ISHSTM Introduction

A Powerful Education: A program for you to earn the credentials you will need to begin or advance in your career in the world’s fastest-growing industry.

The Vancouver area is one of Canada’s most popular tourism destinations and as a result a location rich with career opportunities for people seeking employment in the hospitality and tourism industry. At FDU Vancouver, you can earn the educational credentials needed for a rewarding career in the hospitality industry through this specialized program offered by the university’s International School of Hospitality, Sports, and Tourism Management.

Program Highlights

Students completing the requirements for the Bachelor of Arts in Individualized Studies degree will be required to demonstrate proficiency in a number of subject areas and related skills. They include the following:

  • The use of basic intellectual and critical thinking skills, specifically to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing; to use mathematical reasoning; and to comprehend the nature, techniques and limits of the humanities, natural or physical sciences and the social and behavioral sciences.
  • The ability to learn and apply learning to the graduate’s career and life experience, requiring the capability to define problems; to use information resources such as libraries, online research tools and computers; and to analyze, synthesize and integrate knowledge, perspectives and techniques.
  • The ability to be customer focused, analytical and independent.
  • An understanding of the historic and global context of events and achievements over time as treated in subjects such as history, the arts and the humanities.
  • Mastery of a considerable body of knowledge in one subject area or a group of related subjects.

Fairleigh Dickinson University’s B.A. in Individualized Studies (BAIS) program offers a variety of ways to meet university requirements for an undergraduate degree grounded in the liberal arts. In addition to completing a traditional four year program, the BAIS with Specialization in Hospitality and Tourism Management program is also ideal for the student who brings a variety of traditional course work completed over a period of years at a number of institutions and a history of work and life experiences that can be equated with credit-bearing courses.

Fairleigh Dickinson University’s B.A. in Individualized Studies degree requires a completion of 120 credits. Through Pathway programs with partner colleges and transfer credit options, our program allows you to earn your bachelor’s degree faster than you ever thought possible by offering:

  • Small classes taught by academic and industry professionals
  • Field trips and International study abroad experiences for students that are interested
  • Generous transfer credit policies for  previously earned college credits graduates
  • Practical work experience opportunities
  • Pathway opportunities into FDU Vancouver’s Master of Hospitality Management Studies degree

Graduation Requirements

The Bachelor of Arts in Individualized Studies degree is a baccalaureate degree program structured to meet the educational needs of learners. It includes a broad general education requirement which provides a foundation in learning, communication, and the development of critical thinking skills. In addition, students complete a required course specialization component to develop the learner’s knowledge base in the area of hospitality tourism industry management; and students are able to broaden their understanding in both hospitality and tourism industry and other areas through a selection of free elective options.

The minimum requirements for the baccalaureate degree are as follows:

  • completion of a minimum of 120 credits
  • cumulative grade point ratio of 2.00
  • cumulative grade point ratio of 2.00 in the upper-level courses completed at FDU
  • upper-level credit courses: of the courses completed at FDU 24 credits (eight courses) must be upper-level
  • a grade of C or better in all seven HRTM Specialization courses
  • at least 30 credits, normally the last 30, must be completed at FDU
  • residency requirement/time limit on degree completion as explained below

A transfer student may transfer credit achieved through either formal course work or through proficiency examination to the extent that the credits transferred do not circumvent existing university policy requiring a minimum of 30 credits in residence, including at least 50 percent of the credits required for upper-level course selections to be taken at Fairleigh Dickinson University.

Any course work completed more than ten years before the projected date of awarding the degree (including work for which credit is transferred from another college) shall be evaluated for its currency by the appropriate department. Where it is deemed appropriate, the department will recommend courses to familiarize the student with more recent developments.


The Bachelor of Arts in Individualized Studies degree is a 120-credit baccalaureate degree program.

