of preparation for every hour of class time. The University expects courses to be academically sound and rigorous.


Telephones in offices are provided for University-related business. Local calls for personal reasons should be limited to a reasonable number and length. Long-distance calls related to University business are billed to the department/school and should be limited in number and length. Personal long-distance calls should be charged to a personal credit card or home telephone.

Textbook Adoption Policy

While faculty members traditionally select their own textbooks, oversight responsibility for the text adoption process resides with the department/school offering the course. The department/school and its chair/director must ensure that all its text adoptions are reasonable and appropriate, and submitted to the bookstore in a timely fashion. Departments/school will make

every effort to communicate their adoptions to the bookstore in a timely manner according to the bookstore’s deadlines. Each department/school should develop its own method of selecting and approving texts which may involve standing or ad-hoc committees or individual faculty.

Text adoptions should be submitted by the faculty member or the appropriate committee to the department/school office. The office will collect the department/school adoptions, indicate the anticipated enrollment, and submit the forms to the University bookstore. In cases when a text change is anticipated but the new text is not yet known, the department/school will inform the bookstore so an informed decision can be made regarding repurchase. If a problem arises, the bookstore manager will contact the department/school office which will coordinate with the faculty involved. The bookstore manager should not attempt to communicate directly with individual instructors; the department/school office will serve as liaison with the bookstore.

Departments/schools will make every effort to avoid altering an adoption for a semester after the adoption has been communicated to the bookstore. It is the responsibility of the department/school to ensure that changes are not made without sufficient cause. When the instructor of a course is not known in time to allow participation in text selection, the department/school will select the text for the course. This choice will then be communicated to the instructor eventually assigned to the course and should be honored by the instructor except under unusual circumstances. Adjunct faculty hired at the start of a semester should generally not be given the option of changing a text that has been selected by the department/school in this manner.

The University’s contract with the bookstore operator grants them the exclusive right to sell texts, supplies, tools, and materials to FDU students. The University may not compete with them. Nor may the University cooperate with another outside vendor. No department/school or faculty member should sell texts, supplies, tools or materials directly to students. In the case of individual faculty members, there would be a conflict of interest where a faculty member receives cash directly from a student.

Faculty adopting a text or reading that they have authored or in which they have a financial interest should avoid any possible appearance of impropriety by having the adoption reviewed by a departmental committee for appropriateness. The adoption must then be sold through the bookstore (see Bookstore Policy).

Textbook Selection Procedures

Texts for multi-section courses are usually chosen by the full-time faculty members in the department/school. If a text has been assigned to a course, this book should be used. If you wish to supplement this text with some additional readings, please consult your department chairperson/school director.

If a text has not been chosen for a course, part-time faculty members are free to choose the appropriate texts subject to any applicable department/school guidelines. Consult with your department chairperson/school director.

Travel Funds

There is a college travel fund available primarily for faculty presenting papers at academic conferences. Part-time faculty may qualify for these funds if the funds have not been expended for full-time faculty. Guidelines are available in the offices of the academic deans. Requests for funds should be submitted to your department chair/school director for approval at least thirty days prior to the conference.

Tuition Grants

Full-time and part-time faculty, after 90 calendar days of continuous employment, are entitled to Employee Tuition Grants (ETGs) for academic services/credit courses for themselves, their spouses, and dependent children. For conditions and limitations on ETGs, faculty should contact the Human Resources office on their campus.

Application forms for Employee Tuition Grants are available from your campus Personnel Service Representative, to whom you must submit an application at least two weeks before the published registration deadline for the semester for which you are requesting the grant (grants are not retroactive). Approved ETG grants must be presented to the Office of Enrollment Services at the time of registration. Additional information on tuition benefits will be found on the reverse side of the application form.

University Calendar

The University Calendar can be found at the FDU website. Please familiarize yourself with the appropriate deadlines and holidays listed.

University Core

The four-course CORE sequence strongly emphasizes global learning and personal/professional development. Students typically complete it during the first and second years at FDU to provide a foundation for more advanced studies. The CORE sequence helps students explore their intellectual and creative strengths in order to draw on these while preparing for a fulfilling professional and personal life. It also assumes that when students need clarity to set goals or guidance to achieve them, the faculty and professional staff at FDU are collectively able to support students with knowledge pathways and intellectual skills early in their college careers. The CORE courses express the University’s global learning mission: to prepare students for responsible citizenship in the global community and for professional success in the global economy.

In addition to promoting general academic and professional skills such as critical thinking and information literacy, the small class size and seminar style setting of the University Core courses facilitate identity exploration and development, which are fundamental to being a college student. They foster growth from an identity as a college student to an identity as a professional as well as cultural identity and identity as a global citizen.

