FIS Learning Support Services

Freshman Intensive Studies (FIS) offers comprehensive advising and academic support services to its students. FIS students enjoy a personalized academic advising experience, one-on-one learning assistance and academic coaching, and small group workshops centered on academic skills and specific course support.

Students are encouraged to maintain regular contact with the FIS staff in order to maximize opportunities for assistance.

Academic Workshops

The academic workshops are devised by the learning specialist to help students develop specific strategies to become effective readers, writers, and life-long learners. These sessions are geared toward motivating students to become more proactive in their learning process and toward giving them the academic tools needed to meet the expectations and demands of college.

Some of the topics covered during the sessions include:

  • Classroom etiquette
  • Time management
  • Note-taking skills
  • Reading strategies
  • Writing skills
  • Test-taking skills: strategies on how to tackle different types of exams (essay exams, multiple choice, true-false, fill-in-the blank), mnemonic strategies, and reducing test-taking anxiety
  • Research skills

In addition, course-specific workshops are offered to assist students with specific assignments in their classes.

Study Groups

With the help of the learning specialist, students are given the chance to study with their peers during content-specific study groups. Study groups give students a chance to relearn the material in a context outside of the classroom and to receive further reinforcement and clarification on concepts. Specific study groups that have been organized include:

  • Psychology
  • Sociology
  • American Government and Politics

Learning Assistance

Students in the FIS program have the opportunity to meet with the learning specialist and devise an individual plan specially tailored for their learning needs. With the guidance of the learning specialist, students analyze their reading, writing, and study habits and develop strategies for effective learning.

Reading and Writing Assistance

During guided sessions with the learning specialist, students are able to focus on their own reading and writing goals and learn how to meet the demands of critical reading and writing. The learning specialist works individually with students, teaching them effective reading strategies they can practice across the curriculum. In addition, guidance in writing tailored to the needs of students is also provided.