English Placement Test (EPT) & Math Placement Test (MPT)

English Placement Test (EPT)

Why Do Students Need To Take The EPT?

  • Some students are very proficient in oral communication skills but cannot yet write at an academic level.
  • Some students score well on standardized tests, such as IELTS or TOEFL, but they cannot write an academic essay to the level required by their FDU professors. Therefore, without academic writing support, they may receive poor or failing grades.
  • Poor or failing grades in one or more courses will negatively affect a student’s GPA and scholarship and may affect the ability to graduate.
  • Failing a course will mean increased time and expenditures on course work, and it will also lead to increased stress and anxiety.

What Is The EPT?

  • The test provides a prompt: a short paragraph that describes a specific controversial statement.
  • You will write an argumentative essay that takes a position on the topic given in the prompt.
  • You will give a series of arguments that support your position on the issue.
  • The supportive details can be common knowledge or knowledge gained from your experiences in academic, professional or personal life.

How Is The EPT Conducted?

  • The EPT is conducted online via Zoom.
  • The EPT uses Microsoft’s online platform Office 365 (Word).
  • The EPT is 70 minutes long.

The EPT Example

Below is an example of how the various parts of an essay can be structured to complete the assigned task. Your goal is to demonstrate that you understand the topic and can develop an appropriate framework for responding to the prompt.

How Should You Structure Your Written Response?

Create an outline of the essay before you write. Consider the topic and the outline when you write the introduction. Review the introduction and your topic sentences to prepare the conclusion.

Introduction (1 paragraph)

  • This paragraph introduces the topic, providing context or background of the controversy.
  • Do not use broad generalizations about the topic but create a focus that leads the reader to the thesis.
  • The thesis provides a clear statement of your position on this issue.
  • The thesis should control the content (information, evidence, and examples) that is given as support in the body paragraphs.

Body (3 – 5 paragraphs)

  • Organize the points you will make in an order that makes sense and creates a strong argument.
  • In one paragraph, include one idea from the opposing viewpoint. Then argue against that view, providing evidence to show why your position is the correct one.
  • Express your judgment, not your opinion. Judgment is based on evidence; therefore, use the available evidence to establish a valid conclusion.
  • Use a variety of evidence types: information and anecdotal evidence as well as personal experiences and observations.
  • Create clear and meaningful connections throughout your paragraphs.
  • Relate each paragraph explicitly to your position expressed in the thesis. If something does not relate, remove it.

Conclusion (1 paragraph)

  • Remind the reader of the issue and its relevance.
  • Summarize the argument(s) made, without being repetitive, and reinforce your position.

How Is Your EPT Essay Evaluated?

This test measures your ability to write effectively, which is a skill critical to your academic success. Your writing is evaluated on its contentorganization, and language, as explained below.

CONTENT: The extent to which the essay demonstrates understanding and writing skill in

  • Content selection
    • completes the task (persuasive essay)
    • provides reasonable, well-chosen argument and relevant main ideas that control the details
    • expresses your own ideas
  • Content development
    • makes the controlling argument and main ideas clear
    • uses relevant, insightful, and balanced supporting evidence to develop the ideas
    • does not use famous quotes or fabricated data as ‘proof’

ORGANIZATION: The extent to which your writing is

  • Readable (having clear structure that gives direction to the reader)
    • the introduction effectively presents the controlling idea, which orients the reader to the purpose, the topic and the position
    • body paragraphs maintain and support the position by using topic sentences that control the evidence provided
    • the concluding paragraph reinforces the stated position and provides closure
  • Coherent (providing unity and fluency) 
    • the main points are given explicitly and are supported by details that clarify, explain, and reassert
    • sentences are carefully constructed to be clear and to follow one another in a logical or reasonable order to create a flow of ideas
    • paragraphs are logically and meaningfully connected to create unity of thought

LANGUAGE: The extent to which your written English is

  • Appropriate
    • suitable for academic writing, not conversational
    • reflective of the task
    • distanced from the audience
  • Meaningful
    • concise – e.g., avoiding wordiness and repetition
    • clear – e.g., using suitable word choices
  • Accurate  
    • sentence forms – e.g., complete sentences; balance of types (simple/complex; varied lengths and structures)
    • grammar and mechanics – e.g., proper use of verb/word forms, subject-verb agreement, articles; commas and periods

What Score Do You Need?

You must score a minimum of 15 out of 18 points to pursue a full range of courses at the FDU – Vancouver campus.

What If You Don’t Achieve The Minimum Score?

  • If you score between 11 and 14 points, you will be required to take academic writing courses in either the Pre-University Program or the Pre-Master’s Program.
  • Successful completion of these academic writing courses means you are eligible to take a regular course load in the next trimester
  • If you score below 11 points, you will be required to take a Pathway Program with a Pathway Partner Institution off-campus. Once you have successfully completed the pathway program, you will then enter either the Pre-University Program or the Pre-Master’s Program in the following trimester.

When Will I Receive My Result?

  • Results are sent on Mondays and Wednesdays.
  • Results are not sent during weekends, statutory holidays, and campus closure days. 
  • A delay in receiving your result may occur:
    • when the volume is high during busy times (e.g. orientation, mid-terms, finals etc.)
    • when the result is indecisive and needs 
  • Results will be graded within 5 – 7 business days. The grading phase starts the day after your initial test date (delays are subject to bullet point 2). Results are sent no later than 1 business day after the completion of the grading phase.

How Long Is My EPT Result Valid?

Your test result is valid for 2 years from the date of the test if you scored between 11 – 14. If you scored 15+ your test score will not expire.

Can I Re-Take My EPT?

You can take the EPT twice after the original test. The test can only be taken after 2 months of the latest test date.

Can I Be Exempted From Taking The EPT?

For EPT exemption conditions, please click here.

Math Placement Test (MPT)

Why Do Students Need To Take The MPT?

  • Student placement in math courses is determined by completing the Accuplacer assessments.
  • Only undergraduate students are required to take the MPT.

What Is The MPT?

  • Student Accuplacer math assessments: Next-Generation Quantitative Reasoning, Algebra, and Statistics (QAS).
  • The assessment is has 20 multiple-choice questions and 2 samples questions.
  • The MPT is 50 minutes long.
  • The assessments are adaptive, which means that the computer automatically determines the next questions based on responses to prior questions. Therefore, once an answer has been selected and confirmed, the question is complete and cannot be revisited.

MPT Example

Below is an example of how the various parts of the math multiple choice questions that are provided to complete the assigned task. Your goal is to demonstrate that you understand topics such as Quantitative Reasoning, Algebra, and Statistics and can develop an appropriate framework for responding to the prompt.

EPT & MPT Academic Regulations

I acknowledge that any misrepresentation or falsification of documentation or information will result in the cancellation of admission or registration, or dismissal from the University. Misrepresentation includes any infringements of the Academic Integrity Policy, such as incidents of plagiarism on the Statement of Purpose, on the English Placement Test and Math Placement Test.

Questions About The EPT & MPT? 

  • Please contact vancouvertesting@fdu.edu if you have any questions or would like to receive the booking instructions for an English Placement Test [EPT] and/or Math Placement Test [MPT]. If you have paid and taken the EPT and/or MPT the test fee is not refundable.
  • You are allowed to request a refund on your EPT/MPT booking if you cancel it 24 hours prior to your scheduled test date and set time. Cancellation requests made within 24 hours of the test date and time are not eligible for a refund.