Medical Insurance

All international students on F-1 and J-1 status will be automatically provided and billed for medical insurance through United Health Care for the coverage period of August 15 to August 14 of the next year (for students beginning in the fall) or January 1 to August 14 (for students beginning in the spring). The medical insurance premium will be charged to the student’s account after course registration and the student can access the United Health Care website (see below) within 48 hours after registration.

FDU Medical Insurance Policy

  • International students on FDU F-1 and J-1 student visa records are required to enroll in the FDU United Health Care medical insurance plan.
  • F-1 or J-1 students who are sponsored by a government agency and are provided medical insurance through that agency may be eligible for a waiver as long as their medical insurance meets the waiver criteria.
  • International students who are in other visa categories and have qualifying medical insurance coverage through a government agency or have medical insurance through a US-based employer may also apply for a waiver.


An admitted FDU student may enroll in the University’s United Health Care plan and create a personal account.

Annual enrollment is required to ensure continuous coverage.  Students must enroll in each academic year by logging into their account through University Healthplans.

The enrollment process requires the FDU student ID number.  The following items must be completed in order to enroll in the medical insurance policy:

  • Check the box for:  A – Annual
  • Check the box for: “I elect to purchase insurance coverage under this student insurance plan.”
  • Type in full name under Payer Signature

Fees for medical insurance will be billed to the student’s account.  For current tuition and fees, please see

After enrolling and creating an account, FDU students will have access to the United Health Care website to make appointments with participating doctors, submit claims for medical bills, review prescription plans and search for participating pharmacies, print a temporary insurance card, order a permanent insurance card, and much more.

***Please note:  The United Health Care plan does not cover dependents. Should you require coverage for your dependents, you will need to seek private insurance coverage outside the FDU United Health Care plan.***

Students Graduating in December or January

Students who are completing their program in the Fall semester will be charged a full year of medical insurance and may either keep the insurance until August 14 of the next year or submit a request for reimbursement for a half year of insurance by emailing your campus Office of Enrollment Services at
Metropolitan Campus:
Florham Campus:
(Please be aware that students who transfer out or withdraw from the university after the Fall semester will not be reimbursed).

Due date to request reimbursement is February 28 – no requests will be considered after this date for a half-year reimbursement.

Visiting Fall or Spring semester Students

Students who are coming from FDU Partnership programs for only the Fall or Spring semesters will be charged for the half-year.  Please contact the Office of Enrollment Services to inquire about the cost for the single semester:  If you are approved to stay for an additional semester you will need to have the insurance for the second semester added to your coverage and make payment accordingly.



Fairleigh Dickinson University requires all international students on F-1 and J-1 visa status, regardless of credit hours (including English as a Second Language, American Studies Program, and visiting faculty/scholars) to have adequate health insurance. If you are not on F-1 or J-1 visa status, and if you wish to waive enrollment in the Student Health Program for yourself, we require that the alternative health coverage meet the following minimum criteria. Foreign insurance, non-New Jersey HMOs, and travel insurance plans are not acceptable as alternative coverage as they do not meet the minimum requirements. Only students who are not on F-1 or J-1 visa status with comprehensive US-based employer insurance or students sponsored by government programs that provide alternative medical insurance coverage are eligible to apply for a waiver.  See Medical Insurance Policy at top of this page.

The deadline to receive the waiver is September 30 for students starting in the Fall semester and February 28 for students starting in the Spring semester.