The University Core program is designed to achieve three aims: (1) to foster international and intercultural perspectives that offer students critical ways of looking at the world as well as at their own countries and communities; (2) to promote understanding of individual, societal, and global perspectives; and (3) to inculcate an appreciation for the interrelationships among bodies of knowledge generated in individual disciplines.

This sequence of core courses is required of all students entering the university in Fall 2015 or thereafter:

UNIV 1001 Transitioning to University Life UNIV 1002 Preparing for Professional Life UNIV 2001 Cross-Cultural Perspectives UNIV 2002 Global Issues

Each campus has a Core director who administers the program for that campus. All faculty are encouraged to teach in the Core program. (Policies on University Core are in an Appendix to this manual.)


The University’s website address is https://fdu.edu. Posting of official web pages must be approved by the college dean and the University Webmaster. Faculty and students with accounts on the Alpha system may maintain personal web pages without prior approval subject to the conditions of the Acceptable Use Policy. (See Computing Services) Faculty and staff are encouraged to have Faculty/Staff Profile Pages. These pages of biographical and contact information may be maintained by the individual, by the respective office or department, or both. An individual’s Profile Page appears as a [profile] link in the FDU Online Directory. See http://www.fdu.edu/newspubs/sresource.html for more information. Content of these pages is also subject to conditions of the Acceptable Use Policy. When using off-campus resources including “blogs”, photo galleries, website creation facilities, mailing lists, and discussion boards, faculty members should be aware of their obligation not to create pages that give the appearance of “speaking with the voice of the University.”

Some of the traits that might create this impression are use of the University logo or graphics similar to it, use of photographs of campus buildings or events, and text and headings that imply that the page is an official page of a particular school, department, major, or program.


Students are allowed to withdraw from a class without academic penalty through the ninth week of the course (during regular semesters). Forms for withdrawing from courses are available at the campus Office of Enrollment Services and require the student’s signature to be processed. A student’s failure to officially withdraw from a course will result in a grade of “F” being given for the course. Nonattendance does not constitute an official withdrawal. If a student withdraws within the official nine week period, he or she will receive a grade of “W.” Faculty will be

notified by the Office of Enrollment Services of all official withdrawals, and the Final Grade Roster will have the withdrawal as a final grade for the course.

Withdrawal after the ninth week is not allowed except for documented exceptional circumstances—such as verifiable medical reasons. In such cases, approval for withdrawal must be obtained from the instructor, department chair/school director, and the dean of the college.

Students should be reminded of this withdrawal policy at the first class meeting. Please bring to their attention that it is not possible to withdraw from class because of academic failure after the ninth week of the course. This policy should be contained in your course syllabus also.

Writing Assignments

To enhance students’ academic skills, the University encourages frequent writing assignments in all courses, where appropriate. These need not always be formal papers but can be simply a one paragraph summary of readings done at the beginning of class, or unannounced quizzes, or summaries of discussion done at the end of the class.

Formal writing assignments should be made as explicitly as possible (in writing preferably), with clear guidelines as to format, bibliographical style to be followed, and grading standards. Formal papers should be corrected in a timely fashion and returned to students. Revision of written work is encouraged.

Students who seem to have difficulty with written expression should be referred to the Academic Resource Center (Metro Campus) or the Academic Support Center (Florham Campus).

Appendix A: Academic Integrity Policy

Responsible Office: Office of the University Provost Responsible Official: University Provost

Last Revision: January 28, 2015

Students enrolled at Fairleigh Dickinson University are expected to maintain the highest standards of academic honesty. Students have the responsibility to make known the existence of academic dishonesty to their course instructor, and then, if necessary, to their school director or department chair, as well as to the academic dean of their college. Course instructors have the added responsibility to state in advance, in their syllabi, any special policies and procedures concerning examinations and other academic exercises specific to their courses. Students should request this information if it is not provided by their course instructor.

The full policy is available here: http://www.fdu.edu/academicintegrity

Appendix B: Grade Appeal Procedure

Responsible Office: Office of the University Provost Responsible Official: University Provost

Last Revision: 2014

While it is recognized that faculty hold the right and responsibility to grant a grade, a student who receives a grade that he or she believes to be unwarranted may appeal that grade by engaging in the following process.

