Playwriting Minor

The 15-credit playwriting minor offers students a hands-on introduction to playwriting within its theatrical context. This minor is available to all those who are not already theater arts majors. It is offered by the School of the Arts, Maxwell Becton College of Arts and Sciences, at the Florham Campus, Madison, New Jersey. Minors are also encouraged to work on departmental productions in either of FDU’s two theaters.
Required Courses (9 credits)
- THEA1110 Introduction to Acting
- THEAH2255 or CREWH2255 Playwriting and Dramatic Structure
- THEAH1201 Development of the Theater I: Ancient to Elizabethan OR
THEAH1202 Development of the Theater II: Restoration to Today
Choose 6 credits from the following:
- THEA2005 Directing I (3)
- FILM2250 Screenwriting I (3)
- THEAH3337 Night at the Theater (3)
- THEAH1201 Development of the Theater I: Ancient to Elizabethan
- THEAH1202 Development of the Theater II: Restoration to Today
- LITS 3388 FDU at the RSC: Shakespeare’s Blueprint, from Page to Stage* (3)
- THEA 3361 Stage Production and Crew I (1)
- THEA 3362 Stage Production and Crew II (1)
- THEA 3363 Stage Production and Crew III (1)
*FDU at the RSC courses are provided through a partnership with the Royal Shakespeare Company and Stepping Stone Performing Arts on FDU’s Wroxton campus in England. See for further details.
For Information
Stacie Lents, Director of Theater Arts Program Professor of Theater
School of the Arts, Maxwell Becton College of Arts and Sciences