Sands of Time

An experiential learning experience that builds character, awakens awareness, and strengthens leadership skills.

“Sands of Time” is the Office of Student Life’s flagship out of the classroom leadership and character building experience. It is for FDU students who want to see, do, experience, and learn more during and after their academic programs.

Through a series of innovative, creative, and engaging events (that are all free), participants will be exposed to famous thoughts, new ideas, and windows of opportunity to grow.

We will use those thoughts and experiences to build on leadership skills throughout your time at FDU and beyond through mentoring, workshops, and peer groups.

What you can expect from “Sands of Time”

  • Visits to museums, libraries, and historic societies
  • Great speakers such as Alums, UN diplomats, and War Veterans
  • Visits to Operas, concerts, plays, and other cultural events
  • Weekend trips to historical and burgeoning areas like Boston, Washington D.C., and Philadelphia
  • Insider access to Special Exhibitions and introductions to inspiring people
  • Peer mentoring, workshops, and leadership training seminars by trained career coaches and professional faculty

We keep logs and journals, we save our thoughts, we note our new discoveries, we answer questions together and question answers together
as we begin to leave our footprints…

“Sands of Time” is not mandatory … BUT…if you join you’ll be expected to participate with enthusiasm, with energy and with commitment… because your fellow students will be doing the same.

How YOU Can Get Involved!

There is no time commitment, dues, payment, or meetings you need to attend to get involved. All you need to do is email Eli Amdur, creator of the program to be placed on the contact list. You will receive weekly “Sands of Time” thoughts and notifications for future events. All events will be available for sign up via email.

Just email Eli Amdur

It’s that easy! Event tickets and reservations are made on a first come first serve basis through email.