Bradley Philbert

Bradley Philbert

Adjunct Instructor, Writing Program
Department of Literature, Languages, Writing, and Humanities

Contact Information


  • Rhetoric and Inquiry
  • Research and Argument
  • Food Writing: Digesting Cooking, Class, and Culture Honors Composition


  • Public humanities and critical theory
  • Contemporary Transamerica, radical, and social justice literature
  • Media ecology
  • Cultural rhetoric


  • BA, MA, Fairleigh Dickinson University

Academic Profile

Bradley Philbert teaches interdisciplinary humanities and social science courses at the intersections of media, culture, and rhetoric at FDU, Rowan University, Penn State Brandywine, and the University of the Arts in Philadelphia. He is on the editorial board of NCTE’s Teaching English in the Two-Year College representing the Northeast, and his writing has appeared in dozens of publications and anthologies, including McSweeney’s and The Bedford Reader.

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