General Education Requirements

  1. Written and Oral Communication: 9 Credits
  2. Information and Technological Literacy: 3 Credits
  3. Ethical Reasoning: 3 credits
  4. Global and Cultural Understanding: 6 credits
  5. Scientific and Quantitative Analysis: 11 credits
  6. Social and Behavioral Scientific Analysis: 6 credits
  7. Inquiry in the Arts and Humanities: 12 credits
  8. First Year Seminar courses: 2 credits

Major Requirements

  1. International Perspective & Advanced Writing Requirement: 6 Credits
  2. Hospitality and Tourism Specialized Studies Requirements: 21 Credits
  3. Electives: 41 Credits
  • Hospitality/Tourism Electives: at least 22 Credits
  • Business Electives remainder: 0 – 21 Credits

I. General Education Requirements (52 credits)

1. Written and Oral Communication (9 credits)

FDU graduates will demonstrate the ability to:

  • Research and write documents that evaluate information and opinion in a logical and analytical manner using appropriate style, grammar, and mechanics.
  • Prepare and deliver effective oral presentations using relevant technology and rhetorical style.
Written Communication (6 credits)

This requirement consists of six credits in College Writing (WRIT1002 and WRIT1003). Based on placement exam scores, some students may be required to complete developmental course(s) WRIT 1000 and/or WRIT 1001 (credits earned are placed in the free elective area) to achieve prerequisite skills before enrolling in WRIT 1002. 

Oral/Professional Communication (3 credits)

Select SPCH 1155, COMM 2099, or other approved course. Please consult with your academic advisor when selecting a course to fulfill this requirement.

2. Information and Technological Literacy (3 credits)

FDU graduates will demonstrate the ability to:

  • Identify and parse information sources in a variety of physical, print, digital, and online formats.
  • Use this collected information to conduct research and analyze data for professional purposes.
  • Please consult with your academic advisor when selecting a course to fulfill this requirement.

3. Ethical Reasoning (3 credits)

FDU graduates will demonstrate the ability to:

  • Identify ethical issues in case-based scenarios.
  • Analyze and interpret the processes by which various claims are made and reliable conclusions may be reached.
    Please consult with your academic advisor when selecting a course to fulfill this requirement.

4. Global and Cultural Understanding (6 credits)

FDU graduates will demonstrate the ability to:

  • Analyze global issues from multiple viewpoints with an understanding of why and how these issues matter and interconnect.
  • Recognize, appreciate, and mediate cultural differences.
Cross Cultural Understanding (3 credits)

Select UNIV 2001

Global Understanding (3 credits)

Select UNIV 2002

5. Scientific and Quantitative Analysis (11 credits)

FDU graduates will demonstrate the ability to:

  • Use the scientific method of inquiry to explain the nature of the scientific enterprise specific to one natural sciences discipline.
  • Apply mathematical methods to analyze and interpret quantitative information in solving problems and making decisions within their professions.
Lab Science (8 credits)

Choose one four credit course with a mandatory lab component from the following disciplines Biology (BIOL), Chemistry (CHEM), Environmental Science (ENVR), Marine Biology (MBIO), or Physics (PHYS).

College Math (3 credits)

Take 3 credits from among the following course options: MATH 1101, MATH 1105, MATH 1107, MATH 1126, MATH 1128, MATH 1201, or MATH 1203. The course selected will depend on home campus, Accuplacer test scores, and program of study. Those with placement scores below the standards for these courses must complete courses to improve prerequisite skills. These include MATH 1000 and/or MATH 1100 (credits placed in the free elective area).

6. Social and Behavioral Scientific Analysis (6 credits)

FDU graduates will demonstrate ability to:

  • Comprehend and analyze human behavioral actions.
  • Comprehend and analyze social relationships within human society.
  • Interpret information with an awareness of how data is presented and identify potential bias.
Social Science (3 credits)

Take 3 credits from the following disciplines: Anthropology (ANTH), Communication Studies (COMM), Economics (ECON), Environmental Studies (ENVS), Geography (GEOG), Government and Politics (GOVT), Sociology (SOCI), or Sustainability (SUST).

Behavioral Science (3 credits)

Take 3 credits from the following disciplines: Criminal Justice (CRIM), Criminology (CMLGY), or Psychology (PSYC).

7. Inquiry in the Arts and Humanities (12 credits)

FDU graduates will demonstrate ability to:

Identify, describe, and appreciate aesthetic, linguistic, and/or literary materials produced by human thought and imagination.

Conduct critical inquiry, analysis, and interpretation of these materials.