The full policy is available here: http://www.fdu.edu/studentlife/2014/academic-regulations.pdf

Appendix C: University Core Advisement Policy

Responsible Office: Office of the University Provost

Responsible Official: Vice Provost for International and Academic Affairs Last Revision: 2015

The four-course CORE sequence strongly emphasizes global learning and personal/professional development. Students typically complete it during the first and second years at FDU to provide a foundation for more advanced studies. The CORE sequence helps students explore their intellectual and creative strengths in order to draw on these while preparing for a fulfilling professional and personal life. It also assumes that when students need clarity to set goals or guidance to achieve them, the faculty and professional staff at FDU are collectively able to support students with knowledge pathways and intellectual skills early in their college careers.

The full policy is available here: university core curriculum/

Appendix D: Faculty Credit Policy

Responsible Office: University Provost’s Office Responsible Official: University Provost

Last Revision: 2016 Overload – Faculty Overload

  1. No faculty member shall carry a semester credit/contact load greater than sixteen (16) hours or one (1) overload section. Exceptions to this limit require the prior approval of the Dean.

  2. Overload may be paid at the prevailing overload credit rate or carried into the next regular semester (banked) at which time it must be counted as part of the regular load. This statement accomplishes two things: (1) Overload will not accumulate from semester to semester because the previous semester’s overload will be counted as part of the next semester’s regular load. Should the faculty member again teach an overload in that following semester, the overload will be a “new” overload for that particular semester. However, the amount of overload is governed by provision #1; (2) Overload credits should never equal more than four (4) credits or one (1) section.

Underload – Faculty Underload

  1. Underload credits during a fall or spring semester must be balanced before the end of the next Fall or Spring semester, respectively. For example, if you are carrying an underload in Fall 2007, you must balance out the underload with an overload in Spring 2008, Summer Sessions I or II of 2008 or in Fall 2008. A similar example would hold if your initial underload occurred in Spring 2008, in which case you would have to balance it out before the end of Spring 2009.

  2. Failure to balance the underload may result in a prorated salary during that next corresponding semester. Using the example immediately above, if your underload from Fall 2007 was not balanced out in 2008 Spring or Summer Sessions and was still not balanced in Fall 2008, then your salary for Fall 2008 would be prorated.

  3. Underload can be balanced during a Summer Session or a Winter Intersession. This statement gives every faculty member with an underload in any regular semester, the maximum flexibility and opportunity to balance the underload before any proration occurs.

  4. If a course is available in another college or on a campus other than the faculty member’s “home” campus and is in the faculty member’s discipline or in other areas in which he or she has taught the faculty member is expected to teach that course in the semester needed.

Mileage Reimbursement

  1. Please see Section E in the Finance Department Policies

  2. In order to be reimbursed, faculty will need to declare a home campus (which must approved by their Dean).

Appendix E: Policy on Discrimination, Harassment and Related Misconduct

Responsible Office: Office of Human Resources Responsible Official: Title IX Coordinator Effective Date: July 1, 2015

Last Revision: December 18, 2013

This Fairleigh Dickinson University (the “University”) Policy On Prohibited Discrimination, Harassment And Related Misconduct prohibits all forms of Discrimination and Harassment based on Protected Status. It also expressly prohibits related conduct, including Sexual and Gender-Based Harassment, Sexual Assault, Sexual Exploitation, Stalking and Interpersonal Violence, which need not be based on the individual’s Protected Status. In addition, this Policy prohibits Complicity for knowingly assisting in an act that violates this Policy and Retaliation against an individual because of their good faith participation in the reporting, investigation, or adjudication of violations of this Policy. University students and employees who violate this Policy will be met with appropriate disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal, expulsion or termination from the University. Third parties who violate this Policy may have their relationship with the University terminated and their access to campus restricted.

The complete policy can be found here: http://fdu.edu/hr/nondescriminationandantiharassmentpolicy.pdf

Appendix F: No Smoking Policy

Responsible Office: Office of Human Resources

Responsible Official: Associate Vice President, Human Resources Last Revision: January 1, 2003

The University has adopted a policy controlling smoking, as required by New Jersey law. The University is committed to providing a smoke-free environment to protect the health and comfort of members of the University community from the adverse effects of tobacco smoke.

The complete policy can be found here: http://hr.fdu.edu/policies/nosmoking.html

Appendix G: Research Misconduct Policy

Responsible Office: Grants and Sponsored Projects Responsible Official: Director, Grants and Sponsored Projects Last Revision: March 4, 2009

This University-wide policy is based on the Federal Policy on Research Misconduct and applies in that capacity to faculty, executives, professional administrators, staff, students, trainees, fellows, interns and any and all individuals who are affiliated with and may be involved in research at Fairleigh Dickinson University, and all research conducted by such individuals, whether or not conducted on site or federally funded, and protocols for such research, including those undertaken in fulfillment of a course requirement.

The full policy is available here.