Sample Constitution

All student clubs must submit a constitution to Student Government Association and the Office of Student Life in order to recognized.

Article I            NAME

State what the club will be called.

Article II           PURPOSE

State what the club will do to fulfill the needs of the membership. The more general the statement the better. Example: The purpose of this club or organization is to broaden the horizons of the intellec­tual reasoning through readings and discus­sions.

Article III         MEMBERSHIP

Membership in a student club must comply with Title IX of the U.S. Higher Edu­cation Amendments of 1972. There shall be no restriction on membership based on race, relig­ion, nationality, gender, physical ability, sexual orientation or prefer­ence, or political con­viction. Members must be Fairleigh Dickinson University students.

Article IV         OFFICERS

State what positions will comprise an executive board and what some of the re­sponsi­bili­ties for each are. Officers must maintain a 2.5 semester GPA and over­all GPA dur­ing their term. Offi­cers of student clubs must be full-time registered Fairleigh Dickinson Uni­versity students in good academic, financial, and dis­cipli­nary standing.

Article V          ELECTIONS

Indicate what time of the year elections will be held, and who is eligible. Indicate what will hap­pen if there is a tie and indicate the process for removal from office.

Article VI         MEETINGS

State when this club will have its regularly scheduled meetings, what constitutes a quo­rum, and un­der what circumstances a special meeting may be called.

Article VII        FINANCES

State if funding will be sought directly from Student Government. Fundraisers should be men­tioned here.

Article VIII       RECALL

State whether a member can be expelled for not attending meetings and/or events.

Article IX         AMENDMENTS

Any other information should be included in the form of amendments.

Article X           RATIFICATION

State the manner in which the constitution can be changed, quorum vote.

By-laws are usually listed here; however, they are not essential to all constitutions. These by-laws can be is­sues related to forming committees, creating honorary member status, a commitment to pro­gramming certain events each year, and so on.