Creative and Expressive Arts (6 credits)

Choose one course from the following disciplines: Animation (ANIM), Animation Humanities (ANIMH), Art (ART), Art History (ARTH), Graphic Design (CGD), Graphic Design Humanities (CGDH), Cinema Studies (CINE), Creative Writing (CREW), Dance (DAN), Dance Humanities (DANH), Filmmaking (FILM), Music (MUSIC), Music Humanities (MUSIH), Theater (THEA), or Theater Humanities (THEAH).

Humanities (6 credits)

Choose one course from the following disciplines: African American Studies (AFAM), English (ENGL) History (HIST), Humanities (HUMN), Literature (LITS), Philosophy (PHIL), or Religion (RELI).

First Year Seminar courses (2 credits)

  • UNIV 1001 Transitioning to University Life (1 credit)
  • UNIV 1002 Preparing for Professional Life (1 credit)

Transfer students entering the University with 30 or more credits will be exempted from taking Transitioning to University Life (UNIV 1001). Transfer students entering the University with 45 or more credits will be exempted from taking Preparing for Professional Life (UNIV 1002).

II. Major Requirements (27 credits)

International Perspective – 3 credits (1 course)

Increasingly, economic, political, and cultural interdependence define our global landscape. Being able to situate your values, belief and culture in this global context is essential. 

This requirement may be met through one of a variety of designated courses from anthropology, business, economics, literature, fine arts, history, music, philosophy, political science or sociology. The suggested course for students in the Hospitality & Tourism Management Specialization is HRTM 4280 – Domestic & International Tourism.

Advanced Writing – 3 credits (1 course)

In our interconnected world, mastery of advanced writing skills is essential for success in both professional and academic settings. This course focuses on enhancing your ability to craft clear, persuasive, and impactful written content.

This requirement must be met with a writing-intensive course at the 2000 level or above.

Specialized Studies Core Courses: 21 Credits

The Bachelor of Arts in Individualized Studies, in addition to providing certain skills and broad exposure to the major bodies of knowledge, also allows the opportunity to pursue a single area of study in-depth or any other combination of courses that fit into an individualized cohesive course of study, including appropriate certificate programs. The Hospitality and Tourism Management specialization requires the following 7 core courses.

  • HRTM 2210 – Sales & Marketing for Hospitality 3 Credits
  • HRTM 2211 – Accounting for Hospitality Managers 3 Credits
  • HRTM 3203 – Food and Beverage Management 3 Credits
  • HRTM 3208 – Financial Management/Hosp Industry 3 Credits
  • HRTM 3209 – Human Resource Management 3 Credits
  • HRTM 3207 – Lodging Management/Rev Management 3 Credits
  • HRTM 4204 – Property Management 3 Credits

Electives: 41 Credits

Students in the Hospitality and Tourism Management Specialization must take a minimum of 43 free elective credits. Students must take at least 22 free elective credits in HRTM. The remainder (up to 21 credits) may be from courses in any other area. Students are encouraged to complete three practical work experience terms HRTM 1100, HRTM 2100 and HRTM 3100, which are one credit each.

Elective options may include the following courses. Not all options are available every semester and the below list is not exhaustive:

  • ACCT 2021 – Accounting Principles  3 credits
  • ACCT 2022 – Intro to Managerial Accounting  3 credits
  • BUSI 2450 – Business Dynamics   3 credits
  • ECON 2001 – Intro to Microeconomics   3 credits
  • MGMT 1110 – Business in a Global Society  3 credits
  • MGMT 2261 – Human Motivation & Behavior 3 credits
  • MGMT 2600 – Organizational Behaviour 3 credits
  • MGMT 3371 – Concepts of International Mgmt 3 credits
  • MKTG 3371 – Principles of International Mktg 3 credits
  • MKTG 4365 – Marketing Communications 3 credits
  • HRTM 2230 – Intro to Study of Wine 3 credits
  • HRTM 2233 – Quantity Food Production 3 credits
  • HRTM 2250 – Casino Management 3 credits
  • HRTM 2260 – Events Management 3 credits
  • HRTM 3108 – Nutrition/Sanitation and Safety 3 credits
  • HRTM 4108 – Global Issues in Hospitality Management 3 credits

BAIS-HTM Completion Requirements

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